import test from 'ava'; import m from '..'; test('not', t => { t.notThrows(() => m(1, m.number.not.infinite)); t.notThrows(() => m(1, m.number.not.infinite.greaterThan(5))); t.notThrows(() => m('foo!', m.string.not.alphanumeric)); t.throws(() => m('' as any, m.string.not.empty), '[NOT] Expected string to be empty, got ``'); }); test('reusable validator', t => { const checkUsername = m.create(m.string.minLength(3)); t.notThrows(() => checkUsername('foo')); t.notThrows(() => checkUsername('foobar')); t.throws(() => checkUsername('fo'), 'Expected string to have a minimum length of `3`, got `fo`'); t.throws(() => checkUsername(5 as any), 'Expected argument to be of type `string` but received type `number`'); });