#!/usr/bin/env node import minimist from 'minimist'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import ms from 'ms'; import Now from '../lib'; import login from '../lib/login'; import * as cfg from '../lib/cfg'; import { handleError, error } from '../lib/error'; const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); const deploymentId = argv._[0]; // options const help = () => { console.log(` 𝚫 now remove [deploymentId] Alias: rm Options: -h, --help output usage information -d, --debug Debug mode [off] `); }; if (argv.h || argv.help) { help(); process.exit(0); } if (!deploymentId) { error('No deployment id specified. You can see active deployments with `now ls`.'); help(); process.exit(1); } // options const debug = argv.debug || argv.d; const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.now.sh'; const hard = argv.hard || false; const config = cfg.read(); function readConfirmation (url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { process.stdout.write(`${chalk.bold.red('> Are you sure?')} ${chalk.bold('https://' + url)} will be removed permanently ${chalk.gray('[yN] ')}`); process.stdin.on('data', (d) => { process.stdin.pause(); resolve(d.toString().trim()); }).resume(); }); } Promise.resolve(config.token || login(apiUrl)) .then(async (token) => { try { await remove(token); } catch (err) { error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`); process.exit(1); } }) .catch((e) => { error(`Authentication error – ${e.message}`); process.exit(1); }); async function remove (token) { const now = new Now(apiUrl, token, { debug }); const deployments = await now.list(); const url = deployments.find((d) => d.uid === deploymentId).url; try { const confirmation = (await readConfirmation(url)).toLowerCase(); if ('y' !== confirmation && 'yes' !== confirmation) { console.log('> Aborted'); return; } const start = new Date(); await now.remove(deploymentId, { hard }); const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start); console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Deployment')} ${chalk.bold(deploymentId)} ${chalk.cyan('removed')} [${elapsed}]`); } catch (err) { handleError(err); process.exit(1); } now.close(); }