// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Foundation Devices, Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later // // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Coinkite, Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only // // (c) Copyright 2018 by Coinkite Inc. This file is part of Coldcard // and is covered by GPLv3 license found in COPYING. // // // flash.c -- manage flash and its sensitive contents. // #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "pprng.h" #include "hash.h" #include "fwheader.h" #include "se.h" #include "se-atecc608a.h" #include "verify.h" #include "flash.h" const uint32_t num_pages_locked = ((BL_FLASH_SIZE + BL_NVROM_SIZE) / 0x800) - 1; // == 15 static inline bool is_pairing_secret_programmed( uint8_t *secret, size_t len ) { uint8_t *ptr = secret; for(; len; len--, ptr++) { if (*ptr != 0xff) return true; } return false; } static inline secresult is_se_programmed(void) { int rc; uint8_t config[128] = {0}; rc = se_config_read(config); if (rc < 0) LOCKUP_FOREVER(); /* Can't talk to the SE */ if ((config[86] != 0x55) && (config[87] != 0x55)) return SEC_TRUE; return SEC_FALSE; } // See FLASH_WaitForLastOperation((uint32_t)FLASH_TIMEOUT_VALUE) // Absolutely MUST be in RAM. // __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) static inline uint32_t _flash_wait_done(uint32_t bank) { uint32_t bsyflag, errorflag; if (bank == FLASH_BANK_1) bsyflag = FLASH_FLAG_QW_BANK1; else bsyflag = FLASH_FLAG_QW_BANK2; while(__HAL_FLASH_GET_FLAG(bsyflag)) { // busy wait } /* Get Error Flags */ if (bank == FLASH_BANK_1) errorflag = FLASH->SR1 & FLASH_FLAG_ALL_ERRORS_BANK1; else errorflag = (FLASH->SR2 & FLASH_FLAG_ALL_ERRORS_BANK2) | 0x80000000U; /* In case of error reported in Flash SR1 or SR2 register */ if ((errorflag & 0x7FFFFFFFU) != 0U) { /* Clear error programming flags */ __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG(errorflag); return errorflag; } /* Check FLASH End of programming flag */ if (bank == FLASH_BANK_1) { if (__HAL_FLASH_GET_FLAG_BANK1(FLASH_FLAG_EOP_BANK1)) { /* Clear FLASH End of programming flag */ __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG_BANK1(FLASH_FLAG_EOP_BANK1); } } else { if (__HAL_FLASH_GET_FLAG_BANK2(FLASH_FLAG_EOP_BANK2)) { /* Clear FLASH End of programming flag */ __HAL_FLASH_CLEAR_FLAG_BANK2(FLASH_FLAG_EOP_BANK2); } } return 0; } __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) void flash_lock(void) { // see HAL_FLASH_Lock(); SET_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_LOCK); if (READ_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_LOCK)) { return; } SET_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_LOCK); if (READ_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_LOCK)) { return; } } __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) void flash_unlock(void) { // see HAL_FLASH_Unlock() if (READ_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_LOCK)) { /* Authorize the FLASH Bank1 Registers access */ WRITE_REG(FLASH->KEYR1, FLASH_KEY1); WRITE_REG(FLASH->KEYR1, FLASH_KEY2); if(READ_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_LOCK)) { return; } } if (READ_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_LOCK)) { /* Authorize the FLASH Bank2 Registers access */ WRITE_REG(FLASH->KEYR2, FLASH_KEY1); WRITE_REG(FLASH->KEYR2, FLASH_KEY2); if(READ_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_LOCK)) { return; } } } __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) int flash_ob_lock(bool lock) { if (!lock) { /* see HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() */ if (READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTCR, FLASH_OPTCR_OPTLOCK) != 0U) { /* Authorizes the Option Byte registers programming */ WRITE_REG(FLASH->OPTKEYR, FLASH_OPT_KEY1); WRITE_REG(FLASH->OPTKEYR, FLASH_OPT_KEY2); /* Verify that the Option Bytes are unlocked */ if (READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTCR, FLASH_OPTCR_OPTLOCK) != 0U) { return -1; } } } else { /* see HAL_FLASH_OB_Lock() */ /* Set the OPTLOCK Bit to lock the FLASH Option Byte Registers access */ SET_BIT(FLASH->OPTCR, FLASH_OPTCR_OPTLOCK); /* Verify that the Option Bytes are locked */ if (READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTCR, FLASH_OPTCR_OPTLOCK) == 0U) { return -1; } } return 0; } // See HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, ...) // // NOTES: // - this function **AND** everything it calls, must be in RAM // - interrupts are already off here (entire bootloader) // - return non-zero on failure; don't try to handle anything // __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) int flash_burn(uint32_t flash_address, uint32_t data_address) { uint32_t bank; uint32_t rv; __IO uint32_t *dest_addr = (__IO uint32_t *)flash_address; __IO uint32_t *src_addr = (__IO uint32_t*)data_address; uint8_t row_index = FLASH_NB_32BITWORD_IN_FLASHWORD; if (IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK1(flash_address)) bank = FLASH_BANK_1; else if (IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK2(flash_address)) bank = FLASH_BANK_2; else return -1; _flash_wait_done(bank); /* Set PG bit */ if (bank == FLASH_BANK_1) SET_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_PG); else SET_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_PG); __ISB(); __DSB(); /* Program the 256 bits flash word */ do { *dest_addr = *src_addr; dest_addr++; src_addr++; row_index--; } while (row_index != 0U); __ISB(); __DSB(); rv = _flash_wait_done(bank); /* If the program operation is completed, disable the PG*/ if (bank == FLASH_BANK_1) CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR1, FLASH_CR_PG); else CLEAR_BIT(FLASH->CR2, FLASH_CR_PG); return rv; } // See HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef *pEraseInit, uint32_t *PageError) // __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) int flash_sector_erase(uint32_t address) { uint32_t sector; if (IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK1(address)) { sector = (address - FLASH_BANK1_BASE) / FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; /* Protect against erasing sector 0 (contains the bootloader) */ if (sector == 0) return -1; _flash_wait_done(FLASH_BANK_1); /* reset Program/erase VoltageRange for Bank1 */ FLASH->CR1 &= ~(FLASH_CR_PSIZE | FLASH_CR_SNB); FLASH->CR1 |= (FLASH_CR_SER | FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3 | (sector << FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos)); FLASH->CR1 |= FLASH_CR_START; _flash_wait_done(FLASH_BANK_1); /* The erase operation is completed, disable the SER Bit */ FLASH->CR1 &= (~(FLASH_CR_SER | FLASH_CR_SNB)); } else if (IS_FLASH_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_BANK2(address)) { sector = (address - FLASH_BANK2_BASE) / FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; _flash_wait_done(FLASH_BANK_2); /* reset Program/erase VoltageRange for Bank2 */ FLASH->CR2 &= ~(FLASH_CR_PSIZE | FLASH_CR_SNB); FLASH->CR2 |= (FLASH_CR_SER | FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3 | (sector << FLASH_CR_SNB_Pos)); FLASH->CR2 |= FLASH_CR_START; _flash_wait_done(FLASH_BANK_2); /* The erase operation is completed, disable the SER Bit */ FLASH->CR2 &= (~(FLASH_CR_SER | FLASH_CR_SNB)); } else return -1; return 0; } #define JUST_PROGRAM_ROM_SECRETS #ifdef JUST_PROGRAM_ROM_SECRETS __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) static int flash_rom_secrets(rom_secrets_t *secrets) { __IO uint32_t *src_secrets = (__IO uint32_t *)secrets; __IO uint32_t *flash_secrets = (__IO uint32_t *)(BL_NVROM_BASE); __IO uint32_t empty[FLASH_NB_32BITWORD_IN_FLASHWORD] = {0}; uint32_t flash_word_len = sizeof(uint32_t) * FLASH_NB_32BITWORD_IN_FLASHWORD; uint32_t pos = (uint32_t)src_secrets; uint32_t dest = (uint32_t)flash_secrets; uint32_t zeros = (uint32_t)empty; int i; flash_unlock(); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rom_secrets_t); i += flash_word_len, pos += flash_word_len, dest += flash_word_len) { if (flash_burn(dest, pos)) return -1; } for (; i < BL_NVROM_SIZE; i += flash_word_len, dest += flash_word_len) { if (flash_burn(dest, zeros)) return -1; } flash_lock(); return 0; } #else __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) static int flash_bootloader(rom_secrets_t *secrets) { __IO uint32_t *sector0 = (__IO uint32_t *)BL_FLASH_BASE; __IO uint32_t *sector0_end = (__IO uint32_t *)(BL_FLASH_BASE + BL_FLASH_SIZE); __IO uint32_t *sram = (__IO uint32_t *)D1_AXISRAM_BASE; __IO uint32_t *src_secrets = (__IO uint32_t *)secrets; __IO uint32_t *src_secrets_end = (__IO uint32_t *)((uint32_t)secrets + sizeof(rom_secrets_t)); __IO uint32_t *sram_secrets = (__IO uint32_t *)(D1_AXISRAM_BASE + BL_FLASH_SIZE - BL_NVROM_SIZE); uint32_t flash_word_len = sizeof(uint32_t) * FLASH_NB_32BITWORD_IN_FLASHWORD; uint32_t pos = (uint32_t)sram; uint32_t dest = (uint32_t)sector0; int i; /* Copy sector 0 to SRAM */ while (sector0 < sector0_end) { *sram = *sector0; ++sram; ++sector0; } /* Copy the ROM secrets to SRAM */ while (src_secrets < src_secrets_end) { *sram_secrets = *src_secrets; ++sram_secrets; ++src_secrets; } flash_unlock(); for (i = 0; i < BL_FLASH_SIZE; i += flash_word_len, pos += flash_word_len, dest += flash_word_len) { if (flash_burn(dest, pos)) { return -1; } } flash_lock(); return 0; } #endif /* JUST_PROGRAM_ROM_SECRETS */ __attribute__((section(".ramfunc"))) void flash_lockdown_hard(void) { #ifdef LOCKED _flash_wait_done(FLASH_BANK_1); _flash_wait_done(FLASH_BANK_2); flash_ob_lock(false); MODIFY_REG(FLASH->OPTSR_PRG, FLASH_OPTSR_RDP, (uint32_t)OB_RDP_LEVEL_2); _flash_wait_done(FLASH_BANK_1); _flash_wait_done(FLASH_BANK_2); SET_BIT(FLASH->OPTCR, FLASH_OPTCR_OPTSTART); flash_ob_lock(true); #endif /* LOCKED */ } static void pick_pairing_secret(rom_secrets_t *local) { uint32_t secret[8]; int i; uint32_t *pos; uint16_t len; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { secret[i] = rng_sample(); } // enforce policy that first word is not all ones (so it never // looks like unprogrammed flash). while(secret[0] == 0xff) { secret[0] = rng_sample(); } memcpy(local->pairing_secret, secret, sizeof(secret)); pos = (uint32_t *)local->otp_key; len = sizeof(local->otp_key); for (i = 0; i < len; i += sizeof(uint32_t), ++pos) { *pos = rng_sample(); } // pos = (uint32_t *)&local->otp_key_long; // len = sizeof(local->otp_key_long); // for (i = 0; i < len; i += sizeof(uint32_t), ++pos) { // *pos = rng_sample(); // } pos = (uint32_t *)&local->hash_cache_secret; len = sizeof(local->hash_cache_secret); for (i = 0; i < len; i += sizeof(uint32_t), ++pos) { *pos = rng_sample(); } } secresult flash_first_boot(void) { int rc; uint8_t fw_hash[HASH_LEN] = {0}; uint8_t board_hash[HASH_LEN] = {0}; uint8_t zeros[HASH_LEN] = {0}; passport_firmware_header_t *fwhdr = (passport_firmware_header_t *)FW_HDR; uint8_t *fwptr = (uint8_t *)fwhdr + FW_HEADER_SIZE; bool secrets_already_programmed; rom_secrets_t local_secrets = {0}; if (sizeof(rom_secrets_t) > 2048) return ERR_ROM_SECRETS_TOO_BIG; if (verify_header(fwhdr) != SEC_TRUE) return ERR_INVALID_FIRMWARE_HEADER; hash_fw(&fwhdr->info, fwptr, fwhdr->info.fwlength, fw_hash, sizeof(fw_hash)); if (verify_signature(fwhdr, fw_hash, sizeof(fw_hash)) == SEC_FALSE) return ERR_INVALID_FIRMWARE_SIGNATURE; secrets_already_programmed = is_pairing_secret_programmed(rom_secrets->pairing_secret, sizeof(rom_secrets->pairing_secret)); if (secrets_already_programmed) memcpy(&local_secrets, rom_secrets, sizeof(local_secrets)); else pick_pairing_secret(&local_secrets); rc = se_setup_config(&local_secrets); if (rc != 0) return ERR_UNABLE_TO_CONFIGURE_SE; if (!secrets_already_programmed) { HAL_SuspendTick(); #ifdef JUST_PROGRAM_ROM_SECRETS rc = flash_rom_secrets(&local_secrets); #else rc = flash_bootloader(&local_secrets); #endif /* JUST_PROGRAM_ROM_SECRETS */ HAL_ResumeTick(); if (rc < 0) return ERR_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_ROM_SECRETS; } // We need to lockdown the flash BEFORE programming the first board_hash into the SE so that the correct // option bytes from the MCU are included in the hash. flash_lockdown_hard(); #ifdef PRODUCTION_BUILD hash_board(fw_hash, sizeof(fw_hash), board_hash, sizeof(board_hash)); #else memset(board_hash, 0, sizeof(board_hash)); #endif /* PRODUCTION_BUILD */ rc = se_program_board_hash(zeros, board_hash, sizeof(board_hash)); if (rc < 0) return ERR_UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_FIRMWARE_HASH_IN_SE; return SEC_TRUE; } secresult flash_is_programmed(void) { if (!is_pairing_secret_programmed(rom_secrets->pairing_secret, sizeof(rom_secrets->pairing_secret))) return SEC_FALSE; return is_se_programmed(); } #ifdef LOCKED secresult flash_is_locked(void) { uint32_t rdp_level = READ_BIT(FLASH->OPTSR_CUR, FLASH_OPTSR_RDP); if (rdp_level == OB_RDP_LEVEL_2) return SEC_TRUE; return SEC_FALSE; } #endif /* LOCKED */