You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
649 lines
18 KiB
649 lines
18 KiB
// Packages
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const publicSuffixList = require("psl");
const minimist = require("minimist");
const chalk = require("chalk");
// Ours
const promptBool = require("../lib/utils/input/prompt-bool");
const exit = require("./utils/exit");
const copy = require("./copy");
const toHost = require("./to-host");
const resolve4 = require("./dns");
const isZeitWorld = require("./is-zeit-world");
const { DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_ERROR } = require("./errors");
const Now = require("./");
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: ["no-clipboard"],
alias: { "no-clipboard": "C" }
const isTTY = process.stdout.isTTY;
const clipboard = !argv["no-clipboard"];
const domainRegex = /^((?=[a-z0-9-]{1,63}\.)(xn--)?[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,63}$/;
module.exports = class Alias extends Now {
async ls(deployment) {
if (deployment) {
const target = await this.findDeployment(deployment);
if (!target) {
const err = new Error(
`Aliases not found by "${deployment}". Run ${chalk.dim("`now alias ls`")} to see your aliases.`
err.userError = true;
throw err;
return this.listAliases(target.uid);
return this.listAliases();
async rm(_alias) {
return this.retry(async bail => {
const res = await this._fetch(`/now/aliases/${_alias.uid}`, {
method: "DELETE"
if (res.status === 403) {
return bail(new Error("Unauthorized"));
if (res.status !== 200) {
const err = new Error("Deletion failed. Try again later.");
throw err;
async findDeployment(deployment) {
const list = await this.list();
let key;
let val;
if (/\./.test(deployment)) {
val = toHost(deployment);
key = "url";
} else {
val = deployment;
key = "uid";
const depl = list.find(d => {
if (d[key] === val) {
if (this._debug) {
console.log(`> [debug] matched deployment ${d.uid} by ${key} ${val}`);
return true;
// match prefix
if (`${val}` === d.url) {
if (this._debug) {
console.log(`> [debug] matched deployment ${d.uid} by url ${d.url}`);
return true;
return false;
return depl;
async updatePathBasedroutes(alias, rules) {
alias = await this.maybeSetUpDomain(alias);
return await this.upsertPathAlias(alias, rules);
async upsertPathAlias(alias, rules) {
return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
if (this._debug) {
console.time(`> [debug] /now/aliases #${attempt}`);
const rulesData = this.readRulesFile(rules);
const ruleCount = rulesData.rules.length;
const res = await this._fetch(`/now/aliases`, {
method: "POST",
body: { alias, rules: rulesData.rules }
const body = await res.json();
body.ruleCount = ruleCount;
if (this._debug) {
console.timeEnd(`> [debug] /now/aliases #${attempt}`);
// 409 conflict is returned if it already exists
if (res.status === 409) {
return { uid: body.error.uid };
if (res.status === 422) {
return body;
// no retry on authorization problems
if (res.status === 403) {
const code = body.error.code;
if (code === "custom_domain_needs_upgrade") {
const err = new Error(
`Custom domains are only enabled for premium accounts. Please upgrade by running ${chalk.gray("`")}${chalk.cyan("now upgrade")}${chalk.gray("`")}.`
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);
if (code === "alias_in_use") {
const err = new Error(
`The alias you are trying to configure (${chalk.underline(chalk.bold(alias))}) is already in use by a different account.`
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);
if (code === "forbidden") {
const err = new Error(
"The domain you are trying to use as an alias is already in use by a different account."
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);
return bail(new Error("Authorization error"));
// all other errors
if (body.error) {
const code = body.error.code;
if (code === "cert_missing") {
`> Provisioning certificate for ${chalk.underline(chalk.bold(alias))}`
try {
await this.createCert(alias);
} catch (err) {
// we bail to avoid retrying the whole process
// of aliasing which would involve too many
// retries on certificate provisioning
return bail(err);
// try again, but now having provisioned the certificate
return this.upsertPathAlias(alias, rules);
if (code === "cert_expired") {
`> Renewing certificate for ${chalk.underline(chalk.bold(alias))}`
try {
await this.createCert(alias, { renew: true });
} catch (err) {
return bail(err);
return bail(new Error(body.error.message));
// the two expected succesful cods are 200 and 304
if (res.status !== 200 && res.status !== 304) {
throw new Error("Unhandled error");
return body;
readRulesFile(rules) {
try {
const rulesJson = readFileSync(rules, "utf8");
return JSON.parse(rulesJson);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Reading rules file ${rules} failed: ${err}`);
async set(deployment, alias) {
const depl = await this.findDeployment(deployment);
if (!depl) {
const err = new Error(
`Deployment not found by "${deployment}". Run ${chalk.dim("`now ls`")} to see your deployments.`
err.userError = true;
throw err;
const aliasDepl = (await this.listAliases()).find(e => e.alias === alias);
if (aliasDepl && aliasDepl.rules) {
if (isTTY) {
try {
const msg = `> Path alias excists with ${aliasDepl.rules.length} rule${aliasDepl.rules.length > 1 ? "s" : ""}.\n` +
`> Are you sure you want to update ${alias} to be a normal alias?\n`;
const confirmation = await promptBool(msg);
if (!confirmation) {
console.log("\n> Aborted");
return exit(1);
} catch (err) {
} else {
`Overwriting path alias with ${aliasDepl.rules.length} rule${aliasDepl.rules.length > 1 ? "s" : ""} to be a normal alias.`
alias = await this.maybeSetUpDomain(alias);
const newAlias = await this.createAlias(depl, alias);
if (!newAlias) {
throw new Error(
`Unexpected error occurred while setting up alias: ${JSON.stringify(newAlias)}`
const { created, uid } = newAlias;
if (created) {
const pretty = `https://${alias}`;
const output = `${chalk.cyan("> Success!")} Alias created ${chalk.dim(`(${uid})`)}:\n${chalk.bold(chalk.underline(pretty))} now points to ${chalk.bold(`https://${depl.url}`)} ${chalk.dim(`(${depl.uid})`)}`;
if (isTTY && clipboard) {
let append;
try {
await copy(pretty);
append = "[copied to clipboard]";
} catch (err) {
append = "";
} finally {
console.log(`${output} ${append}`);
} else {
} else {
`${chalk.cyan("> Success!")} Alias already exists ${chalk.dim(`(${uid})`)}.`
createAlias(depl, alias) {
return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
if (this._debug) {
`> [debug] /now/deployments/${depl.uid}/aliases #${attempt}`
const res = await this._fetch(`/now/deployments/${depl.uid}/aliases`, {
method: "POST",
body: { alias }
const body = await res.json();
if (this._debug) {
`> [debug] /now/deployments/${depl.uid}/aliases #${attempt}`
// 409 conflict is returned if it already exists
if (res.status === 409) {
return { uid: body.error.uid };
// no retry on authorization problems
if (res.status === 403) {
const code = body.error.code;
if (code === "custom_domain_needs_upgrade") {
const err = new Error(
`Custom domains are only enabled for premium accounts. Please upgrade by running ${chalk.gray("`")}${chalk.cyan("now upgrade")}${chalk.gray("`")}.`
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);
if (code === "alias_in_use") {
const err = new Error(
`The alias you are trying to configure (${chalk.underline(chalk.bold(alias))}) is already in use by a different account.`
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);
if (code === "forbidden") {
const err = new Error(
"The domain you are trying to use as an alias is already in use by a different account."
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);
return bail(new Error("Authorization error"));
// all other errors
if (body.error) {
const code = body.error.code;
if (code === "deployment_not_found") {
return bail(new Error("Deployment not found"));
if (code === "cert_missing") {
`> Provisioning certificate for ${chalk.underline(chalk.bold(alias))}`
try {
await this.createCert(alias);
} catch (err) {
// we bail to avoid retrying the whole process
// of aliasing which would involve too many
// retries on certificate provisioning
return bail(err);
// try again, but now having provisioned the certificate
return this.createAlias(depl, alias);
if (code === "cert_expired") {
`> Renewing certificate for ${chalk.underline(chalk.bold(alias))}`
try {
await this.createCert(alias, { renew: true });
} catch (err) {
return bail(err);
return bail(new Error(body.error.message));
// the two expected succesful cods are 200 and 304
if (res.status !== 200 && res.status !== 304) {
throw new Error("Unhandled error");
return body;
async setupRecord(domain, name) {
await this.setupDomain(domain);
if (this._debug) {
console.log(`> [debug] Setting up record "${name}" for "${domain}"`);
const type = name === "" ? "ALIAS" : "CNAME";
return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
if (this._debug) {
console.time(`> [debug] /domains/${domain}/records #${attempt}`);
const res = await this._fetch(`/domains/${domain}/records`, {
method: "POST",
body: {
name: name === "" ? name : "*",
value: ""
if (this._debug) {
console.timeEnd(`> [debug] /domains/${domain}/records #${attempt}`);
if (res.status === 403) {
return bail(new Error("Unauthorized"));
const body = await res.json();
if (res.status !== 200) {
throw new Error(body.error.message);
return body;
async maybeSetUpDomain(alias) {
// make alias lowercase
alias = alias.toLowerCase();
// trim leading and trailing dots
// for example: `` => ``
alias = alias.replace(/^\.+/, "").replace(/\.+$/, "");
// evaluate the alias
if (/\./.test(alias)) {
alias = toHost(alias);
} else {
if (this._debug) {
console.log(`> [debug] suffixing \`\` to alias ${alias}`);
alias = `${alias}`;
if (!domainRegex.test(alias)) {
const err = new Error(`Invalid alias "${alias}"`);
err.userError = true;
throw err;
if (!/\.now\.sh$/.test(alias)) {
`> ${chalk.bold(chalk.underline(alias))} is a custom domain.`
`> Verifying the DNS settings for ${chalk.bold(chalk.underline(alias))} (see ${chalk.underline("")} for help)`
const _domain = publicSuffixList.parse(alias).domain;
const _domainInfo = await this.getDomain(_domain);
const domainInfo = _domainInfo && !_domainInfo.error
? _domainInfo
: undefined;
const { domain, nameservers } = domainInfo
? { domain: _domain }
: await this.getNameservers(alias);
const usingZeitWorld = domainInfo
? !domainInfo.isExternal
: isZeitWorld(nameservers);
let skipDNSVerification = false;
if (this._debug) {
if (domainInfo) {
`> [debug] Found domain ${domain} with verified:${domainInfo.verified}`
} else {
`> [debug] Found domain ${domain} and nameservers ${nameservers}`
if (!usingZeitWorld && domainInfo) {
if (domainInfo.verified) {
skipDNSVerification = true;
} else if (domainInfo.uid) {
const { verified, created } = await this.setupDomain(domain, {
isExternal: true
if (!(created && verified)) {
const e = new Error(
`> Failed to verify the ownership of ${domain}, please refer to 'now domain --help'.`
e.userError = true;
throw e;
`${chalk.cyan("> Success!")} Domain ${chalk.bold(chalk.underline(domain))} verified`
try {
if (!skipDNSVerification) {
await this.verifyOwnership(alias);
} catch (err) {
if (err.userError) {
// a user error would imply that verification failed
// in which case we attempt to correct the dns
// configuration (if we can!)
try {
if (usingZeitWorld) {
`> Detected ${chalk.bold(chalk.underline(""))} nameservers! Configuring records.`
const record = alias.substr(0, alias.length - domain.length);
// lean up trailing and leading dots
const _record = record.replace(/^\./, "").replace(/\.$/, "");
const _domain = domain.replace(/^\./, "").replace(/\.$/, "");
if (_record === "") {
await this.setupRecord(_domain, "*");
await this.setupRecord(_domain, _record);
this.recordSetup = true;
console.log("> DNS Configured! Verifying propagation…");
try {
await this.retry(() => this.verifyOwnership(alias), {
retries: 10,
maxTimeout: 8000
} catch (err2) {
const e = new Error(
"> We configured the DNS settings for your alias, but we were unable to " +
"verify that they've propagated. Please try the alias again later."
e.userError = true;
throw e;
} else {
`> Resolved IP: ${err.ip ? `${chalk.underline(err.ip)} (unknown)` : chalk.dim("none")}`
`> Nameservers: ${nameservers && nameservers.length ? nameservers
.map(ns => chalk.underline(ns))
.join(", ") : chalk.dim("none")}`
throw err;
} catch (e) {
if (e.userError) {
throw e;
throw err;
} else {
throw err;
if (!usingZeitWorld && !skipDNSVerification) {
if (this._debug) {
`> [debug] Trying to register a non-ZeitWorld domain ${domain} for the current user`
const { uid, verified, created } = await this.setupDomain(domain, {
isExternal: true
if (!(created && verified)) {
const e = new Error(
`> Failed to verify the ownership of ${domain}, please refer to 'now domain --help'.`
e.userError = true;
throw e;
`${chalk.cyan("> Success!")} Domain ${chalk.bold(chalk.underline(domain))} ${chalk.dim(`(${uid})`)} added`
console.log(`> Verification ${chalk.bold("OK")}!`);
return alias;
verifyOwnership(domain) {
return this.retry(async bail => {
const targets = await resolve4("");
if (targets.length <= 0) {
return bail(new Error("Unable to resolve"));
let ips = [];
try {
ips = await resolve4(domain);
} catch (err) {
if (
err.code === "ENODATA" ||
err.code === "ESERVFAIL" ||
err.code === "ENOTFOUND"
) {
// not errors per se, just absence of records
if (this._debug) {
console.log(`> [debug] No records found for "${domain}"`);
const err = new Error(DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_ERROR);
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);
throw err;
if (ips.length <= 0) {
const err = new Error(DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_ERROR);
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);
for (const ip of ips) {
if (targets.indexOf(ip) === -1) {
const err = new Error(
`The domain ${domain} has an A record ${chalk.bold(ip)} that doesn't resolve to ${chalk.bold(chalk.underline(""))}.\n> ` +
err.ip = ip;
err.userError = true;
return bail(err);