import test from 'ava'; import ow from '../source'; test('string', t => { const bar: any = 12; t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string); }); t.throws(() => { ow(12 as any, ow.string); }, 'Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`'); t.throws(() => { ow(12 as any, 'bar', ow.string); }, 'Expected `bar` to be of type `string` but received type `number`'); t.throws(() => { ow(bar, ow.string); }, 'Expected `bar` to be of type `string` but received type `number`'); }); test('string.length', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.length(3)); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foobar', ow.string.length(6)); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.length(4)); }, 'Expected string to have length `4`, got `foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, 'foo', ow.string.length(4)); }, 'Expected string `foo` to have length `4`, got `foo`'); }); test('string.minLength', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.minLength(2)); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.minLength(3)); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.minLength(4)); }, 'Expected string to have a minimum length of `4`, got `foo`'); }); test('string.maxLength', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.maxLength(3)); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.maxLength(5)); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.maxLength(2)); }, 'Expected string to have a maximum length of `2`, got `foo`'); }); test('string.matches', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.matches(/^f.o$/)); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('Foo', ow.string.matches(/^f.o$/i)); }); t.throws(() => { ow('Foo' as any, ow.string.matches(/^f.o$/)); }, 'Expected string to match `/^f.o$/`, got `Foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('bar' as any, ow.string.matches(/^f.o$/i)); }, 'Expected string to match `/^f.o$/i`, got `bar`'); }); test('string.startsWith', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.startsWith('fo')); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.startsWith('f')); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.startsWith('oo')); }, 'Expected string to start with `oo`, got `foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.startsWith('b')); }, 'Expected string to start with `b`, got `foo`'); }); test('string.endsWith', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.endsWith('oo')); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.endsWith('o')); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.endsWith('fo')); }, 'Expected string to end with `fo`, got `foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.endsWith('ar')); }, 'Expected string to end with `ar`, got `foo`'); }); test('string.includes', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.includes('fo')); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.includes('bar')); }, 'Expected string to include `bar`, got `foo`'); }); test('string.oneOf', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.oneOf(['foo', 'bar'])); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.oneOf(['unicorn', 'rainbow'])); }, 'Expected string to be one of `["unicorn","rainbow"]`, got `foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('foo', 'hello', ow.string.oneOf(['unicorn', 'rainbow'])); }, 'Expected string `hello` to be one of `["unicorn","rainbow"]`, got `foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.oneOf(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])); }, 'Expected string to be one of `["a","b","c","d","e"]`, got `foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.oneOf(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13'])); }, 'Expected string to be one of `["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10",…+3 more]`, got `foo`'); }); test('string.empty', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('', ow.string.empty); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, ow.string.empty); }, 'Expected string to be empty, got `foo`'); }); test('string.nonEmpty', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.nonEmpty); }); t.throws(() => { ow('' as any, ow.string.nonEmpty); }, 'Expected string to not be empty'); }); test('string.equals', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.equals('foo')); }); t.throws(() => { ow('bar' as any, ow.string.equals('foo')); }, 'Expected string to be equal to `foo`, got `bar`'); }); test('string.alphabetical', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.alphabetical); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('FOO', ow.string.alphabetical); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo123', ow.string.alphabetical); }, 'Expected string to be alphabetical, got `foo123`'); t.throws(() => { ow('', ow.string.alphabetical); }, 'Expected string to be alphabetical, got ``'); }); test('string.alphanumeric', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('Foo123', ow.string.alphanumeric); }); t.throws(() => { ow('Foo123!' as any, ow.string.alphanumeric); }, 'Expected string to be alphanumeric, got `Foo123!`'); }); test('string.numeric', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('123', ow.string.numeric); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('-123', ow.string.numeric); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('+123', ow.string.numeric); }); t.throws(() => { ow('Foo123', ow.string.numeric); }, 'Expected string to be numeric, got `Foo123`'); t.throws(() => { ow('++123', ow.string.numeric); }, 'Expected string to be numeric, got `++123`'); t.throws(() => { ow('1+1', ow.string.numeric); }, 'Expected string to be numeric, got `1+1`'); t.throws(() => { ow('11-', ow.string.numeric); }, 'Expected string to be numeric, got `11-`'); t.throws(() => { ow('--123', ow.string.numeric); }, 'Expected string to be numeric, got `--123`'); t.throws(() => { ow('+-123', ow.string.numeric); }, 'Expected string to be numeric, got `+-123`'); }); test('', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('2017-03-02',; }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('2017-03-02T10:00:00Z',; }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any,; }, 'Expected string to be a date, got `foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('foo' as any, 'bar',; }, 'Expected string `bar` to be a date, got `foo`'); }); test('string.lowercase', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.lowercase); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo123', ow.string.lowercase); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('123', ow.string.lowercase); }); t.throws(() => { ow('FOO', ow.string.lowercase); }, 'Expected string to be lowercase, got `FOO`'); t.throws(() => { ow('', ow.string.lowercase); }, 'Expected string to be lowercase, got ``'); }); test('string.uppercase', t => { t.notThrows(() => { ow('FOO', ow.string.uppercase); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('FOO123', ow.string.uppercase); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('123', ow.string.uppercase); }); t.throws(() => { ow('foo', ow.string.uppercase); }, 'Expected string to be uppercase, got `foo`'); t.throws(() => { ow('', ow.string.uppercase); }, 'Expected string to be uppercase, got ``'); });