#!/usr/bin/env node import chalk from 'chalk'; import minimist from 'minimist'; import table from 'text-table'; import ms from 'ms'; import NowAlias from '../lib/alias'; import login from '../lib/login'; import * as cfg from '../lib/cfg'; import { error } from '../lib/error'; const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['help', 'debug'], alias: { help: 'h', debug: 'd' } }); const subcommand = argv._[0]; // options const help = () => { console.log(` ${chalk.bold('𝚫 now alias')} ${chalk.dim('Options:')} -h, --help output usage information -d, --debug debug mode [off] ${chalk.dim('Examples:')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Lists all your aliases: ${chalk.cyan('$ now alias ls')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Adds a new alias to ${chalk.underline('my-api.now.sh')}: ${chalk.cyan(`$ now alias set ${chalk.underline('api-ownv3nc9f8.now.sh')} ${chalk.underline('my-api.now.sh')}`)} The ${chalk.dim('`.now.sh`')} suffix can be ommited: ${chalk.cyan('$ now alias set api-ownv3nc9f8 my-api')} The deployment id can be used as the source: ${chalk.cyan('$ now alias set deploymentId my-alias')} Custom domains work as alias targets: ${chalk.cyan(`$ now alias set ${chalk.underline('api-ownv3nc9f8.now.sh')} ${chalk.underline('my-api.com')}`)} ${chalk.dim('–')} The subcommand ${chalk.dim('`set`')} is the default and can be skipped. ${chalk.dim('–')} ${chalk.dim('`http(s)://`')} in the URLs is unneeded / ignored. ${chalk.gray('–')} Removing an alias: ${chalk.cyan('$ now alias rm aliasId')} To get the list of alias ids, use ${chalk.dim('`now alias ls`')}. ${chalk.dim('Alias:')} ln `); }; // options const debug = argv.debug; const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co'; const exit = (code) => { // we give stdout some time to flush out // because there's a node bug where // stdout writes are asynchronous // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6456 setTimeout(() => process.exit(code || 0), 100); }; if (argv.help || !subcommand) { help(); exit(0); } else { const config = cfg.read(); Promise.resolve(config.token || login(apiUrl)) .then(async (token) => { try { await run(token); } catch (err) { if (err.userError) { error(err.message); } else { error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`); } exit(1); } }) .catch((e) => { error(`Authentication error – ${e.message}`); exit(1); }); } async function run (token) { const alias = new NowAlias(apiUrl, token, { debug }); const args = argv._.slice(1); switch (subcommand) { case 'list': case 'ls': const target = null != args[0] ? String(args[0]) : null; const aliases = await alias.ls(target); const byTarget = new Map(); if (target) { byTarget.set(target, aliases); } else { aliases.forEach((_alias) => { const _aliases = byTarget.get(_alias.deploymentId) || []; byTarget.set(_alias.deploymentId, _aliases.concat(_alias)); }); } const sorted = await sort([...byTarget]); const current = Date.now(); const text = sorted.map(([target, _aliases]) => { const t = table(_aliases.map((_alias) => { const _url = chalk.underline(`https://${_alias.alias}`); const time = chalk.gray(ms(current - _alias.created) + ' ago'); return [_alias.uid, _url, time]; }), { align: ['l', 'r', 'l'], hsep: ' '.repeat(6) }); return chalk.bold(target) + '\n\n' + indent(t, 2); }).join('\n\n'); if (text) console.log('\n' + text + '\n'); break; case 'remove': case 'rm': await alias.rm(String(args[0])); break; case 'add': case 'set': if (2 !== args.length) { error('Invalid number of arguments'); return; } await alias.set(String(args[0]), String(args[1])); break; default: if (2 === args.length) { await alias.set(String(args[0]), String(args[1])); } else if (args.length >= 3) { error('Invalid number of arguments'); help(); exit(1); } else { error('Please specify a valid subcommand: ls | set | rm'); help(); exit(1); } } exit(0); } async function sort (aliases) { let pkg; try { const json = await fs.readFile('package.json'); pkg = JSON.parse(json); } catch (err) { pkg = {}; } return aliases .map(([target, _aliases]) => { _aliases = _aliases.slice().sort((a, b) => { return b.created - a.created; }); return [target, _aliases]; }) .sort(([targetA, aliasesA], [targetB, aliasesB]) => { if (pkg.name === targetA) return -1; if (pkg.name === targetB) return 1; return aliasesB[0].created - aliasesA[0].created; }); } function indent (text, n) { return text.split('\n').map((l) => ' '.repeat(n) + l).join('\n'); }