#!/usr/bin/env node // Native const { resolve } = require('path'); // Packages const Progress = require('progress'); const fs = require('fs-promise'); const bytes = require('bytes'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const minimist = require('minimist'); const ms = require('ms'); const flatten = require('arr-flatten'); const dotenv = require('dotenv'); const { eraseLines } = require('ansi-escapes'); // Ours const copy = require('../lib/copy'); const login = require('../lib/login'); const cfg = require('../lib/cfg'); const { version } = require('../lib/pkg'); const Logger = require('../lib/build-logger'); const Now = require('../lib'); const toHumanPath = require('../lib/utils/to-human-path'); const promptOptions = require('../lib/utils/prompt-options'); const { handleError, error } = require('../lib/error'); const { fromGit, isRepoPath, gitPathParts } = require('../lib/git'); const readMetaData = require('../lib/read-metadata'); const checkPath = require('../lib/utils/check-path'); const { reAlias, assignAlias } = require('../lib/re-alias'); const exit = require('../lib/utils/exit'); const logo = require('../lib/utils/output/logo'); const cmd = require('../lib/utils/output/cmd'); const info = require('../lib/utils/output/info'); const wait = require('../lib/utils/output/wait'); const NowPlans = require('../lib/plans'); const promptBool = require('../lib/utils/input/prompt-bool'); const note = require('../lib/utils/output/note'); const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['config', 'token', 'name', 'alias'], boolean: [ 'help', 'version', 'debug', 'force', 'links', 'login', 'no-clipboard', 'forward-npm', 'docker', 'npm', 'static' ], alias: { env: 'e', dotenv: 'E', help: 'h', config: 'c', debug: 'd', version: 'v', force: 'f', token: 't', forceSync: 'F', links: 'l', login: 'L', public: 'p', 'no-clipboard': 'C', 'forward-npm': 'N', name: 'n', alias: 'a' } }); const help = () => { console.log( ` ${chalk.bold(`${logo} now`)} [options] ${chalk.dim('Commands:')} ${chalk.dim('Cloud')} deploy [path] Performs a deployment ${chalk.bold('(default)')} ls | list [app] List deployments rm | remove [id] Remove a deployment ln | alias [id] [url] Configures aliases for deployments domains [name] Manages your domain names certs [cmd] Manages your SSL certificates secrets [name] Manages your secret environment variables dns [name] Manages your DNS records logs [url] Displays the logs for a deployment scale [args] Scales the instance count of a deployment help [cmd] Displays complete help for [cmd] ${chalk.dim('Administrative')} billing | cc [cmd] Manages your credit cards and billing methods upgrade | downgrade [plan] Upgrades or downgrades your plan teams [team] Manages your teams switch Switches between teams and your account ${chalk.dim('Options:')} -h, --help Output usage information -v, --version Output the version number -n, --name Set the name of the deployment -c ${chalk.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.underline('FILE')} Config file -d, --debug Debug mode [off] -f, --force Force a new deployment even if nothing has changed -t ${chalk.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.underline('TOKEN')} Login token -L, --login Configure login -l, --links Copy symlinks without resolving their target -p, --public Deployment is public (${chalk.dim('`/_src`')} is exposed) [on for oss, off for premium] -e, --env Include an env var (e.g.: ${chalk.dim('`-e KEY=value`')}). Can appear many times. -E ${chalk.underline('FILE')}, --dotenv=${chalk.underline('FILE')} Include env vars from .env file. Defaults to '.env' -C, --no-clipboard Do not attempt to copy URL to clipboard -N, --forward-npm Forward login information to install private npm modules ${chalk.dim('Enforcable Types (when both package.json and Dockerfile exist):')} --npm Node.js application --docker Docker container --static Static file hosting ${chalk.dim('Examples:')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Deploys the current directory ${chalk.cyan('$ now')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Deploys a custom path ${chalk.dim('`/usr/src/project`')} ${chalk.cyan('$ now /usr/src/project')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Deploys a GitHub repository ${chalk.cyan('$ now user/repo#ref')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Deploys a GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket repo using its URL ${chalk.cyan('$ now https://gitlab.com/user/repo')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Deploys with ENV vars ${chalk.cyan('$ now -e NODE_ENV=production -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=@mysql-password')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Displays comprehensive help for the subcommand ${chalk.dim('`list`')} ${chalk.cyan('$ now help list')} ` ); }; let path = argv._[0]; if (path) { // If path is relative: resolve // if path is absolute: clear up strange `/` etc path = resolve(process.cwd(), path); } else { path = process.cwd(); } // If the current deployment is a repo const gitRepo = {}; // Options let forceNew = argv.force; const debug = argv.debug; const clipboard = !argv['no-clipboard']; const forwardNpm = argv['forward-npm']; const forceSync = argv.forceSync; const shouldLogin = argv.login; const followSymlinks = !argv.links; const wantsPublic = argv.public; const deploymentName = argv.name || false; const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co'; const isTTY = process.stdout.isTTY; const quiet = !isTTY; const autoAliases = typeof argv.alias === 'undefined' ? false : flatten([argv.alias]); if (argv.config) { cfg.setConfigFile(argv.config); } if (Array.isArray(autoAliases)) { console.log( `${chalk.red('Deprecated!')} The option ${chalk.grey('--alias')} will be removed soon.` ); console.log('Read more about the new way here: http://bit.ly/2l2v5Fg\n'); } // Create a new deployment if user changed // the name or made _src public. // This should just work fine because it doesn't // force a new sync, it just forces a new deployment. if (deploymentName || wantsPublic) { forceNew = true; } let alwaysForwardNpm; Promise.resolve().then(async () => { const config = await cfg.read(); alwaysForwardNpm = config.forwardNpm; if (argv.h || argv.help) { help(); exit(0); } else if (argv.v || argv.version) { console.log(version); process.exit(0); } else if (!(argv.token || config.token) || shouldLogin) { let token; try { token = await login(apiUrl); } catch (err) { error(`Authentication error – ${err.message}`); process.exit(1); } if (shouldLogin) { console.log('> Logged in successfully. Token saved in ~/.now.json'); process.exit(0); } else { sync({token, config}).catch(err => { error(`Unknown error: ${err}\n${err.stack}`); process.exit(1); }); } } else { sync({token: argv.token || config.token, config}).catch(err => { error(`Unknown error: ${err}\n${err.stack}`); process.exit(1); }); } }); async function sync({token, config: {currentTeam, user}}) { const start = Date.now(); const rawPath = argv._[0]; const planPromise = new NowPlans({apiUrl, token, debug, currentTeam }).getCurrent(); const stopDeployment = msg => { error(msg); process.exit(1); }; const isValidRepo = isRepoPath(rawPath); try { await fs.stat(path); } catch (err) { let repo; if (isValidRepo && isValidRepo !== 'no-valid-url') { const gitParts = gitPathParts(rawPath); Object.assign(gitRepo, gitParts); const searchMessage = setTimeout( () => { console.log( `> Didn't find directory. Searching on ${gitRepo.type}...` ); }, 500 ); try { repo = await fromGit(rawPath, debug); } catch (err) {} clearTimeout(searchMessage); } if (repo) { // Tell now which directory to deploy path = repo.path; // Set global variable for deleting tmp dir later // once the deployment has finished Object.assign(gitRepo, repo); } else if (isValidRepo === 'no-valid-url') { stopDeployment( `This URL is neither a valid repository from GitHub, nor from GitLab.` ); } else if (isValidRepo) { const gitRef = gitRepo.ref ? `with "${chalk.bold(gitRepo.ref)}" ` : ''; stopDeployment( `There's no repository named "${chalk.bold(gitRepo.main)}" ${gitRef}on ${gitRepo.type}` ); } else { stopDeployment(`Could not read directory ${chalk.bold(path)}`); } } // Make sure that directory is deployable try { await checkPath(path); } catch (err) { error(err); return; } if (!quiet) { if (gitRepo.main) { const gitRef = gitRepo.ref ? ` at "${chalk.bold(gitRepo.ref)}" ` : ''; console.log( `> Deploying ${gitRepo.type} repository "${chalk.bold(gitRepo.main)}" ${gitRef} under ${ chalk.bold( (currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email ) }` ); } else { console.log(`> Deploying ${chalk.bold(toHumanPath(path))} under ${ chalk.bold( (currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email ) }`); } } let deploymentType; let hasPackage; let hasDockerfile; let isStatic; if (argv.docker) { if (debug) { console.log(`> [debug] Forcing \`deploymentType\` = \`docker\``); } deploymentType = 'docker'; } else if (argv.npm) { deploymentType = 'npm'; } else if (argv.static) { if (debug) { console.log(`> [debug] Forcing static deployment`); } deploymentType = 'npm'; isStatic = true; } else { try { await fs.stat(resolve(path, 'package.json')); } catch (err) { hasPackage = true; } [hasPackage, hasDockerfile] = await Promise.all([ await (async () => { try { await fs.stat(resolve(path, 'package.json')); } catch (err) { return false; } return true; })(), await (async () => { try { await fs.stat(resolve(path, 'Dockerfile')); } catch (err) { return false; } return true; })() ]); if (hasPackage && hasDockerfile) { if (debug) { console.log('[debug] multiple manifests found, disambiguating'); } if (isTTY) { try { console.log( `> Two manifests found. Press [${chalk.bold('n')}] to deploy or re-run with --flag` ); deploymentType = await promptOptions([ [ 'npm', `${chalk.bold('package.json')}\t${chalk.gray(' --npm')} ` ], [ 'docker', `${chalk.bold('Dockerfile')}\t${chalk.gray('--docker')} ` ] ]); } catch (err) { error(err.message); process.exit(1); } } else { error( 'Ambiguous deployment (`package.json` and `Dockerfile` found). ' + 'Please supply `--npm` or `--docker` to disambiguate.' ); } } else if (hasPackage) { if (debug) { console.log( '> [debug] `package.json` found, assuming `deploymentType` = `npm`' ); } deploymentType = 'npm'; } else if (hasDockerfile) { if (debug) { console.log( '> [debug] `Dockerfile` found, assuming `deploymentType` = `docker`' ); } deploymentType = 'docker'; } else { if (debug) { console.log( '> [debug] No manifest files found, assuming static deployment' ); } isStatic = true; } } const { nowConfig } = await readMetaData(path, { deploymentType, deploymentName, isStatic, quiet: true }); const now = new Now({apiUrl, token, debug, currentTeam }); let dotenvConfig; let dotenvOption; if (argv.dotenv) { dotenvOption = argv.dotenv; } else if (nowConfig && nowConfig.dotenv) { dotenvOption = nowConfig.dotenv; } if (dotenvOption) { const dotenvFileName = typeof dotenvOption === 'string' ? dotenvOption : '.env'; if (!fs.existsSync(dotenvFileName)) { error(`--dotenv flag is set but ${dotenvFileName} file is missing`); return process.exit(1); } const dotenvFile = await fs.readFile(dotenvFileName); dotenvConfig = dotenv.parse(dotenvFile); } // Merge `now.env` from package.json with `-e` arguments. const pkgEnv = nowConfig && nowConfig.env; const envs = [ ...Object.keys(dotenvConfig || {}).map(k => `${k}=${dotenvConfig[k]}`), ...Object.keys(pkgEnv || {}).map(k => `${k}=${pkgEnv[k]}`), ...[].concat(argv.env || []) ]; let secrets; const findSecret = async uidOrName => { if (!secrets) { secrets = await now.listSecrets(); } return secrets.filter(secret => { return secret.name === uidOrName || secret.uid === uidOrName; }); }; const env_ = await Promise.all( envs.map(async kv => { if (typeof kv !== 'string') { error('Env key and value missing'); return process.exit(1); } const [key, ...rest] = kv.split('='); let val; if (rest.length > 0) { val = rest.join('='); } if (/[^A-z0-9_]/i.test(key)) { error( `Invalid ${chalk.dim('-e')} key ${chalk.bold(`"${chalk.bold(key)}"`)}. Only letters, digits and underscores are allowed.` ); return process.exit(1); } if (!key) { error(`Invalid env option ${chalk.bold(`"${kv}"`)}`); return process.exit(1); } if (val === undefined) { if (key in process.env) { console.log( `> Reading ${chalk.bold(`"${chalk.bold(key)}"`)} from your env (as no value was specified)` ); // Escape value if it begins with @ val = process.env[key].replace(/^@/, '\\@'); } else { error( `No value specified for env ${chalk.bold(`"${chalk.bold(key)}"`)} and it was not found in your env.` ); return process.exit(1); } } if (val[0] === '@') { const uidOrName = val.substr(1); const secrets = await findSecret(uidOrName); if (secrets.length === 0) { if (uidOrName === '') { error( `Empty reference provided for env key ${chalk.bold(`"${chalk.bold(key)}"`)}` ); } else { error( `No secret found by uid or name ${chalk.bold(`"${uidOrName}"`)}` ); } return process.exit(1); } else if (secrets.length > 1) { error( `Ambiguous secret ${chalk.bold(`"${uidOrName}"`)} (matches ${chalk.bold(secrets.length)} secrets)` ); return process.exit(1); } val = { uid: secrets[0].uid }; } return [key, typeof val === 'string' ? val.replace(/^\\@/, '@') : val]; }) ); const env = {}; env_.filter(v => Boolean(v)).forEach(([key, val]) => { if (key in env) { note(`Overriding duplicate env key ${chalk.bold(`"${key}"`)}`); } env[key] = val; }); try { await now.create(path, { env, deploymentType, deploymentName, followSymlinks, forceNew, forceSync, forwardNpm: alwaysForwardNpm || forwardNpm, quiet, wantsPublic, isStatic }); } catch (err) { if (debug) { console.log(`> [debug] error: ${err}\n${err.stack}`); } handleError(err); process.exit(1); } const { url } = now; const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start); if (isTTY) { if (clipboard) { try { await copy(url); console.log( `${chalk.cyan('> Ready!')} ${chalk.bold(url)} (copied to clipboard) [${elapsed}]` ); } catch (err) { console.log( `${chalk.cyan('> Ready!')} ${chalk.bold(url)} [${elapsed}]` ); } } else { console.log(`> ${url} [${elapsed}]`); } } else { process.stdout.write(url); } const startU = new Date(); const complete = () => { if (!quiet) { const elapsedU = ms(new Date() - startU); console.log(`> Sync complete (${bytes(now.syncAmount)}) [${elapsedU}] `); console.log('> Initializing…'); } // Close http2 agent now.close(); // Show build logs printLogs(now.host, token, currentTeam); }; const plan = await planPromise; if (plan.id === 'oss') { if (isTTY) { info( `${ chalk.bold( (currentTeam && `${currentTeam.slug} is`) || `You (${user.username || user.email}) are` ) } on the OSS plan. Your code will be made ${chalk.bold('public')}.` ); let proceed; try { const label = 'Are you sure you want to proceed with the deployment?'; proceed = await promptBool(label, { trailing: eraseLines(1) }); } catch (err) { if (err.message === 'USER_ABORT') { proceed = false; } else { throw err; } } if (!proceed) { const stopSpinner = wait('Canceling deployment'); await now.remove(now.id, { hard: true }); stopSpinner(); info('Deployment aborted. No files were synced.'); info(`You can upgrade by running ${cmd('now upgrade')}.`); return exit(); } } else if (!wantsPublic) { let msg = '\nYou are on the OSS plan. Your code will be made public.'; msg += ' If you agree with that, please run again with --public.'; console.log(msg); return exit(1); } } if (now.syncAmount) { const bar = new Progress('> Upload [:bar] :percent :etas', { width: 20, complete: '=', incomplete: '', total: now.syncAmount }); now.upload(); now.on('upload', ({ names, data }) => { const amount = data.length; if (debug) { console.log( `> [debug] Uploaded: ${names.join(' ')} (${bytes(data.length)})` ); } bar.tick(amount); }); now.on('complete', complete); now.on('error', err => { error('Upload failed'); handleError(err); process.exit(1); }); } else { if (!quiet) { console.log(`> Initializing…`); } // Close http2 agent now.close(); // Show build logs printLogs(now.host, token, currentTeam); } } function printLogs(host, token, currentTeam) { // Log build const logger = new Logger(host, token, { debug, quiet }); logger.on('error', async err => { if (!quiet) { if (err && err.type === 'BUILD_ERROR') { error( `The build step of your project failed. To retry, run ${cmd('now --force')}.` ); } else { error('Deployment failed'); } } if (gitRepo && gitRepo.cleanup) { // Delete temporary directory that contains repository gitRepo.cleanup(); if (debug) { console.log(`> [debug] Removed temporary repo directory`); } } process.exit(1); }); logger.on('close', async () => { if (Array.isArray(autoAliases)) { const aliasList = autoAliases.filter(item => item !== ''); if (aliasList.length > 0) { const assignments = []; for (const alias of aliasList) { assignments.push(assignAlias(alias, token, host, apiUrl, debug, currentTeam)); } await Promise.all(assignments); } else { await reAlias(token, host, help, exit, apiUrl, debug); } } if (!quiet) { console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Deployment complete!')}`); } if (gitRepo && gitRepo.cleanup) { // Delete temporary directory that contains repository gitRepo.cleanup(); if (debug) { console.log(`> [debug] Removed temporary repo directory`); } } process.exit(0); }); }