#!/usr/bin/env node // Native const { resolve } = require('path') // Packages const chalk = require('chalk') const minimist = require('minimist') // Ours const login = require('../lib/login') const cfg = require('../lib/cfg') const error = require('../lib/utils/output/error') const NowTeams = require('../lib/teams') const logo = require('../lib/utils/output/logo') const exit = require('../lib/utils/exit') const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['config', 'token'], boolean: ['help', 'debug'], alias: { help: 'h', config: 'c', debug: 'd', token: 't', switch: 'change' } }) const subcommand = argv._[0] const help = () => { console.log(` ${chalk.bold(`${logo} now teams`)} ${chalk.dim('Options:')} -h, --help Output usage information -c ${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.bold.underline( 'FILE' )} Config file -d, --debug Debug mode [off] -t ${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.bold.underline( 'TOKEN' )} Login token ${chalk.dim('Examples:')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Add a new team: ${chalk.cyan('$ now teams add')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Switch to a team: ${chalk.cyan(`$ now switch `)} ${chalk.gray( '–' )} If your team's url is 'zeit.co/teams/name', 'name' is the slug ${chalk.gray('–')} If the slug is omitted, you can choose interactively ${chalk.yellow( 'NOTE:' )} When you switch, everything you add, list or remove will be scoped that team! ${chalk.gray('–')} Invite new members (interactively): ${chalk.cyan(`$ now teams invite`)} ${chalk.gray('–')} Invite a specific email: ${chalk.cyan(`$ now teams invite geist@zeit.co`)} ${chalk.gray('–')} Remove a team: ${chalk.cyan(`$ now teams rm `)} ${chalk.gray('–')} If the id is omitted, you can choose interactively `) } // Options const debug = argv.debug const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co' if (argv.config) { cfg.setConfigFile(argv.config) } if (argv.help || !subcommand) { help() exit(0) } else { Promise.resolve().then(async () => { const config = await cfg.read({ token: argv.token }) let token try { token = config.token || (await login(apiUrl)) } catch (err) { error(`Authentication error – ${err.message}`) exit(1) } try { await run({ token, config }) } catch (err) { if (err.userError) { error(err.message) } else { error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`) } exit(1) } }) } async function run({ token, config: { currentTeam } }) { const teams = new NowTeams({ apiUrl, token, debug, currentTeam }) const args = argv._.slice(1) switch (subcommand) { case 'list': case 'ls': { await require(resolve(__dirname, 'teams', 'list.js'))({ teams, token }) break } case 'switch': case 'change': { await require(resolve(__dirname, 'teams', 'switch.js'))({ teams, args, token }) break } case 'add': case 'create': { await require(resolve(__dirname, 'teams', 'add.js'))({ teams, token }) break } case 'invite': { await require(resolve(__dirname, 'teams', 'invite.js'))({ teams, args, token }) break } default: { let code = 0 if (subcommand !== 'help') { error('Please specify a valid subcommand: ls | add | rm | set-default') code = 1 } help() exit(code) } } }