#!/usr/bin/env node // Packages const chalk = require('chalk'); const isURL = require('is-url'); const minimist = require('minimist'); const ms = require('ms'); const printf = require('printf'); require('epipebomb')(); const supportsColor = require('supports-color'); // Ours const cfg = require('../lib/cfg'); const { handleError, error } = require('../lib/error'); const NowScale = require('../lib/scale'); const login = require('../lib/login'); const exit = require('../lib/utils/exit'); const logo = require('../lib/utils/output/logo'); const info = require('../lib/scale-info'); const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['config', 'token'], boolean: ['help', 'debug'], alias: { help: 'h', config: 'c', debug: 'd', token: 't' } }); let id = argv._[0]; const scaleArg = argv._[1]; const optionalScaleArg = argv._[2]; // Options const help = () => { console.log( ` ${chalk.bold(`${logo} now scale`)} ls ${chalk.bold(`${logo} now scale`)} ${chalk.bold(`${logo} now scale`)} [max] ${chalk.dim('Options:')} -h, --help Output usage information -c ${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')} Config file -d, --debug Debug mode [off] ${chalk.dim('Examples:')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Create an deployment with 3 instances, never sleeps: ${chalk.cyan('$ now scale my-deployment-ntahoeato.now.sh 3')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Create an automatically scaling deployment: ${chalk.cyan('$ now scale my-deployment-ntahoeato.now.sh 1 5')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Create an automatically scaling deployment without specifying max: ${chalk.cyan('$ now scale my-deployment-ntahoeato.now.sh 1 auto')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Create an automatically scaling deployment without specifying min or max: ${chalk.cyan('$ now scale my-deployment-ntahoeato.now.sh auto')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Create an deployment that is always active and never "sleeps": ${chalk.cyan('$ now scale my-deployment-ntahoeato.now.sh 1')} ` ); }; // Options const debug = argv.debug; const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co'; if (argv.config) { cfg.setConfigFile(argv.config); } if (argv.help) { help(); exit(0); } else { Promise.resolve().then(async () => { const config = await cfg.read(); let token; try { token = argv.token || config.token || (await login(apiUrl)); } catch (err) { error(`Authentication error – ${err.message}`); exit(1); } try { await run({ token, config }); } catch (err) { if (err.userError) { error(err.message); } else { error(`Unknown error: ${err}\n${err.stack}`); } exit(1); } }); } function guessParams() { if (Number.isInteger(scaleArg) && !optionalScaleArg) { return { min: scaleArg, max: scaleArg }; } else if (Number.isInteger(scaleArg) && Number.isInteger(optionalScaleArg)) { return { min: scaleArg, max: optionalScaleArg }; } else if (Number.isInteger(scaleArg) && optionalScaleArg === 'auto') { return { min: scaleArg, max: 'auto' }; } else if (!scaleArg && !optionalScaleArg) { return { min: 1, max: 'auto' }; } help(); process.exit(1); } async function run({ token, config: { currentTeam } }) { const scale = new NowScale({ apiUrl, token, debug, currentTeam }); const start = Date.now(); if (id === 'ls') { await list(scale); process.exit(0); } else if (id === 'info') { await info(scale); process.exit(0); } else if (id) { // Normalize URL by removing slash from the end if (isURL(id) && id.slice(-1) === '/') { id = id.slice(0, -1); } } else { error('Please specify a deployment: now scale '); help(); exit(1); } const deployments = await scale.list(); const match = deployments.find(d => { // `url` should match the hostname of the deployment let u = id.replace(/^https:\/\//i, ''); if (u.indexOf('.') === -1) { // `.now.sh` domain is implied if just the subdomain is given u += '.now.sh'; } return d.uid === id || d.name === id || d.url === u; }); if (!match) { error(`Could not find any deployments matching ${id}`); return process.exit(1); } const { min, max } = guessParams(); if ( !(Number.isInteger(min) || min === 'auto') && !(Number.isInteger(max) || max === 'auto') ) { help(); return exit(1); } const { max: currentMax, min: currentMin, current: currentCurrent } = match.scale; if ( max === currentMax && min === currentMin && Number.isInteger(min) && currentCurrent >= min && Number.isInteger(max) && currentCurrent <= max ) { console.log(`> Done`); return; } if ((match.state === 'FROZEN' || match.scale.current === 0) && min > 0) { console.log( `> Deployment is currently in 0 replicas, preparing deployment for scaling...` ); if (match.scale.max < 1) { await scale.setScale(match.uid, { min: 0, max: 1 }); } await scale.unfreeze(match); } const { min: newMin, max: newMax } = await scale.setScale(match.uid, { min, max }); const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start); const currentReplicas = match.scale.current; const log = console.log; log(`> ${chalk.cyan('Success!')} Configured scaling rules [${elapsed}]`); log(); log( `${chalk.bold(match.url)} (${chalk.gray(currentReplicas)} ${chalk.gray('current')})` ); log(printf('%6s %s', 'min', chalk.bold(newMin))); log(printf('%6s %s', 'max', chalk.bold(newMax))); log(printf('%6s %s', 'auto', chalk.bold(newMin === newMax ? '✖' : '✔'))); log(); await info(scale, match.url); scale.close(); } async function list(scale) { let deployments; try { const app = argv._[1]; deployments = await scale.list(app); } catch (err) { handleError(err); process.exit(1); } scale.close(); const apps = new Map(); for (const dep of deployments) { const deps = apps.get(dep.name) || []; apps.set(dep.name, deps.concat(dep)); } const timeNow = new Date(); const urlLength = deployments.reduce((acc, i) => { return Math.max(acc, (i.url && i.url.length) || 0); }, 0) + 5; for (const app of apps) { const depls = argv.all ? app[1] : app[1].slice(0, 5); console.log( `${chalk.bold(app[0])} ${chalk.gray('(' + depls.length + ' of ' + app[1].length + ' total)')}` ); console.log(); const urlSpec = `%-${urlLength}s`; console.log( printf( ` ${chalk.grey(urlSpec + ' %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s')}`, 'url', 'cur', 'min', 'max', 'auto', 'age' ) ); for (const instance of depls) { if (instance.scale.current > 0) { let spec; if (supportsColor) { spec = ` %-${urlLength + 10}s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s`; } else { spec = ` %-${urlLength + 1}s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s`; } console.log( printf( spec, chalk.underline(instance.url), instance.scale.current, instance.scale.min, instance.scale.max, instance.scale.max === instance.scale.min ? '✖' : '✔', ms(timeNow - instance.created) ) ); } else { let spec; if (supportsColor) { spec = ` %-${urlLength + 10}s ${chalk.gray('%8s %8s %8s %8s %8s')}`; } else { spec = ` %-${urlLength + 1}s ${chalk.gray('%8s %8s %8s %8s %8s')}`; } console.log( printf( spec, chalk.underline(instance.url), instance.scale.current, instance.scale.min, instance.scale.max, instance.scale.max === instance.scale.min ? '✖' : '✔', ms(timeNow - instance.created) ) ); } } console.log(); } } process.on('uncaughtException', err => { handleError(err); exit(1); });