import is from '@sindresorhus/is'; import dotProp from 'dot-prop'; import isEqual from 'lodash.isequal'; import {Predicate, Context} from './predicate'; import hasItems from '../utils/has-items'; import ofType from '../utils/of-type'; import ofTypeDeep from '../utils/of-type-deep'; export class ObjectPredicate extends Predicate { /** * @hidden */ constructor(context?: Context) { super('object', context); } /** * Test if an Object is a plain object. */ get plain() { return this.addValidator({ message: () => 'Expected object to be a plain object', validator: object => is.plainObject(object) }); } /** * Test an object to be empty. */ get empty() { return this.addValidator({ message: object => `Expected object to be empty, got \`${JSON.stringify(object)}\``, validator: object => Object.keys(object).length === 0 }); } /** * Test an object to be not empty. */ get nonEmpty() { return this.addValidator({ message: () => 'Expected object to not be empty', validator: object => Object.keys(object).length > 0 }); } /** * Test all the values in the object to match the provided predicate. * * @param predicate The predicate that should be applied against every value in the object. */ valuesOfType(predicate: Predicate) { return this.addValidator({ message: (_, error) => error, validator: (object: any) => { const values = Object.keys(object).map(key => object[key]); return ofType(values, predicate); } }); } /** * Test all the values in the object deeply to match the provided predicate. * * @param predicate The predicate that should be applied against every value in the object. */ deepValuesOfType(predicate: Predicate) { return this.addValidator({ message: (_, error) => error, validator: (object: any) => ofTypeDeep(object, predicate) }); } /** * Test an object to be deeply equal to the provided object. * * @param expected Expected object to match. */ deepEqual(expected: object) { return this.addValidator({ message: object => `Expected object to be deeply equal to \`${JSON.stringify(expected)}\`, got \`${JSON.stringify(object)}\``, validator: object => isEqual(object, expected) }); } /** * Test an object to be of a specific instance type. * * @param instance The expected instance type of the object. */ instanceOf(instance: any) { return this.addValidator({ message: (object: any) => { let name =; if (!name || name === 'Object') { name = JSON.stringify(object); } return `Expected \`${name}\` to be of type \`${}\``; }, validator: object => object instanceof instance }); } /** * Test an object to include all the provided keys. You can use [dot-notation]( in a key to access nested properties. * * @param keys The keys that should be present in the object. */ hasKeys(...keys: string[]) { return this.addValidator({ message: (_, missingKeys) => `Expected object to have keys \`${JSON.stringify(missingKeys)}\``, validator: object => hasItems({ has: item => dotProp.has(object, item) }, keys) }); } /** * Test an object to include any of the provided keys. You can use [dot-notation]( in a key to access nested properties. * * @param keys The keys that could be a key in the object. */ hasAnyKeys(...keys: string[]) { return this.addValidator({ message: () => `Expected object to have any key of \`${JSON.stringify(keys)}\``, validator: (object: any) => keys.some(key => dotProp.has(object, key)) }); } }