231 lines
5.7 KiB
231 lines
5.7 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Packages
const chalk = require('chalk')
const minimist = require('minimist')
const ms = require('ms')
// Ours
const login = require('../lib/login')
const cfg = require('../lib/cfg')
const NowPlans = require('../lib/plans')
const indent = require('../lib/indent')
const listInput = require('../lib/utils/input/list')
const code = require('../lib/utils/output/code')
const error = require('../lib/utils/output/error')
const success = require('../lib/utils/output/success')
const cmd = require('../lib/utils/output/cmd')
const logo = require('../lib/utils/output/logo')
const { bold } = chalk
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: ['config', 'token'],
boolean: ['help', 'debug'],
alias: {
help: 'h',
config: 'c',
debug: 'd',
token: 't'
const help = () => {
${chalk.bold(`${logo} now upgrade`)} [plan]
-h, --help Output usage information
-c ${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')} Config file
-d, --debug Debug mode [off]
-t ${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')} Login token
${chalk.gray('–')} List available plans and pick one interactively
${chalk.cyan('$ now upgrade')}
${chalk.yellow('NOTE:')} ${chalk.gray('Make sure you have a payment method, or add one:')}
${chalk.cyan(`$ now billing add`)}
${chalk.gray('–')} Pick a specific plan (premium):
${chalk.cyan(`$ now upgrade premium`)}
// Options
const debug = argv.debug
const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co'
if (argv.config) {
const exit = code => {
// We give stdout some time to flush out
// because there's a node bug where
// stdout writes are asynchronous
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6456
setTimeout(() => process.exit(code || 0), 100)
if (argv.help) {
} else {
Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
const config = await cfg.read({ token: argv.token })
let token
try {
token = config.token || (await login(apiUrl))
} catch (err) {
error(`Authentication error – ${err.message}`)
try {
await run({ token, config })
} catch (err) {
if (err.userError) {
} else {
error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`)
function buildInquirerChoices(current, until) {
if (until) {
until = until.split(' ')
until = ' for ' + chalk.bold(until[0]) + ' more ' + until[1]
} else {
until = ''
const currentText = bold('(current)')
let ossName = `OSS ${bold('FREE')}`
let premiumName = `Premium ${bold('$15')}`
let proName = `Pro ${bold('$50')}`
let advancedName = `Advanced ${bold('$200')}`
switch (current) {
case 'oss': {
ossName += indent(currentText, 6)
case 'premium': {
premiumName += indent(currentText, 3)
case 'pro': {
proName += indent(currentText, 7)
case 'advanced': {
advancedName += indent(currentText, 1)
default: {
ossName += indent(currentText, 6)
return [
name: ossName,
value: 'oss',
short: `OSS ${bold('FREE')}`
name: premiumName,
value: 'premium',
short: `Premium ${bold('$15')}`
name: proName,
value: 'pro',
short: `Pro ${bold('$50')}`
name: advancedName,
value: 'advanced',
short: `Advanced ${bold('$200')}`
async function run({ token, config: { currentTeam, user } }) {
const args = argv._
if (args.length > 1) {
error('Invalid number of arguments')
return exit(1)
const start = new Date()
const plans = new NowPlans({ apiUrl, token, debug, currentTeam })
let planId = args[0]
if (![undefined, 'oss', 'premium', 'pro', 'advanced'].includes(planId)) {
error(`Invalid plan name – should be ${code('oss')} or ${code('premium')}`)
return exit(1)
const currentPlan = await plans.getCurrent()
if (planId === undefined) {
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)
let message = `For more info, please head to https://zeit.co`
message = currentTeam
? `${message}/${currentTeam.slug}/settings/plan`
: `${message}/account/plan`
message += `\n> Select a plan for ${bold((currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email)} ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`
const choices = buildInquirerChoices(currentPlan.id, currentPlan.until)
planId = await listInput({
separator: false,
abort: 'end'
if (
planId === undefined ||
(planId === currentPlan.id && currentPlan.until === undefined)
) {
return console.log('No changes made')
let newPlan
try {
newPlan = await plans.set(planId)
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'customer_not_found' || err.code === 'source_not_found') {
error(`You have no payment methods available. Run ${cmd('now billing add')} to add one`)
} else {
error(`An unknow error occured. Please try again later ${err.message}`)
if (currentPlan.until && newPlan.id !== 'oss') {
success(`The cancelation has been undone. You're back on the ${chalk.bold(`${newPlan.name} plan`)}`)
} else if (newPlan.until) {
success(`Your plan will be switched to ${chalk.bold(newPlan.name)} in ${chalk.bold(newPlan.until)}. Your card will not be charged again`)
} else {
success(`You're now on the ${chalk.bold(`${newPlan.name} plan`)}`)