const querystring = require('querystring'); const got = require('got'); const cacheManager = require('cache-manager'); const expired = require('expired'); const deepAssign = require('deep-assign'); const pkg = require('../package.json'); class Onionoo { // Constructor returns a new object so instance properties are private constructor(options = {}) { // Set default options this.options = Object.assign({ baseUrl: '', endpoints: [ 'summary', 'details', 'bandwidth', 'weights', 'clients', 'uptime' ] }, options); if (options.cache !== false) { this.options.cache = cacheManager.caching(Object.assign({ store: 'memory', ttl: 18000, // 5 hours max: 500 }, options.cache)); } // Return object containing endpoint methods return this.options.endpoints.reduce((onionoo, endpoint) => { onionoo[endpoint] = options => this.get(endpoint, options); return onionoo; }, {}); } // Returns a function to make requests to a given endpoint get(endpoint, options) { // Build query string (don't encode ':' for search filters) const qs = querystring.encode(options).replace(/%3A/g, ':'); // Build url let url = `${this.options.baseUrl}/${endpoint}`; url += qs ? `?${qs}` : ''; // If caching is disabled, just make the request if (!this.options.cache) { return this.makeRequest(url); } // If caching is enabled, check for url in cache return this.options.cache.get(url) .then(cachedResult => { let options = {}; // If we have it cached if (cachedResult) { // Return the cached entry if it's still valid if (!expired(cachedResult.headers)) { return cachedResult; // If it's stale, add last-modified date to headers } else if (cachedResult.headers['last-modified']) { options.headers = { 'if-modified-since': cachedResult.headers['last-modified'] }; } } // Make a request return this.makeRequest(url, options) .then(response => { // If we get a 304, fill in the body if (response.statusCode === 304) { response.body = cachedResult.body; } // If we get a 200 or 304, cache it if ([200, 304].includes(response.statusCode)) { this.options.cache.set(url, response); } return response; }); }); } // Returns a promise for a request makeRequest(url, options = {}) { options = deepAssign({ headers: { 'user-agent': `onionoo-node-client v${pkg.version} (${pkg.homepage})` } }, options); return got(url, options) .catch(err => { // Don't throw 304 responses if (err.statusCode === 304) { return err.response; } throw err; }) .then(response => { // Format response response = { statusCode: response.statusCode, statusMessage: response.statusMessage, headers: response.headers, body: response.body && JSON.parse(response.body) }; return response; }); } } module.exports = Onionoo;