import {ArgumentError} from './lib/argument-error'; import {Predicate, validatorSymbol} from './lib/predicates/predicate'; import {StringPredicate} from './lib/predicates/string'; import {NumberPredicate} from './lib/predicates/number'; import {BooleanPredicate} from './lib/predicates/boolean'; import {ArrayPredicate} from './lib/predicates/array'; export interface Ow { (value: any, predicate: Predicate): void; /** * Test the value to be a string. */ string: StringPredicate; /** * Test the value to be a number. */ number: NumberPredicate; /** * Test the value to be a boolean. */ boolean: BooleanPredicate; /** * Test the value to be an array. */ array: ArrayPredicate; } const main = (value: any, predicate: Predicate) => { for (const {validator, message} of predicate[validatorSymbol]) { if (!validator(value)) { // TODO: Modify the stack output to show the original `ow()` call instead of this `throw` statement throw new ArgumentError(message(value), main); } } }; Object.defineProperties(main, { string: { get: () => new StringPredicate() }, number: { get: () => new NumberPredicate() }, boolean: { get: () => new BooleanPredicate() }, array: { get: () => new ArrayPredicate() } }); export const ow = main as Ow;