#!/usr/bin/env node

// Packages
import chalk from 'chalk'
import table from 'text-table'
import minimist from 'minimist'
import ms from 'ms'

// Ours
import strlen from '../lib/strlen'
import * as cfg from '../lib/cfg'
import {handleError, error} from '../lib/error'
import NowSecrets from '../lib/secrets'
import login from '../lib/login'

const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
  string: ['config', 'token'],
  boolean: ['help', 'debug', 'base64'],
  alias: {
    help: 'h',
    config: 'c',
    debug: 'd',
    base64: 'b',
    token: 't'

const subcommand = argv._[0]

// options
const help = () => {
  ${chalk.bold('𝚫 now secrets')} <ls | add | rename | rm> <secret>


    -h, --help              Output usage information
    -b, --base64            Treat value as base64-encoded
    -c ${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}  Config file
    -d, --debug             Debug mode [off]
    -t ${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')} Login token


  ${chalk.gray('–')} Lists all your secrets:

    ${chalk.cyan('$ now secrets ls')}

  ${chalk.gray('–')} Adds a new secret:

    ${chalk.cyan('$ now secrets add my-secret "my value"')}

    ${chalk.gray('–')} Once added, a secret's value can't be retrieved in plaintext anymore
    ${chalk.gray('–')} If the secret's value is more than one word, wrap it in quotes
    ${chalk.gray('–')} Actually, when in doubt, wrap your value in quotes

  ${chalk.gray('–')} Exposes a secret as an env variable:

    ${chalk.cyan(`$ now -e MY_SECRET=${chalk.bold('@my-secret')}`)}

    Notice the ${chalk.cyan.bold('`@`')} symbol which makes the value a secret reference.

  ${chalk.gray('–')} Renames a secret:

    ${chalk.cyan(`$ now secrets rename my-secret my-renamed-secret`)}

  ${chalk.gray('–')} Removes a secret:

    ${chalk.cyan(`$ now secrets rm my-secret`)}

// options
const debug = argv.debug
const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co'

if (argv.config) {

const exit = code => {
  // we give stdout some time to flush out
  // because there's a node bug where
  // stdout writes are asynchronous
  // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6456
  setTimeout(() => process.exit(code || 0), 100)

if (argv.help || !subcommand) {
} else {
  const config = cfg.read()

  Promise.resolve(argv.token || config.token || login(apiUrl))
  .then(async token => {
    try {
      await run(token)
    } catch (err) {
  .catch(e => {
    error(`Authentication error – ${e.message}`)

async function run(token) {
  const secrets = new NowSecrets(apiUrl, token, {debug})
  const args = argv._.slice(1)
  const start = Date.now()

  if (subcommand === 'ls' || subcommand === 'list') {
    if (args.length !== 0) {
      error(`Invalid number of arguments. Usage: ${chalk.cyan('`now secret ls`')}`)
      return exit(1)

    const list = await secrets.ls()
    const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)

    console.log(`> ${list.length} secret${list.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} found ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`)

    if (list.length > 0) {
      const cur = Date.now()
      const header = [['', 'id', 'name', 'created'].map(s => chalk.dim(s))]
      const out = table(header.concat(list.map(secret => {
        return [
          chalk.gray(ms(cur - new Date(secret.created)) + ' ago')
      })), {align: ['l', 'r', 'l', 'l'], hsep: ' '.repeat(2), stringLength: strlen})

      if (out) {
        console.log('\n' + out + '\n')
    return secrets.close()

  if (subcommand === 'rm' || subcommand === 'remove') {
    if (args.length !== 1) {
      error(`Invalid number of arguments. Usage: ${chalk.cyan('`now secret rm <id | name>`')}`)
      return exit(1)
    const list = await secrets.ls()
    const theSecret = list.filter(secret => {
      return secret.uid === args[0] || secret.name === args[0]

    if (theSecret) {
      const yes = await readConfirmation(theSecret)
      if (!yes) {
        error('User abort')
        return exit(0)
    } else {
      error(`No secret found by id or name "${args[0]}"`)
      return exit(1)

    const secret = await secrets.rm(args[0])
    const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)
    console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Success!')} Secret ${chalk.bold(secret.name)} ${chalk.gray(`(${secret.uid})`)} removed ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`)
    return secrets.close()

  if (subcommand === 'rename') {
    if (args.length !== 2) {
      error(`Invalid number of arguments. Usage: ${chalk.cyan('`now secret rename <old-name> <new-name>`')}`)
      return exit(1)
    const secret = await secrets.rename(args[0], args[1])
    const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)
    console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Success!')} Secret ${chalk.bold(secret.oldName)} ${chalk.gray(`(${secret.uid})`)} renamed to ${chalk.bold(args[1])} ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`)
    return secrets.close()

  if (subcommand === 'add' || subcommand === 'set') {
    if (args.length !== 2) {
      error(`Invalid number of arguments. Usage: ${chalk.cyan('`now secret add <name> <value>`')}`)

      if (args.length > 2) {
        const example = chalk.cyan(`$ now secret add ${args[0]}`)
        console.log(`> If your secret has spaces, make sure to wrap it in quotes. Example: \n  ${example} `)

      return exit(1)

    const [name, value_] = args
    let value

    if (argv.base64) {
      value = {base64: value_}
    } else {
      value = value_

    const secret = await secrets.add(name, value)
    const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)

    console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Success!')} Secret ${chalk.bold(name.toLowerCase())} ${chalk.gray(`(${secret.uid})`)} added ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`)
    return secrets.close()

  error('Please specify a valid subcommand: ls | add | rename | rm')

process.on('uncaughtException', err => {

function readConfirmation(secret) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    const time = chalk.gray(ms(new Date() - new Date(secret.created)) + ' ago')
    const tbl = table(
      [[secret.uid, chalk.bold(secret.name), time]],
      {align: ['l', 'r', 'l'], hsep: ' '.repeat(6)}

    process.stdout.write('> The following secret will be removed permanently\n')
    process.stdout.write('  ' + tbl + '\n')

    process.stdout.write(`${chalk.bold.red('> Are you sure?')} ${chalk.gray('[yN] ')}`)

    process.stdin.on('data', d => {
      resolve(d.toString().trim().toLowerCase() === 'y')