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import test from 'ava';
import ow from '..';
class Unicorn {} // tslint:disable-line
test('object', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({}, ow.object));
t.notThrows(() => ow(new Error('foo'), ow.object));
t.throws(() => ow('foo' as any, ow.object), 'Expected argument to be of type `object` but received type `string`');
t.throws(() => ow('foo' as any, 'foo', ow.object), 'Expected `foo` to be of type `object` but received type `string`');
t.throws(() => ow(1 as any, ow.object), 'Expected argument to be of type `object` but received type `number`');
test('object.plain', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({}, ow.object.plain));
t.throws(() => ow(new Error('foo'), ow.object.plain), 'Expected object to be a plain object');
t.throws(() => ow(new Error('foo'), 'foo', ow.object.plain), 'Expected object `foo` to be a plain object');
test('object.empty', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({}, ow.object.empty));
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.empty), 'Expected object to be empty, got `{"unicorn":"🦄"}`');
test('object.nonEmpty', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.nonEmpty));
t.throws(() => ow({}, ow.object.nonEmpty), 'Expected object to not be empty');
test('object.valuesOfType', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.valuesOfType(ow.string)));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄', rainbow: '🌈'}, ow.object.valuesOfType(ow.string)));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: 1, rainbow: 2}, ow.object.valuesOfType(ow.number)));
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄', rainbow: 2}, ow.object.valuesOfType(ow.string)), '(object) Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`');
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄', rainbow: 2}, 'foo', ow.object.valuesOfType(ow.string)), '(object `foo`) Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`');
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: 'a', rainbow: 'b'}, ow.object.valuesOfType(ow.string.minLength(2))), '(object) Expected string to have a minimum length of `2`, got `a`');
test('object.valuesOfTypeDeep', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.deepValuesOfType(ow.string)));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄', rainbow: '🌈'}, ow.object.deepValuesOfType(ow.string)));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: {key: '🦄', value: '🌈'}}, ow.object.deepValuesOfType(ow.string)));
t.notThrows(() => ow({a: {b: {c: {d: 1}, e: 2}, f: 3}}, ow.object.deepValuesOfType(ow.number)));
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: {key: '🦄', value: 1}}, ow.object.deepValuesOfType(ow.string)), '(object) Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`');
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: {key: '🦄', value: 1}}, 'foo', ow.object.deepValuesOfType(ow.string)), '(object `foo`) Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`');
t.throws(() => ow({a: {b: {c: {d: 1}, e: '2'}, f: 3}}, ow.object.deepValuesOfType(ow.number)), '(object) Expected argument to be of type `number` but received type `string`');
test('object.deepEqual', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.deepEqual({unicorn: '🦄'})));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄', rain: {bow: '🌈'}}, ow.object.deepEqual({unicorn: '🦄', rain: {bow: '🌈'}})));
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.deepEqual({rainbow: '🌈'})), 'Expected object to be deeply equal to `{"rainbow":"🌈"}`, got `{"unicorn":"🦄"}`');
test('object.instanceOf', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow(new Error('🦄'), ow.object.instanceOf(Error)));
t.notThrows(() => ow(new Unicorn(), ow.object.instanceOf(Unicorn)));
t.throws(() => ow(new Unicorn(), ow.object.instanceOf(Error)), 'Expected object `Unicorn` to be of type `Error`');
t.throws(() => ow(new Unicorn(), 'foo', ow.object.instanceOf(Error)), 'Expected object `foo` `Unicorn` to be of type `Error`');
t.throws(() => ow(new Error('🦄'), ow.object.instanceOf(Unicorn)), 'Expected object `Error` to be of type `Unicorn`');
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.instanceOf(Unicorn)), 'Expected object `{"unicorn":"🦄"}` to be of type `Unicorn`');
test('object.hasKeys', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.hasKeys('unicorn')));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: {value: '🦄'}}, ow.object.hasKeys('unicorn')));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: {value: '🦄'}}, ow.object.hasKeys('unicorn.value')));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄', rainbow: '🌈'}, ow.object.hasKeys('unicorn', 'rainbow')));
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.hasKeys('unicorn', 'rainbow')), 'Expected object to have keys `["rainbow"]`');
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: {value: '🦄'}}, ow.object.hasKeys('')), 'Expected object to have keys `[""]`');
test('object.hasAnyKeys', t => {
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.hasAnyKeys('unicorn', 'rainbow', '')));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: {value: '🦄'}}, ow.object.hasAnyKeys('unicorn', 'rainbow')));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: {value: '🦄'}}, ow.object.hasAnyKeys('unicorn.value', 'rainbow')));
t.notThrows(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄', rainbow: '🌈'}, ow.object.hasAnyKeys('unicorn')));
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.hasAnyKeys('foo')), 'Expected object to have any key of `["foo"]`');
t.throws(() => ow({unicorn: '🦄'}, ow.object.hasAnyKeys('unicorn.value')), 'Expected object to have any key of `["unicorn.value"]`');