You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import test from 'ava';
import ow from '../source';
test('set', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(), ow.set);
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄']), ow.set);
t.throws(() => {
ow(12 as any, ow.set);
}, 'Expected argument to be of type `Set` but received type `number`');
t.throws(() => {
ow(12 as any, 'foo', ow.set);
}, 'Expected `foo` to be of type `Set` but received type `number`');
test('set.size', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(), ow.set.size(0));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄']), ow.set.size(1));
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄']), ow.set.size(0));
}, 'Expected Set to have size `0`, got `1`');
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄']), 'foo', ow.set.size(0));
}, 'Expected Set `foo` to have size `0`, got `1`');
test('set.minSize', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄']), ow.set.minSize(1));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄', '🌈']), ow.set.minSize(1));
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄']), ow.set.minSize(2));
}, 'Expected Set to have a minimum size of `2`, got `1`');
test('set.maxSize', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄']), ow.set.maxSize(1));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄', '🌈']), ow.set.maxSize(4));
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['🦄', '🌈']), ow.set.maxSize(1));
}, 'Expected Set to have a maximum size of `1`, got `2`');
test('set.hasKeys', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), ow.set.has('unicorn'));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn', 'rainbow']), ow.set.has('unicorn', 'rainbow'));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set([1, 2]), ow.set.has(1, 2));
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn', 'rainbow']), ow.set.has('foo'));
}, 'Expected Set to have items `["foo"]`');
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn', 'foo']), ow.set.has('foo', 'bar'));
}, 'Expected Set to have items `["bar"]`');
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set([2, 4]), ow.set.has(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
}, 'Expected Set to have items `[1,3,5,6,7]`');
test('set.hasAny', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), ow.set.hasAny('unicorn', 'rainbow'));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn', 'rainbow']), ow.set.hasAny('unicorn'));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set([1, 2]), ow.set.hasAny(1, 2, 3, 4));
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn', 'rainbow']), ow.set.hasAny('foo'));
}, 'Expected Set to have any item of `["foo"]`');
test('set.ofType', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), ow.set.ofType(ow.string));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn', 'rainbow']), ow.set.ofType(ow.string.minLength(3)));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set([1]), ow.set.ofType(ow.number));
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), ow.set.ofType(ow.number));
}, '(Set) Expected argument to be of type `number` but received type `string`');
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), 'foo', ow.set.ofType(ow.number));
}, '(Set `foo`) Expected argument to be of type `number` but received type `string`');
test('set.empty', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(), ow.set.empty);
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set([]), ow.set.empty);
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), ow.set.empty);
}, 'Expected Set to be empty, got `["unicorn"]`');
test('set.notEmpty', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), ow.set.nonEmpty);
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(), ow.set.nonEmpty);
}, 'Expected Set to not be empty');
test('set.deepEqual', t => {
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), ow.set.deepEqual(new Set(['unicorn'])));
t.notThrows(() => {
ow(new Set([{foo: 'bar'}]), ow.set.deepEqual(new Set([{foo: 'bar'}])));
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set(['unicorn']), ow.set.deepEqual(new Set(['rainbow'])));
}, 'Expected Set to be deeply equal to `["rainbow"]`, got `["unicorn"]`');
t.throws(() => {
ow(new Set([{foo: 'bar'}]), ow.set.deepEqual(new Set([{foo: 'baz'}])));
}, 'Expected Set to be deeply equal to `[{"foo":"baz"}]`, got `[{"foo":"bar"}]`');