You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
543 lines
20 KiB
543 lines
20 KiB
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Foundation Devices, Inc. <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Coinkite, Inc. <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# (c) Copyright 2018 by Coinkite Inc. This file is part of Coldcard <>
# and is covered by GPLv3 license found in COPYING.
# - Screen rendering and brightness control
import foundation
from foundation import LCD
from foundation import Backlight
from foundation import Powermon
import framebuf
import uzlib
from graphics import Graphics
from passport_fonts import FontSmall, FontTiny, lookup
from uasyncio import sleep_ms
from common import system
class Display:
WIDTH = 230
# Note for the Sharp display the frame buffer width has to be 240 to draw properly
FB_WIDTH = 240
HEIGHT = 303
def __init__(self):
# Setup frame buffer, in show we will call scrn.update(self.dis) to show the buffer
self.scrn = LCD()
self.dis = framebuf.FrameBuffer(bytearray(
self.LINE_SIZE_BYTES * self.HEIGHT), self.FB_WIDTH, self.HEIGHT, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
self.backlight = Backlight()
def clear(self, invert=0):
def clear_rect(self, x, y, w, h):
self.dis.fill_rect(x, y, w, h, 0)
def show(self):
def hline(self, y, invert=1):
self.dis.line(0, y, self.WIDTH, y, invert)
def vline(self, x, invert=1):
self.dis.line(x, 0, x, self.HEIGHT, invert)
def hsegment(self, x1, x2, y, col):
self.dis.line(x1, y, x2, y, col)
def vsegment(self, x, y1, y2, col):
self.dis.line(x, y1, x, y2, col)
# Draw a filled rectangle with a border of a specified thickness
def draw_rect(self, x, y, w, h, border_w, fill_color=0, border_color=None):
if border_color == None:
border_color = 1 if fill_color == 0 else 0
# print("draw_rect() x={} y={} w={} h={} fill={} border={}".format(
# x, y, w, h, fill_color, border_color))
if border_w > 0:
self.dis.fill_rect(x, y, w, h, border_color)
self.dis.fill_rect(x + border_w, y + border_w,
w - border_w * 2, h - border_w * 2, fill_color)
def set_pixel(self, x, y, col):
self.dis.fill_rect(x, y, 1, 1, col)
def progress_bar(self, percent):
# Horizontal progress bar
# takes 0.0 .. 1.0 as fraction of doneness
percent = max(0, min(1.0, percent))
side_space = 10
bottom_space = 40
bar_height = 9
bw = 2
bw2 = bw * 2
width = self.WIDTH - (side_space * 2) - bw2
self.dis.fill_rect(side_space, self.HEIGHT - bottom_space, width, bar_height, 1)
self.dis.fill_rect(side_space + bw, self.HEIGHT - bottom_space + bw, width - bw2, bar_height - bw2, 0)
self.dis.fill_rect(side_space + bw + 1, self.HEIGHT - bottom_space + bw + 1, int((width - bw2 - 2) * percent), bar_height - bw2 - 2, 1)
def set_brightness(self, val):
# 0-100 are valid
if val >= 0 and val <= 100:
def fullscreen(self, msg, percent=None, line2=None):
# show a simple message "fullscreen".
headingFont = FontSmall
subheadingFont = FontTiny
if line2:
y = self.HALF_HEIGHT - (headingFont.height // 2)
self.text(None, y, msg, font=headingFont)
y += headingFont.leading
self.text(None, y, line2, font=subheadingFont)
y = self.HALF_HEIGHT - (headingFont.height // 2)
self.text(None, y, msg, font=headingFont)
if percent is not None:
def splash(self, message=None, progress=None):
# Display a splash screen with some version numbers
logo_w, logo_h = self.icon_size('splash')
self.icon(None, self.HALF_HEIGHT - logo_h//2, 'splash')
if message != None:
y = self.HEIGHT - 68 # Same position as in the bootloader splash
self.text(None, y, message, font=FontSmall)
if progress != None:
def width(self, msg, font):
return sum(lookup(font, ord(ch)).advance for ch in msg)
def icon_size(self, name):
# see (auto generated file) for names
w, h, _bw, _wbits, _data = getattr(Graphics, name)
return (w, h)
def icon(self, x, y, name, invert=0):
# see (auto generated file) for names
w, h, bw, wbits, data = getattr(Graphics, name)
if wbits:
data = uzlib.decompress(data, wbits)
if invert:
data = bytearray(i ^ 0xff for i in data)
gly = framebuf.FrameBuffer(bytearray(data), w, h, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
if x is None:
x = self.HALF_WIDTH - (w // 2)
if y is None:
y = self.HALF_HEIGHT - (h // 2)
self.dis.blit(gly, x, y, invert)
return (w, h)
def image(self, x, y, w, h, img_data, invert=0):
gly = framebuf.FrameBuffer(
bytearray(img_data), w, h, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
if x is None:
x = self.HALF_WIDTH - (w // 2)
if y is None:
y = self.HALF_HEIGHT - (h // 2)
self.dis.blit(gly, x, y, invert)
return (w, h)
def char_width(self, ch, font=FontSmall):
fn = lookup(font, ord(ch))
return fn.advance
def text_input(self, x, y, msg, font=FontSmall, invert=0, cursor_pos=None, visible_spaces=False, fixed_spacing=None, cursor_shape='line', max_chars_per_line=0):
if max_chars_per_line > 0:
# TODO: Improve this by splitting lines based on actual pixel widths instead of max_chars_per_line
# Split text into multiple lines and draw them separately
lines = [msg[i:i+max_chars_per_line]
for i in range(0, len(msg), max_chars_per_line)]
# Special case to draw cursor by itself when no text is entered yet
if len(lines) == 0:
self.text(x, y, '', font, invert, cursor_pos,
visible_spaces, fixed_spacing, cursor_shape)
for line in lines:
self.text(x, y, line, font, invert, cursor_pos,
visible_spaces, fixed_spacing, cursor_shape)
y += font.leading
cursor_pos -= max_chars_per_line
self.text(x, y, msg, font, invert, cursor_pos,
visible_spaces, fixed_spacing, cursor_shape)
def text(self, x, y, msg, font=FontSmall, invert=0, cursor_pos=None, visible_spaces=False, fixed_spacing=None, cursor_shape='line', scrollbar_visible=False):
# Draw at x,y (top left corner of first letter)
# using font. Use invert=1 to get reverse video
if x is None or x < 0:
# center/rjust
w = self.width(msg, font)
if x == None:
x = max(0, self.HALF_WIDTH - (w // 2))
if scrollbar_visible:
x = x - self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH // 2
# measure from right edge (right justify)
x = max(0, self.WIDTH - w + 1 + x)
if y < 0:
# measure up from bottom edge
y = self.HEIGHT - font.leading + 1 + y
return x + (len(msg) * 8)
curr_pos = 0
for ch in msg:
if visible_spaces and ch == ' ':
ch = '_'
fn = lookup(font, ord(ch))
if fn is None:
# Use last char in font as error char for junk we don't know how to render
fn = font.lookup(font.code_range.stop)
bits = bytearray(fn.w * fn.h)
bits[0:len(fn.bits)] = fn.bits
if invert:
bits = bytearray(i ^ 0xff for i in bits)
gly = framebuf.FrameBuffer(bits, fn.w, fn.h, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
advance = fn.advance
adjust = 0
if fixed_spacing != None:
# Adjust x to center the character within the fixed spacing
adjust = (fixed_spacing - fn.advance) // 2
x += adjust
advance = fixed_spacing - adjust
if cursor_pos != None and curr_pos == cursor_pos:
# Draw the block cursor
if cursor_shape == 'block':
# Invert the character under the block cursor if necessary
_invert = 0 if invert else 1
if _invert:
bits = bytearray(i ^ 0xff for i in bits)
gly = framebuf.FrameBuffer(
bits, fn.w, fn.h, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
# Draw block
x - adjust, y, fixed_spacing, font.leading, _invert)
# Draw the character
self.dis.blit(gly, x + fn.x, y + font.ascent -
fn.h - fn.y, _invert)
# Draw the line cursor
self.dis.fill_rect(x, y, 1, font.leading - 4, 1)
self.dis.blit(gly, x + fn.x, y +
font.ascent - fn.h - fn.y, invert)
# Just draw the character normally
self.dis.blit(gly, x + fn.x, y +
font.ascent - fn.h - fn.y, invert)
x += advance
curr_pos += 1
if cursor_shape == 'line' and cursor_pos == len(msg):
# Draw the line cursor at the end if positioned at the end
self.dis.fill_rect(x, y, 1, font.leading, 1)
return x
def scrollbar(self, scroll_percent, content_to_height_ratio):
# Draw scrollbar only if the content doesn't fit on screen
if content_to_height_ratio < 1:
# We add one for the left border, but everything else is based on the constant
sb_left = self.WIDTH - (self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + 1)
# Draw a rectangle background for the entire thing
# NOTE: We go up one pixel to cover the header divider (looks better)
self.dis.fill_rect(sb_left, self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 2,
self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + 1, self.HEIGHT - self.HEADER_HEIGHT + 2, 1)
self.dis.fill_rect(sb_left+1, self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 2,
self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 1, self.HEIGHT - self.HEADER_HEIGHT + 2, 0)
# Draw the scrollbar track
bg_w, bg_h = self.icon_size('scrollbar')
for i in range((self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + bg_w//2) // bg_w):
self.icon(sb_left + (bg_w * i) + 1, self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 3, 'scrollbar')
# Draw the thumb in the right position
mm = self.HEIGHT - self.HEADER_HEIGHT - self.FOOTER_HEIGHT + 4
pos = min(int(mm * scroll_percent), mm) + self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 2
thumb_height = min(int(mm * content_to_height_ratio), mm)
thumb_width = self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 1
thumb_left = sb_left + 1
self.dis.fill_rect(thumb_left, pos, thumb_width, thumb_height, 0)
# Round the thumb corners
self.set_pixel(thumb_left, pos, 1)
self.set_pixel(thumb_left + self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 2, pos, 1)
self.set_pixel(thumb_left, pos + thumb_height - 1, 1)
self.set_pixel(thumb_left + self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 2, pos + thumb_height - 1, 1)
# Draw separator lines above and below the thumb
if scroll_percent > 0:
self.hsegment(thumb_left, thumb_left + thumb_width, pos - 1, 1)
if scroll_percent < 1:
self.hsegment(thumb_left, thumb_left +
thumb_width, pos + thumb_height, 1)
# Draw a thumb pattern in the middle
notch_height = 3
notch_width = self.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 3
# Reserve 3 pixels at the top and bottom (the 6 below)
num_notches = min((thumb_height - 6) // notch_height, 9)
notch_y = pos + (thumb_height // 2) - \
(((num_notches - 1) * notch_height) // 2) - 1
for i in range(num_notches):
self.hsegment(thumb_left + 1, thumb_left +
notch_width, notch_y, 1)
notch_y += notch_height
def draw_header(self, title='Passport', wordmark=False, left_text=None):
import stash
import common
from utils import truncate_string_to_width
from common import battery_level, battery_voltage, demo_active, demo_count
title_y = 10
# Fill background
self.dis.fill_rect(0, 0, self.WIDTH, self.HEADER_HEIGHT, 0)
self.hline(self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 4, 1)
self.hline(self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 3, 1)
self.hline(self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 2, 0)
self.hline(self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 1, 0)
# Title - restrict length so it doesn't overwrite battery or left text
title = truncate_string_to_width(title, FontSmall, MAX_HEADER_TITLE_WIDTH )
self.text(None, title_y, title, font=FontSmall, invert=0)
# Left text
left_text_y = title_y + 5
if demo_active:
left_text = '{}'.format(demo_count)
if common.snapshot_mode_enabled:
self.text(6, left_text_y, 'Cam', font=FontTiny, invert=0)
elif common.enable_battery_mon:
# Draw some stats rather than other left_text
v = str(int(battery_voltage))
p ='{}%'.format(int(battery_level))
self.text(6, title_y - 5, v, font=FontTiny, invert=0)
self.text(6, title_y + 9, p, font=FontTiny, invert=0)
elif left_text != None:
self.text(LEFT_MARGIN, left_text_y, left_text, font=FontTiny, invert=0)
left_x = 2
if stash.bip39_passphrase:
pass_w, pass_h = self.icon_size('passphrase_icon')
self.icon(4, ((self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 4) // 2 - pass_h // 2) + 2, 'passphrase_icon', invert=0)
left_x += pass_w + 2
battery_icon = self.get_battery_icon(battery_level)
batt_w, batt_h = self.icon_size(battery_icon)
self.icon(self.WIDTH - batt_w - 6, ((self.HEADER_HEIGHT - 4) //
2 - batt_h // 2) + 3, battery_icon, invert=0)
def draw_button(self, x, y, w, h, label, font=FontTiny, invert=0):
self.draw_rect(x, y, w, h, border_w=1,
fill_color=1 if invert else 0, border_color=1)
label_w = self.width(label, font)
x = x + (w // 2 - label_w // 2)
y = y + (h // 2 - font.ascent // 2)
self.text(x, y - 1, label, font, invert)
def draw_footer(self, left_btn='', right_btn='', left_down=False, right_down=False):
btn_w = self.WIDTH // 2
# Ignore up/down state if there is no label
if left_btn == '':
left_down = False
if right_btn == '':
right_down = False
# Draw left button
self.draw_button(-1, self.HEIGHT - self.FOOTER_HEIGHT + 1, btn_w + 1,
self.FOOTER_HEIGHT, left_btn, invert=1 if left_down else 0)
# Draw right button
self.draw_button(btn_w - 1, self.HEIGHT - self.FOOTER_HEIGHT + 1,
btn_w + 2, self.FOOTER_HEIGHT, right_btn, invert=1 if right_down else 0)
def get_battery_icon(self, level):
if level > 90:
return 'battery_100'
elif level >= 70:
return 'battery_75'
elif level >= 50:
return 'battery_50'
elif level >= 30:
return 'battery_25'
return 'battery_low'
# Save a screenshot in PPM (Portable Pixel Map) -- a very simple format
# that doesn't need a big library to be included.
def screenshot(self):
from files import CardSlot
from noise_source import NoiseSource
from utils import bytes_to_hex_str
import common
white = b'\xEE'
black = b'\x00'
fname_rnd = bytearray(4)
# Just use MCU nois source as it's faster and this is not a security-related use
common.noise.random_bytes(fname_rnd, NoiseSource.MCU)
with CardSlot() as card:
# Need to use get_sd_root() here to prefix the /sd/ or we get EPERM errors
fname = '{}/screenshot-{}.pgm'.format(card.get_sd_root(), bytes_to_hex_str(fname_rnd))
print('Saving screenshot to: {}'.format(fname))
with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
hdr = '''P5
# Created by Passport
{} {}
255\n'''.format(self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT)
# Write the header
fd.write(bytes(hdr, 'utf-8'))
# Write the pixels
for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
for x in range(self.WIDTH):
p = self.dis.pixel(x, y)
fd.write(black if p else white)
except Exception as e:
print('EXCEPTION: {}'.format(e))
# This method is not async, so no error or warning if you don't have an SD card inserted
print('Screenshot saved.')
# Save a camera snapshot in PPM (Portable Pixel Map) -- a very simple format
# that doesn't need a big library to be included.
def snapshot(self):
from files import CardSlot
from utils import random_hex
import common
from common import qr_buf, viewfinder_buf
from foundation import Camera
# Create the Camera connection
cam = Camera()
# Take the picture - no viewfinder for now
result = cam.snapshot(qr_buf, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT,
with CardSlot() as card:
# Need to use get_sd_root() here to prefix the /sd/ or we get EPERM errors
fname = '{}/snapshot-{}.ppm'.format(card.get_sd_root(), random_hex(4))
# print('Saving camera snapshot to: {}'.format(fname))
# PPM file format
with open(fname, 'wb') as fd:
hdr = '''P6
# Created by Passport
{} {}
255\n'''.format(396, 330)
# Write the header
fd.write(bytes(hdr, 'utf-8'))
line = bytearray(396 * 2) # Two bytes per pixel
pixel = bytearray(3)
# Write the pixels
for y in range(330):
# print('Line {}'.format(y))
result = cam.get_line_data(line, y)
if not result:
print('ERROR: Unable to get line data for line {}!'.format(y))
for x in range(396):
rgb565 = (line[x*2 + 1] << 8) | line[x*2]
pixel[0] = (rgb565 & 0xF800) >> 8
pixel[1] = (rgb565 & 0x07E0) >> 3
pixel[2] = (rgb565 & 0x001F) << 3
except Exception as e:
print('EXCEPTION: {}'.format(e))
# This method is not async, so no error or warning if you don't have an SD card inserted
# print('Camera snapshot saved.')