import test from 'ava'; import ow from '../source'; import {createAnyError} from './fixtures/create-error'; test('not', t => { const foo = ''; t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo!', ow.string.not.alphanumeric); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow(1, ow.number.not.infinite); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow(1, ow.number.not.infinite.not.greaterThan(5)); }); t.throws(() => { ow(6, ow.number.not.infinite.not.greaterThan(5)); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo!', ow.string.not.alphabetical); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo!', ow.string.not.alphanumeric); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo!', 'foo', ow.string.not.alphanumeric); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('FOO!', ow.string.not.lowercase); }); t.notThrows(() => { ow('foo!', ow.string.not.uppercase); }); t.throws(() => { ow('', ow.string.not.empty); }, '[NOT] Expected string to be empty, got ``'); t.throws(() => { ow('', 'foo', ow.string.not.empty); }, '[NOT] Expected string `foo` to be empty, got ``'); t.throws(() => { ow(foo, ow.string.not.empty); }, '[NOT] Expected string `foo` to be empty, got ``'); }); test('is', t => { const greaterThan = (max: number, x: number) => { return x > max || `Expected \`${x}\` to be greater than \`${max}\``; }; t.notThrows(() => { ow(1, => x < 10)); }); t.throws(() => { ow(1, => x > 10)); }, 'Expected number `1` to pass custom validation function'); t.throws(() => { ow(1, 'foo', => x > 10)); }, 'Expected number `foo` `1` to pass custom validation function'); t.throws(() => { ow(5, => greaterThan(10, x))); }, '(number) Expected `5` to be greater than `10`'); t.throws(() => { ow(5, 'foo', => greaterThan(10, x))); }, '(number `foo`) Expected `5` to be greater than `10`'); }); test('isValid', t => { t.true(ow.isValid(1, ow.number)); t.true(ow.isValid(1, ow.number.equal(1))); t.true(ow.isValid('foo!', ow.string.not.alphanumeric)); t.true(ow.isValid('foo!', ow.any(ow.string, ow.number))); t.true(ow.isValid(1, ow.any(ow.string, ow.number))); t.false(ow.isValid(1 as any, ow.string)); t.false(ow.isValid(1 as any, ow.number.greaterThan(2))); t.false(ow.isValid(true as any, ow.any(ow.string, ow.number))); }); test('reusable validator', t => { const checkUsername = ow.create(ow.string.minLength(3)); const value = 'x'; t.notThrows(() => { checkUsername('foo'); }); t.notThrows(() => { checkUsername('foobar'); }); t.throws(() => { checkUsername('fo'); }, 'Expected string to have a minimum length of `3`, got `fo`'); t.throws(() => { checkUsername(value); }, 'Expected string `value` to have a minimum length of `3`, got `x`'); t.throws(() => { checkUsername(5 as any); }, 'Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`'); }); test('reusable validator with label', t => { const checkUsername = ow.create('foo', ow.string.minLength(3)); t.notThrows(() => { checkUsername('foo'); }); t.notThrows(() => { checkUsername('foobar'); }); t.throws(() => { checkUsername('fo'); }, 'Expected string `foo` to have a minimum length of `3`, got `fo`'); t.throws(() => { checkUsername(5 as any); }, 'Expected `foo` to be of type `string` but received type `number`'); }); test('any-reusable validator', t => { const checkUsername = ow.create(ow.any(ow.string.includes('.'), ow.string.minLength(3))); t.notThrows(() => { checkUsername('foo'); }); t.notThrows(() => { checkUsername('f.'); }); t.throws(() => { checkUsername('fo'); }, createAnyError( 'Expected string to include `.`, got `fo`', 'Expected string to have a minimum length of `3`, got `fo`' )); t.throws(() => { checkUsername(5 as any); }, createAnyError( 'Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`', 'Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`' )); });