You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

350 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Foundation Devices, Inc. <>
4 years ago
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Coinkite, Inc. <>
4 years ago
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# (c) Copyright 2018 by Coinkite Inc. This file is part of Coldcard <>
# and is covered by GPLv3 license found in COPYING.
# - Implement an interactive menu system.
import gc
import utime
4 years ago
from display import Display, FontSmall
from uasyncio import sleep_ms
from ux import KeyInputHandler, the_ux, ux_shutdown
def start_chooser(chooser, title='Select', show_checks=True):
4 years ago
# get which one to show as selected, list of choices, and fcn to call after
selected, choices, setter = chooser()
def picked(menu, picked, xx_self):
menu.chosen = picked
await sleep_ms(200) # visual feedback that we changed it
setter(picked, choices[picked])
# make a new menu, just for the choices
m = MenuSystem([MenuItem(c, f=picked, has_submenu=show_checks) for c in choices],
chooser_mode=show_checks, chosen=selected, title=title)
4 years ago
class MenuItem:
def __init__(self, label, menu=None, f=None, chooser=None, arg=None, predicate=None, menu_title='Passport', action=None, has_submenu=True):
4 years ago
self.label = label
self.arg = arg
self.menu_title = menu_title
if menu:
self.next_menu = menu
if f:
self.next_function = f
if chooser:
self.chooser = chooser
if predicate:
self.predicate = predicate
if action:
self.action = action
self.has_submenu = has_submenu # Used to determine whether to show the > wedge on the right side
4 years ago
async def activate(self, menu, idx):
if getattr(self, 'chooser', None):
start_chooser(self.chooser, title=self.menu_title)
4 years ago
# Run action if any (this is some side effect, like setting the current account when entering a menu)
action = getattr(self, 'action', None)
if action:
action(label=self.label, arg=self.arg, menu_title=self.menu_title, index=idx)
4 years ago
# nesting menus, and functions and so on.
f = getattr(self, 'next_function', None)
if f:
rv = await f(menu, idx, self)
if isinstance(rv, MenuSystem):
# XXX the function should do this itself
# go to new menu
m = getattr(self, 'next_menu', None)
if callable(m):
m = await m(menu, idx, self)
if isinstance(m, list):
m = MenuSystem(m, title=self.menu_title)
if m:
class MenuSystem:
def __init__(self, menu_items, chooser_mode=False, chosen=None, should_cont=None, space_indicators=False, title="Passport"):
self.should_continue = should_cont or (lambda: True)
self.original_items = menu_items
4 years ago
self.space_indicators = space_indicators
self.chooser_mode = chooser_mode
self.chosen = chosen
self.title = title
self.input = KeyInputHandler(down='udxy', up='udxy', repeat_delay=250, repeat_speed=10)
4 years ago
self.shutdown_btn_enabled = False
self.turbo = None # We rely on this being 3 states: None, False, True
4 years ago
# Setup font
self.font = FontSmall
# number of full lines per screen
self.max_lines = (
Display.HEIGHT - Display.HEADER_HEIGHT - Display.FOOTER_HEIGHT) // self.font.leading
if chosen is not None:
# subclasses: override us
def late_draw(self, dis):
def early_draw(self, dis):
# Submenus can override this
4 years ago
def update_contents(self):
self.replace_items(self.original_items, True)
4 years ago
def replace_items(self, menu_items, keep_position=False):
# only safe to keep position if you know number of items isn't changing
if not keep_position:
self.cursor = 0
self.ypos = 0
4 years ago
self.items = [m for m in menu_items if not getattr(
m, 'predicate', None) or m.predicate()]
self.count = len(self.items)
# If we removed items, make sure the cursor is still visible
while self.cursor >= self.count:
self.cursor -= 1
4 years ago
def show(self):
from common import dis, system
4 years ago
# Redraw the menu.
# subclass hook
# Header
wm = True if self.title == None else False
menu_item_height = self.font.leading
menu_item_left = 6
sel_w, sel_h = dis.icon_size('selected')
if self.chooser_mode:
menu_item_left += sel_w
show_scrollbar = True if self.count > self.max_lines else False
x, y = (menu_item_left, Display.HEADER_HEIGHT)
for n in range(self.ypos + self.max_lines + 1):
if n+self.ypos >= self.count:
menu_item = self.items[n+self.ypos]
msg = menu_item.label
4 years ago
is_sel = (self.cursor == n+self.ypos)
if is_sel:
wedge_w, wedge_h = dis.icon_size('wedge')
dis.dis.fill_rect(0, y, Display.WIDTH, menu_item_height - 1, 1)
4 years ago
dis.text(x, y + 2, msg, font=self.font, invert=1)
if not self.chooser_mode and menu_item.has_submenu:
wedge_offset = 12 if show_scrollbar else 6
icon_x = dis.WIDTH - wedge_w - wedge_offset
icon_x - 2,
Display.WIDTH - (icon_x - 2),
menu_item_height - 1,
y + (menu_item_height - wedge_h) // 2,
4 years ago
dis.text(x, y + 2, msg, font=self.font)
if msg[0] == ' ' and self.space_indicators:
dis.icon(x-2, y + 11, 'space', invert=is_sel)
if self.chooser_mode and self.chosen is not None and (n+self.ypos) == self.chosen:
dis.icon(2, y + 6, 'selected', invert=is_sel)
4 years ago
y += menu_item_height
if y > Display.HEIGHT - Display.FOOTER_HEIGHT:
# subclass hook
if show_scrollbar:
dis.scrollbar(self.ypos / self.count, self.max_lines / self.count)
self.shutdown_btn_enabled = the_ux.is_top_level()
left_btn = 'SHUTDOWN' if self.shutdown_btn_enabled else 'BACK'
dis.draw_footer(left_btn, 'SELECT', self.input.is_pressed('x'),
# We only want to turn it off once rather than whenever it's False, so we
# set to None to avoid turning turbo off again.
if self.turbo == False:
self.turbo = None
4 years ago
def down(self):
if self.cursor < self.count-1:
self.cursor += 1
if self.cursor - self.ypos > (self.max_lines-1):
self.ypos += 1
def up(self):
if self.cursor > 0:
self.cursor -= 1
if self.cursor < self.ypos:
self.ypos -= 1
def top(self):
self.cursor = 0
self.ypos = 0
def goto_n(self, n):
# goto N from top of (current) screen
# change scroll only if needed to make it visible
self.cursor = max(min(n + self.ypos, self.count-1), 0)
self.ypos = max(self.cursor - n, 0)
def goto_idx(self, n):
# skip to any item, force cursor near middle of screen
# NOTE: If we get a string error here, it probably means we have
# passed the title to a MenuSystem() call as the second parameter instead of as a named parameter
n = self.count-1 if n >= self.count else n
n = 0 if n < 0 else n
self.cursor = n
if n < self.max_lines - 1:
self.ypos = 0
self.ypos = n - 2
def page(self, n):
# relative page dn/up
if n == 1:
for i in range(self.max_lines):
for i in range(self.max_lines):
# events
def on_cancel(self):
# override me
if the_ux.pop():
# top of stack (main top-level menu)
async def activate(self, idx):
# Activate a specific choice in our menu.
if idx is None:
# "go back" or cancel or something
if self.shutdown_btn_enabled:
if not self.input.kcode_imminent():
await ux_shutdown()
if idx >= 0 and idx < self.count:
ch = self.items[idx]
await ch.activate(self, idx)
async def interact(self):
# Only public entry point: do stuff.
while self.should_continue() and the_ux.top_of_stack() == self:
ch = await self.wait_choice()
await self.activate(ch)
4 years ago
async def wait_choice(self):
# Wait until a menu choice is picked; let them move around
# the menu, keep redrawing it and so on.
key = None
while 1:
# Give the menu predicates another chance to run in case they changed
4 years ago
start = utime.ticks_ms()
4 years ago
event = None
while True:
event = await self.input.get_event()
if event != None:
# Redraw the display if no menu input has occurred
# for a while. Gives the battery icon a chance to update.
end = utime.ticks_ms()
if end - start >= 60000:
event = (None, None)
4 years ago
key, event_type = event
# print('key={} event_type={}'.format(key, event_type))
if event_type == 'down' or event_type == 'repeat':
if event_type == 'down':
from common import system
self.turbo = True
4 years ago
if not self.input.kcode_imminent():
if key == 'u':
elif key == 'd':
if event_type == 'up':
self.turbo = False # We set to False here, but actually turn off after rendering
4 years ago
if self.input.kcode_complete():
from flow import ExtrasMenu
menu_item = MenuItem('Extras', ExtrasMenu, menu_title='Extras')
4 years ago
await menu_item.activate(self, 0)
return -1 # So that the caller does nothing
elif not self.input.kcode_imminent():
if key == 'y':
# selected
return self.cursor
elif key == 'x':
# abort/nothing selected/back out?
return None