import test from 'ava'; import m from '..'; import {createAnyError} from './fixtures/create-error'; test('infer label', t => { const foo = 'f'; t.throws(() => m(foo, m.string.minLength(2)), 'Expected string `foo` to have a minimum length of `2`, got `f`'); t.throws(() => m(foo as any, m.number), 'Expected `foo` to be of type `number` but received type `string`'); }); test('infer object property label', t => { const hello = { world: 'f' }; t.throws(() => m(, m.string.minLength(2)), 'Expected string `` to have a minimum length of `2`, got `f`'); }); test('overwrite inferred label', t => { const foo = 'f'; t.throws(() => m(foo, '🦄', m.string.minLength(2)), 'Expected string `🦄` to have a minimum length of `2`, got `f`'); }); test('infer label in `any` predicate', t => { const foo = 'f'; t.throws(() => m(foo, m.any(m.string.minLength(2), m.number)), createAnyError( 'Expected string `foo` to have a minimum length of `2`, got `f`', 'Expected `foo` to be of type `number` but received type `string`' )); }); test('overwrite inferred label in `any` predicate', t => { const foo = 'f'; t.throws(() => m(foo, '🦄', m.any(m.string.minLength(2), m.number)), createAnyError( 'Expected string `🦄` to have a minimum length of `2`, got `f`', 'Expected `🦄` to be of type `number` but received type `string`' )); });