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1793 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Foundation Devices, Inc. <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Coinkite, Inc. <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# (c) Copyright 2018 by Coinkite Inc. This file is part of Coldcard <>
# and is covered by GPLv3 license found in COPYING.
# - understand PSBT file format: verify and generate them
from ustruct import unpack_from, unpack, pack
from ubinascii import hexlify as b2a_hex
from utils import xfp2str, B2A, keypath_to_str, problem_file_line, swab32
import trezorcrypto, stash, gc, history, sys
from uio import BytesIO
from sffile import SizerFile
from sram4 import psbt_tmp256
from multisig import MultisigWallet, MAX_SIGNERS, disassemble_multisig, disassemble_multisig_mn
from exceptions import FatalPSBTIssue, FraudulentChangeOutput
from serializations import ser_compact_size, deser_compact_size, hash160, hash256
from serializations import CTxIn, CTxInWitness, CTxOut, SIGHASH_ALL, ser_uint256
from serializations import ser_sig_der, uint256_from_str, ser_push_data, uint256_from_str
from serializations import ser_string
from common import system
from public_constants import (
# print some things
# DEBUG = const(1)
# class HashNDump:
# def __init__(self, d=None):
# self.rv = trezorcrypto.sha256()
# print('Hashing: ', end='')
# if d:
# self.update(d)
# def update(self, d):
# print(b2a_hex(d), end=' ')
# self.rv.update(d)
# def digest(self):
# print(' END')
# return self.rv.digest()
def read_varint(v):
# read "compact sized" int from a few bytes.
assert not isinstance(v, tuple), v
nit = v[0]
if nit == 253:
return unpack_from("<H", v, 1)[0]
elif nit == 254:
return unpack_from("<I", v, 1)[0]
elif nit == 255:
return unpack_from("<Q", v, 1)[0]
return nit
def seq_to_str(seq):
# take a set or list of numbers and show a tidy list in order.
return ', '.join(str(i) for i in sorted(seq))
def _skip_n_objs(fd, n, cls):
# skip N sized objects in the stream, for example a vectors of CTxIns
# - returns starting position
if cls == 'CTxIn':
# output point(hash, n) + script sig + locktime
pat = [32+4, None, 4]
elif cls == 'CTxOut':
# nValue + Script
pat = [8, None]
raise ValueError(cls)
rv = fd.tell()
for i in range(n):
for p in pat:
if p is None:
# variable-length part
sz = deser_compact_size(fd)
|, 1)
|, 1)
return rv
def calc_txid(fd, poslen, body_poslen=None):
# Given the (pos,len) of a transaction in a file, return the txid for that txn.
# - doesn't validate data
# - does detect witness txn vs. old style
# - simple double-sha256() if old style txn, otherwise witness data must be carefully skipped
# see if witness encoding in effect
txn_version, marker, flags = unpack("<iBB",
has_witness = (marker == 0 and flags != 0x0)
if not has_witness:
# txn does not have witness data, so txid==wtxix
return get_hash256(fd, poslen)
rv = trezorcrypto.sha256()
# de/reserialize much of the txn -- but not the witness data
rv.update(pack("<i", txn_version))
if body_poslen is None:
body_start = fd.tell()
# determine how long ins + outs are...
num_in = deser_compact_size(fd)
_skip_n_objs(fd, num_in, 'CTxIn')
num_out = deser_compact_size(fd)
_skip_n_objs(fd, num_out, 'CTxOut')
body_poslen = (body_start, fd.tell() - body_start)
# hash the bulk of txn
get_hash256(fd, body_poslen, hasher=rv)
# assume last 4 bytes are the lock_time
| - 4)
return trezorcrypto.sha256(rv.digest()).digest()
def get_hash256(fd, poslen, hasher=None):
# return the double-sha256 of a value, without loading it into memory
pos, ll = poslen
rv = hasher or trezorcrypto.sha256()
while ll:
here = fd.readinto(psbt_tmp256)
if not here: break
if here > ll:
here = ll
ll -= here
if hasher:
return trezorcrypto.sha256(rv.digest()).digest()
class psbtProxy:
# store offsets to values, but track the keys in-memory.
short_values = ()
no_keys = ()
# these fields will return None but are not stored unless a value is set
blank_flds = ('unknown', )
def __init__(self):
self.fd = None
#self.unknown = {}
def __getattr__(self, nm):
if nm in self.blank_flds:
return None
raise AttributeError(nm)
def parse(self, fd):
self.fd = fd
while 1:
ks = deser_compact_size(fd)
if ks is None: break
if ks == 0: break
key =
vs = deser_compact_size(fd)
assert vs != None, 'eof'
kt = key[0]
# print('kt={}'.format(kt))
# print('self.no_keys={} 1'.format(self.no_keys))
if kt in self.no_keys:
# print('not expecting key')
assert len(key) == 1 # not expecting key
# storing offset and length only! Mostly.
# print('self.short_values={}'.format(self.short_values))
if kt in self.short_values:
# print('Adding xpub')
actual =
|, bytes(key), actual)
# skip actual data for now
proxy = (fd.tell(), vs)
|, 1)
|, bytes(key), proxy)
def write(self, out_fd, ktype, val, key=b''):
# serialize helper: write w/ size and key byte
out_fd.write(ser_compact_size(1 + len(key)))
out_fd.write(bytes([ktype]) + key)
if isinstance(val, tuple):
(pos, ll) = val
while ll:
t =, ll))
ll -= len(t)
elif isinstance(val, list):
# for subpaths lists (LE32 ints)
out_fd.write(ser_compact_size(len(val) * 4))
for i in val:
out_fd.write(pack('<I', i))
def get(self, val):
# get the raw bytes for a value.
pos, ll = val
def parse_subpaths(self, my_xfp):
# Reformat self.subpaths into a more useful form for us; return # of them
# that are ours (and track that as self.num_our_keys)
# - works in-place, on self.subpaths
# - creates dictionary: pubkey => [xfp, *path]
# - will be single entry for non-p2sh ins and outs
if not self.subpaths:
return 0
if self.num_our_keys != None:
# already been here once
return self.num_our_keys
num_ours = 0
for pk in self.subpaths:
assert len(pk) in {33, 65}, "hdpath pubkey len"
if len(pk) == 33:
assert pk[0] in {0x02, 0x03}, "uncompressed pubkey"
vl = self.subpaths[pk][1]
# force them to use a derived key, never the master
assert vl >= 8, 'too short key path'
assert (vl % 4) == 0, 'corrupt key path'
assert (vl//4) <= MAX_PATH_DEPTH, 'too deep'
# promote to a list of ints
v = self.get(self.subpaths[pk])
here = list(unpack_from('<%dI' % (vl//4), v))
# update in place
self.subpaths[pk] = here
if here[0] == my_xfp or here[0] == swab32(my_xfp):
num_ours += 1
# Address that isn't based on my seed; might be another leg in a p2sh,
# or an input we're not supposed to be able to sign... and that's okay.
self.num_our_keys = num_ours
return num_ours
# Track details of each output of PSBT
class psbtOutputProxy(psbtProxy):
blank_flds = ('unknown', 'subpaths', 'redeem_script', 'witness_script',
'is_change', 'num_our_keys')
def __init__(self, fd, idx):
# things we track
#self.subpaths = None # a dictionary if non-empty
#self.redeem_script = None
#self.witness_script = None
# this flag is set when we are assuming output will be change (same wallet)
#self.is_change = False
def store(self, kt, key, val):
if not self.subpaths:
self.subpaths = {}
self.subpaths[key[1:]] = val
self.redeem_script = val
self.witness_script = val
if not self.unknown:
self.unknown = {}
self.unknown[key] = val
def serialize(self, out_fd, my_idx):
wr = lambda *a: self.write(out_fd, *a)
if self.subpaths:
for k in self.subpaths:
wr(PSBT_OUT_BIP32_DERIVATION, self.subpaths[k], k)
if self.redeem_script:
wr(PSBT_OUT_REDEEM_SCRIPT, self.redeem_script)
if self.witness_script:
wr(PSBT_OUT_WITNESS_SCRIPT, self.witness_script)
if self.unknown:
for k in self.unknown:
wr(k[0], self.unknown[k], k[1:])
def validate(self, out_idx, txo, my_xfp, active_multisig):
# Do things make sense for this output?
# NOTE: We might think it's a change output just because the PSBT
# creator has given us a key path. However, we must be **very**
# careful and fully validate all the details.
# - no output info is needed, in general, so
# any output info provided better be right, or fail as "fraud"
# - full key derivation and validation is done during signing, and critical.
# - we raise fraud alarms, since these are not innocent errors
num_ours = self.parse_subpaths(my_xfp)
if num_ours == 0:
# - not considered fraud because other signers looking at PSBT may have them
# - user will see them as normal outputs, which they are from our PoV.
# - must match expected address for this output, coming from unsigned txn
addr_type, addr_or_pubkey, is_segwit = txo.get_address()
if len(self.subpaths) == 1:
# p2pk, p2pkh, p2wpkh cases
expect_pubkey, = self.subpaths.keys()
# p2wsh/p2sh cases need full set of pubkeys, and therefore redeem script
expect_pubkey = None
if addr_type == 'p2pk':
# output is public key (not a hash, much less common)
assert len(addr_or_pubkey) == 33
if addr_or_pubkey != expect_pubkey:
raise FraudulentChangeOutput(out_idx, "P2PK change output is fraudulent")
self.is_change = True
# Figure out what the hashed addr should be
pkh = addr_or_pubkey
if addr_type == 'p2sh':
# P2SH or Multisig output
# Can be both, or either one depending on address type
redeem_script = self.get(self.redeem_script) if self.redeem_script else None
witness_script = self.get(self.witness_script) if self.witness_script else None
if not redeem_script and not witness_script:
# Perhaps an omission, so let's not call fraud on it
# But definately required, else we don't know what script we're sending to.
raise FatalPSBTIssue("Missing redeem/witness script for output #%d" % out_idx)
if not is_segwit and redeem_script and \
len(redeem_script) == 22 and \
redeem_script[0] == 0 and redeem_script[1] == 20:
# it's actually segwit p2pkh inside p2sh
pkh = redeem_script[2:22]
expect_pkh = hash160(expect_pubkey)
# Multisig change output, for wallet we're supposed to be a part of.
# - our key must be part of it
# - must look like input side redeem script (same fingerprints)
# - assert M/N structure of output to match any inputs we have signed in PSBT!
# - assert all provided pubkeys are in redeem script, not just ours
# - we get all of that by re-constructing the script from our wallet details
# it cannot be change if it doesn't precisely match our multisig setup
if not active_multisig:
# - might be a p2sh output for another wallet that isn't us
# - not fraud, just an output with more details than we need.
self.is_change = False
# redeem script must be exactly what we expect
# - pubkeys will be reconstructed from derived paths here
# - BIP45, BIP67 rules applied
# - p2sh-p2wsh needs witness script here, not redeem script value
# - if details provided in output section, must our match multisig wallet
active_multisig.validate_script(witness_script or redeem_script,
except BaseException as exc:
raise FraudulentChangeOutput(out_idx,
"P2WSH or P2SH change output script: %s" % exc)
if is_segwit:
# p2wsh case
# - need witness script and check it's hash against proposed p2wsh value
assert len(addr_or_pubkey) == 32
expect_wsh = trezorcrypto.sha256(witness_script).digest()
if expect_wsh != addr_or_pubkey:
raise FraudulentChangeOutput(out_idx, "P2WSH witness script has wrong hash")
self.is_change = True
if witness_script:
# p2sh-p2wsh case (because it had witness script)
expect_rs = b'\x00\x20' + trezorcrypto.sha256(witness_script).digest()
if redeem_script and expect_rs != redeem_script:
# iff they provide a redeeem script, then it needs to match
# what we expect it to be
raise FraudulentChangeOutput(out_idx,
"P2SH-P2WSH redeem script provided, and doesn't match")
expect_pkh = hash160(expect_rs)
# old BIP16 style; looks like payment addr
expect_pkh = hash160(redeem_script)
elif addr_type == 'p2pkh':
# input is hash160 of a single public key
assert len(addr_or_pubkey) == 20
expect_pkh = hash160(expect_pubkey)
# we don't know how to "solve" this type of input
if pkh != expect_pkh:
raise FraudulentChangeOutput(out_idx, "Change output is fraudulent")
# We will check pubkey value at the last second, during signing.
self.is_change = True
# Track details of each input of PSBT
class psbtInputProxy(psbtProxy):
# just need to store a simple number for these
short_values = { PSBT_IN_SIGHASH_TYPE }
# only part-sigs have a key to be stored.
blank_flds = ('unknown',
'utxo', 'witness_utxo', 'sighash',
'redeem_script', 'witness_script', 'fully_signed',
'is_segwit', 'is_multisig', 'is_p2sh', 'num_our_keys',
'required_key', 'scriptSig', 'amount', 'scriptCode', 'added_sig')
def __init__(self, fd, idx):
#self.utxo = None
#self.witness_utxo = None
self.part_sig = {}
#self.sighash = None
self.subpaths = {} # will typically be non-empty for all inputs
#self.redeem_script = None
#self.witness_script = None
# Non-zero if one or more of our signing keys involved in input
#self.num_our_keys = None
# things we've learned
#self.fully_signed = False
# we can't really learn this until we take apart the UTXO's scriptPubKey
#self.is_segwit = None
#self.is_multisig = None
#self.is_p2sh = False
#self.required_key = None # which of our keys will be used to sign input
#self.scriptSig = None
#self.amount = None
#self.scriptCode = None # only expected for segwit inputs
# after signing, we'll have a signature to add to output PSBT
#self.added_sig = None
def validate(self, idx, txin, my_xfp):
# Validate this txn input: given deserialized CTxIn and maybe witness
# TODO: tighten these
if self.witness_script:
assert self.witness_script[1] >= 30
if self.redeem_script:
assert self.redeem_script[1] >= 22
# require path for each addr, check some are ours
# rework the pubkey => subpath mapping
# sighash, but we're probably going to ignore anyway.
self.sighash = SIGHASH_ALL if self.sighash is None else self.sighash
if self.sighash != SIGHASH_ALL:
# - someday we will expand to other types, but not yet
raise FatalPSBTIssue('Can only do SIGHASH_ALL')
if self.part_sig:
# How complete is the set of signatures so far?
# - assuming PSBT creator doesn't give us extra data not required
# - seems harmless if they fool us into thinking already signed; we do nothing
# - could also look at pubkey needed vs. sig provided
# - could consider structure of MofN in p2sh cases
self.fully_signed = (len(self.part_sig) >= len(self.subpaths))
# No signatures at all yet for this input (typical non multisig)
self.fully_signed = False
if self.utxo:
# Important: they might be trying to trick us with an un-related
# funding transaction (UTXO) that does not match the input signature we're making
# (but if it's segwit, the ploy wouldn't work, Segwit FtW)
# - challenge: it's a straight dsha256() for old serializations, but not for newer
# segwit txn's... plus I don't want to deserialize it here.
observed = uint256_from_str(calc_txid(self.fd, self.utxo))
raise AssertionError("Trouble parsing UTXO given for input #%d" % idx)
assert txin.prevout.hash == observed, "utxo hash mismatch for input #%d" % idx
def has_utxo(self):
# do we have a copy of the corresponding UTXO?
return bool(self.utxo) or bool(self.witness_utxo)
def get_utxo(self, idx):
# Load up the TxOut for specific output of the input txn associated with this in PSBT
# Aka. the "spendable" for this input #.
# - preserve the file pointer
# - nValue needed for total_value_in, but all fields needed for signing
fd = self.fd
old_pos = fd.tell()
if self.witness_utxo:
# Going forward? Just what we will witness; no other junk
# - prefer this format, altho does that imply segwit txn must be generated?
# - I don't know why we wouldn't always use this
# - once we use this partial utxo data, we must create witness data out
self.is_segwit = True
utxo = CTxOut()
return utxo
assert self.utxo, 'no utxo'
# skip over all the parts of the txn we don't care about, without
# fully parsing it... pull out a single TXO
_, marker, flags = unpack("<iBB",
wit_format = (marker == 0 and flags != 0x0)
if not wit_format:
# rewind back over marker+flags
|, 1)
# How many ins? We accept zero here because utxo's inputs might have been
# trimmed to save space, and we have test cases like that.
num_in = deser_compact_size(fd)
_skip_n_objs(fd, num_in, 'CTxIn')
num_out = deser_compact_size(fd)
assert idx < num_out, "not enuf outs"
_skip_n_objs(fd, idx, 'CTxOut')
utxo = CTxOut()
# ... followed by more outs, and maybe witness data, but we don't care ...
return utxo
def determine_my_signing_key(self, my_idx, utxo, my_xfp, psbt):
# See what it takes to sign this particular input
# - type of script
# - which pubkey needed
# - scriptSig value
# - also validates redeem_script when present
self.amount = utxo.nValue
if not self.subpaths or self.fully_signed:
# without xfp+path we will not be able to sign this input
# - okay if fully signed
# - okay if payjoin or other multi-signer (not multisig) txn
self.required_key = None
self.is_multisig = False
self.is_p2sh = False
which_key = None
addr_type, addr_or_pubkey, addr_is_segwit = utxo.get_address()
if addr_is_segwit and not self.is_segwit:
self.is_segwit = True
if addr_type == 'p2sh':
# multisig input
self.is_p2sh = True
# we must have the redeem script already (else fail)
ks = self.witness_script or self.redeem_script
if not ks:
raise FatalPSBTIssue("Missing redeem/witness script for input #%d" % my_idx)
redeem_script = self.get(ks)
self.scriptSig = redeem_script
# new cheat: psbt creator probably telling us exactly what key
# to use, by providing exactly one. This is ideal for p2sh wrapped p2pkh
if len(self.subpaths) == 1:
which_key, = self.subpaths.keys()
# Assume we'll be signing with any key we know
# - limitation: we cannot be two legs of a multisig
# - but if partial sig already in place, ignore that one
for pubkey, path in self.subpaths.items():
if self.part_sig and (pubkey in self.part_sig):
# pubkey has already signed, so ignore
if path[0] == my_xfp or path[0] == swab32(my_xfp):
# slight chance of dup xfps, so handle
if not which_key:
which_key = set()
if not addr_is_segwit and \
len(redeem_script) == 22 and \
redeem_script[0] == 0 and redeem_script[1] == 20:
# it's actually segwit p2pkh inside p2sh
addr_type = 'p2sh-p2wpkh'
addr = redeem_script[2:22]
self.is_segwit = True
# multiple keys involved, we probably can't do the finalize step
self.is_multisig = True
if self.witness_script and not self.is_segwit and self.is_multisig:
# bugfix
addr_type = 'p2sh-p2wsh'
self.is_segwit = True
elif addr_type == 'p2pkh':
# input is hash160 of a single public key
self.scriptSig = utxo.scriptPubKey
addr = addr_or_pubkey
for pubkey in self.subpaths:
if hash160(pubkey) == addr:
which_key = pubkey
elif addr_type == 'p2pk':
# input is single public key (less common)
self.scriptSig = utxo.scriptPubKey
assert len(addr_or_pubkey) == 33
if addr_or_pubkey in self.subpaths:
which_key = addr_or_pubkey
# we don't know how to "solve" this type of input
if self.is_multisig and which_key:
# We will be signing this input, so
# - find which wallet it is or
# - check it's the right M/N to match redeem script
#print("redeem: %s" % b2a_hex(redeem_script))
M, N = disassemble_multisig_mn(redeem_script)
xfp_paths = list(self.subpaths.values())
if not psbt.active_multisig:
# search for multisig wallet
wal = MultisigWallet.find_match(M, N, xfp_paths)
if not wal:
raise FatalPSBTIssue('Unknown multisig wallet')
psbt.active_multisig = wal
# check consistent w/ already selected wallet
psbt.active_multisig.assert_matching(M, N, xfp_paths)
# validate redeem script, by disassembling it and checking all pubkeys
psbt.active_multisig.validate_script(redeem_script, subpaths=self.subpaths)
except BaseException as exc:
raise FatalPSBTIssue('Input #%d: %s' % (my_idx, exc))
# if not which_key and DEBUG:
# print("no key: input #%d: type=%s segwit=%d a_or_pk=%s scriptPubKey=%s" % (
# my_idx, addr_type, self.is_segwit or 0,
# b2a_hex(addr_or_pubkey), b2a_hex(utxo.scriptPubKey)))
self.required_key = which_key
if self.is_segwit:
if ('pkh' in addr_type):
# This comment from <>:
# Please note that for a P2SH-P2WPKH, the scriptCode is always 26
# bytes including the leading size byte, as 0x1976a914{20-byte keyhash}88ac,
# NOT the redeemScript nor scriptPubKey
# Also need this scriptCode for native segwit p2pkh
assert not self.is_multisig
self.scriptCode = b'\x19\x76\xa9\x14' + addr + b'\x88\xac'
elif not self.scriptCode:
# Segwit P2SH. We need the witness script to be provided.
if not self.witness_script:
raise FatalPSBTIssue('Need witness script for input #%d' % my_idx)
# "scriptCode is witnessScript preceeded by a
# compactSize integer for the size of witnessScript"
self.scriptCode = ser_string(self.get(self.witness_script))
# Could probably free self.subpaths and self.redeem_script now, but only if we didn't
# need to re-serialize as a PSBT.
def store(self, kt, key, val):
# Capture what we are interested in.
self.utxo = val
self.witness_utxo = val
self.part_sig[key[1:]] = val
self.subpaths[key[1:]] = val
self.redeem_script = val
self.witness_script = val
self.sighash = unpack('<I', val)[0]
if not self.unknown:
self.unknown = {}
self.unknown[key] = val
def serialize(self, out_fd, my_idx):
# Output this input's values; might include signatures that weren't there before
wr = lambda *a: self.write(out_fd, *a)
if self.utxo:
if self.witness_utxo:
wr(PSBT_IN_WITNESS_UTXO, self.witness_utxo)
if self.part_sig:
for pk in self.part_sig:
wr(PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG, self.part_sig[pk], pk)
if self.added_sig:
pubkey, sig = self.added_sig
wr(PSBT_IN_PARTIAL_SIG, sig, pubkey)
if self.sighash is not None:
wr(PSBT_IN_SIGHASH_TYPE, pack('<I', self.sighash))
for k in self.subpaths:
wr(PSBT_IN_BIP32_DERIVATION, self.subpaths[k], k)
if self.redeem_script:
wr(PSBT_IN_REDEEM_SCRIPT, self.redeem_script)
if self.witness_script:
wr(PSBT_IN_WITNESS_SCRIPT, self.witness_script)
if self.unknown:
for k in self.unknown:
wr(k[0], self.unknown[k], k[1:])
class psbtObject(psbtProxy):
"Just? parse and store"
def __init__(self):
# global objects
self.txn = None
self.xpubs = [] # tuples(xfp_path, xpub)
from common import settings, dis
self.my_xfp = settings.get('xfp', 0)
# details that we discover as we go
self.inputs = None
self.outputs = None
self.had_witness = None
self.num_inputs = None
self.num_outputs = None
self.vin_start = None
self.vout_start = None
self.wit_start = None
self.txn_version = None
self.lock_time = None
self.total_value_out = None
self.total_value_in = None
self.presigned_inputs = set()
# when signing segwit stuff, there is some re-use of hashes
self.hashPrevouts = None
self.hashSequence = None
self.hashOutputs = None
# this points to a MS wallet, during operation
# - we are only supporting a single multisig wallet during signing
self.active_multisig = None
self.warnings = []
def store(self, kt, key, val):
# capture the values we care about
self.txn = val
elif kt == PSBT_GLOBAL_XPUB:
# list of tuples(xfp_path, xpub)
self.xpubs.append( (self.get(val), key[1:]) )
assert len(self.xpubs) <= MAX_SIGNERS
self.unknowns[key] = val
def output_iter(self):
# yield the txn's outputs: index, (CTxOut object) for each
assert self.vout_start is not None # must call input_iter/validate first
fd = self.fd
total_out = 0
tx_out = CTxOut()
for idx in range(self.num_outputs):
total_out += tx_out.nValue
cont = fd.tell()
yield idx, tx_out
if self.total_value_out is None:
self.total_value_out = total_out
assert self.total_value_out == total_out
def parse_txn(self):
# Need to semi-parse in unsigned transaction.
# - learn number of ins/outs so rest of PSBT can be understood
# - also captures lots of position details
# - called right after globals section is read
fd = self.fd
old_pos = fd.tell()
# see
# and BIP-144 ... we expect witness serialization, but
# don't force that
self.txn_version, marker, flags = unpack("<iBB",
self.had_witness = (marker == 0 and flags != 0x0)
assert self.txn_version in {1,2}, "bad txn version"
if not self.had_witness:
# rewind back over marker+flags
|, 1)
num_in = deser_compact_size(fd)
assert num_in > 0, "no ins?"
self.num_inputs = num_in
# print('self.num_inputs = {}'.format(self.num_inputs ))
# all the ins are in sequence starting at this position
self.vin_start = _skip_n_objs(fd, num_in, 'CTxIn')
# next is outputs
self.num_outputs = deser_compact_size(fd)
# print('self.num_outputs = {}'.format(self.num_outputs ))
self.vout_start = _skip_n_objs(fd, self.num_outputs, 'CTxOut')
end_pos = sum(self.txn)
# remainder is the witness data, and then the lock time
if self.had_witness:
# we'll need to come back to this pos if we
# want to read the witness data later.
self.wit_start = _skip_n_objs(fd, num_in, 'CTxInWitness')
# we are at end of outputs, and no witness data, so locktime is here
self.lock_time = unpack("<I",[0]
assert fd.tell() == end_pos, 'txn read end wrong'
def input_iter(self):
# Yield each of the txn's inputs, as a tuple:
# (index, CTxIn)
# - we also capture much data about the txn on the first pass thru here
fd = self.fd
assert self.vin_start # call parse_txn() first!
# stream out the inputs
txin = CTxIn()
for idx in range(self.num_inputs):
cont = fd.tell()
yield idx, txin
def input_witness_iter(self):
# yield all the witness data, in order by input
if not self.had_witness:
# original txn had no witness data, so provide placeholder objs
for in_idx in range(self.num_inputs):
yield in_idx, CTxInWitness()
for idx in range(num_in):
wit = CTxInWitness()
cont = fd.tell()
yield idx, wit
def guess_M_of_N(self):
# Peek at the inputs to see if we can guess M/N value. Just takes
# first one it finds.
from opcodes import OP_CHECKMULTISIG
for i in self.inputs:
ks = i.witness_script or i.redeem_script
if not ks: continue
rs = i.get(ks)
if rs[-1] != OP_CHECKMULTISIG: continue
M, N = disassemble_multisig_mn(rs)
assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS
return (M, N)
# not multisig, probably
return None, None
async def handle_xpubs(self):
# Lookup correct wallet based on xpubs in globals
# - only happens if they volunteered this 'extra' data
# - do not assume multisig
assert not self.active_multisig
xfp_paths = []
has_mine = 0
for k,_ in self.xpubs:
h = unpack_from('<%dI' % (len(k)//4), k, 0)
assert len(h) >= 1
if h[0] == self.my_xfp:
has_mine += 1
if not has_mine:
raise FatalPSBTIssue('My XFP not involved')
candidates = MultisigWallet.find_candidates(xfp_paths)
if len(candidates) == 1:
# exact match (by xfp+deriv set) .. normal case
self.active_multisig = candidates[0]
# don't want to guess M if not needed, but we need it
M, N = self.guess_M_of_N()
if not N:
# not multisig, but we can still verify:
# - XFP should be one of ours (checked above).
# - too slow to re-derive it here, so nothing more to validate at this point
assert N == len(xfp_paths)
for c in candidates:
if c.M == M:
assert c.N == N
self.active_multisig = c
del candidates
if not self.active_multisig:
# Maybe create wallet, for today, forever, or fail, etc.
proposed, need_approval = MultisigWallet.import_from_psbt(M, N, self.xpubs)
# print('proposed={}, need_approval={}'.format(proposed, need_approval))
if need_approval:
# do a complex UX sequence, which lets them save new wallet
ch = await proposed.confirm_import()
if ch != 'y':
raise FatalPSBTIssue("Refused to import new wallet")
self.active_multisig = proposed
# Validate good match here. The xpubs must be exactly right, but
# we're going to use our own values from setup time anyway and not trusting
# new values without user interaction.
# Check:
# - chain codes match what we have stored already
# - pubkey vs. path will be checked later
# - xfp+path already checked above when selecting wallet
# Any issue here is a fraud attempt in some way, not innocent.
if not self.active_multisig:
# not clear if an error... might be part-way to importing, and
# the data is optional anyway, etc. If they refuse to import,
# we should not reach this point (ie. raise something to abort signing)
async def validate(self):
# Do a first pass over the txn. Raise assertions, be terse tho because
# these messages are rarely seen. These are syntax/fatal errors.
assert self.txn[1] > 63, 'too short'
# this parses the input TXN in-place
for idx, txin in self.input_iter():
self.inputs[idx].validate(idx, txin, self.my_xfp)
assert len(self.inputs) == self.num_inputs, 'ni mismatch'
# if multisig xpub details provided, they better be right and/or offer import
# print('self.xpubs={}'.format(self.xpubs))
if self.xpubs:
# print('calling self.handle_xpubs()')
await self.handle_xpubs()
assert self.num_outputs >= 1, 'need outs'
# if DEBUG:
# our_keys = sum(1 for i in self.inputs if i.num_our_keys)
# print("PSBT: %d inputs, %d output, %d fully-signed, %d ours" % (
# self.num_inputs, self.num_outputs,
# sum(1 for i in self.inputs if i and i.fully_signed), our_keys))
def consider_outputs(self):
# scan ouputs:
# - is it a change address, defined by redeem script (p2sh) or key we know is ours
# - mark change outputs, so perhaps we don't show them to users
total_change = 0
# print('len(self.outputs)={}'.format(len(self.outputs)))
for idx, txo in self.output_iter():
self.outputs[idx].validate(idx, txo, self.my_xfp, self.active_multisig)
if self.outputs[idx].is_change:
total_change += txo.nValue
if self.total_value_out is None:
# this happens, but would expect this to have done already?
for out_idx, txo in self.output_iter():
# check fee is reasonable
sending_to_self = False
total_non_change_out = self.total_value_out - total_change
# print('total_non_change_out={} self.total_value_out={} total_change={}'.format(total_non_change_out, self.total_value_out, total_change))
fee = self.calculate_fee()
if self.total_value_out == 0:
per_fee = 100
elif total_non_change_out == 0:
sending_to_self = True
# Calculate fee based on non-change output value
per_fee = (fee / total_non_change_out) * 100
if sending_to_self:
self.warnings.append(('Self-Send', 'All outputs are being sent back to this wallet.'))
elif fee > total_non_change_out:
self.warnings.append(('Huge Fee', 'Network fee is larger than the amount you are sending.'))
elif per_fee >= 5:
self.warnings.append(('Big Fee', 'Network fee is more than '
'5%% of total non-change value (%.1f%%).' % per_fee))
# Enforce policy related to change outputs
def consider_dangerous_change(self, my_xfp):
# Enforce some policy on change outputs:
# - need to "look like" they are going to same wallet as inputs came from
# - range limit last two path components (numerically)
# - same pattern of hard/not hardened components
# - MAX_PATH_DEPTH already enforced before this point
in_paths = []
for inp in self.inputs:
if inp.fully_signed: continue
if not inp.required_key: continue
if not inp.subpaths: continue # not expected if we're signing it
for path in inp.subpaths.values():
if path[0] == my_xfp:
if not in_paths:
# We aren't adding any signatures? Can happen but we're going to be
# showing a warning about that elsewhere.
shortest = min(len(i) for i in in_paths)
longest = max(len(i) for i in in_paths)
if shortest != longest or shortest <= 2:
# We aren't seeing shared input path lengths.
# They are probbably doing weird stuff, so leave them alone.
# Assumption: hard/not hardened depths will match for all address in wallet
def hard_bits(p):
return [bool(i & 0x80000000) for i in p]
# Assumption: common wallets modulate the last two components only
# of the path. Typically m/.../change/index where change is {0, 1}
# and index changes slowly over lifetime of wallet (increasing)
path_len = shortest
path_prefix = in_paths[0][0:-2]
idx_max = max(i[-1]&0x7fffffff for i in in_paths) + 200
hard_pattern = hard_bits(in_paths[0])
probs = []
for nout, out in enumerate(self.outputs):
if not out.is_change: continue
# it's a change output, okay if a p2sh change; we're looking at paths
for path in out.subpaths.values():
if path[0] != my_xfp: continue # possible in p2sh case
path = path[1:]
if len(path) != path_len:
iss = "has wrong path length (%d not %d)" % (len(path), path_len)
elif hard_bits(path) != hard_pattern:
iss = "has different hardening pattern"
elif path[0:len(path_prefix)] != path_prefix:
iss = "goes to different path prefix"
elif (path[-2]&0x7fffffff) not in {0, 1}:
iss = "second last component not 0 or 1"
elif (path[-1]&0x7fffffff) > idx_max:
iss = "last component beyond reasonable gap"
# looks ok
probs.append("Output #%d: %s: %s not %s/{0~1}%s/{0~%d}%s expected"
% (nout, iss, keypath_to_str(path, skip=0),
keypath_to_str(path_prefix, skip=0),
"'" if hard_pattern[-2] else "",
idx_max, "'" if hard_pattern[-1] else "",
for p in probs:
self.warnings.append(('Suspicious Change Outputs', p))
def consider_inputs(self):
# Look an the UTXO's that we are spending. Do we have them? Do the
# hashes match, and what values are we getting?
# Important: parse incoming UTXO to build total input value
missing = 0
total_in = 0
for i, txi in self.input_iter():
inp = self.inputs[i]
if inp.fully_signed:
if not inp.has_utxo():
# maybe they didn't provide the UTXO
missing += 1
# pull out just the CTXOut object (expensive)
utxo = inp.get_utxo(txi.prevout.n)
assert utxo.nValue > 0
total_in += utxo.nValue
# Look at what kind of input this will be, and therefore what
# type of signing will be required, and which key we need.
# - also validates redeem_script when present
# - also finds appropriate multisig wallet to be used
inp.determine_my_signing_key(i, utxo, self.my_xfp, self)
# iff to UTXO is segwit, then check it's value, and also
# capture that value, since it's supposed to be immutable
if inp.is_segwit:
history.verify_amount(txi.prevout, inp.amount, i)
del utxo
# XXX scan witness data provided, and consider those ins signed if not multisig?
if missing:
# Should probably be a fatal msg; so risky... but
# - maybe we aren't expected to sign that input? (coinjoin)
# - assume for now, probably funny business so we should stop
raise FatalPSBTIssue('Missing UTXO(s). Cannot determine value being signed.')
# self.warnings.append(('Missing UTXOs',
# "We don't know enough about the inputs to this transaction to be sure "
# "of their value. This means the network fee could be huge, or resulting "
# "transaction's signatures invalid."))
#self.total_value_in = None
assert total_in > 0
self.total_value_in = total_in
if len(self.presigned_inputs) == self.num_inputs:
# Maybe wrong for multisig cases? Maybe they want to add their
# own signature, even tho N of M is satisfied?!
raise FatalPSBTIssue('Transaction is already fully signed.')
# We should know pubkey required for each input now.
# - but we may not be the signer for those inputs, which is fine.
# - TODO: but what if not SIGHASH_ALL
no_keys = set(n for n,inp in enumerate(self.inputs)
if inp.required_key == None and not inp.fully_signed)
if no_keys:
# This is seen when you re-sign same signed file by accident (multisig)
# - case of len(no_keys)==num_inputs is handled by consider_keys
self.warnings.append(('Already Signed', 'Passport has already signed this transaction. Other signatures are still required.'))
if self.presigned_inputs:
# this isn't really even an issue for some complex usage cases
self.warnings.append(('Partially Signed Already',
'Some input(s) provided were already signed by other parties: ' +
def calculate_fee(self):
# what miner's reward is included in txn?
if self.total_value_in is None:
# print('Very odd that a txn has no total_value_in! psbt={}'.format(self))
return None
return self.total_value_in - self.total_value_out
def consider_keys(self):
# check we possess the right keys for the inputs
cnt = sum(1 for i in self.inputs if i.num_our_keys)
if cnt: return
# collect a list of XFP's given in file that aren't ours
others = set()
for inp in self.inputs:
if not inp.subpaths: continue
for path in inp.subpaths.values():
msg = ', '.join(xfp2str(i) for i in others)
raise FatalPSBTIssue('None of the keys involved in this transaction '
'belong to this Passport (need %s, found %s).'
% (xfp2str(self.my_xfp), msg))
def read_psbt(cls, fd):
# read in a PSBT file. Captures fd and keeps it open.
hdr =
if hdr != b'psbt\xff':
raise ValueError("bad hdr")
rv = cls()
# read main body (globals)
assert rv.txn, 'missing reqd section'
# learn about the bitcoin transaction we are signing.
rv.inputs = [psbtInputProxy(fd, idx) for idx in range(rv.num_inputs)]
rv.outputs = [psbtOutputProxy(fd, idx) for idx in range(rv.num_outputs)]
return rv
def serialize(self, out_fd, upgrade_txn=False):
# Ouput into a file.
wr = lambda *a: self.write(out_fd, *a)
if upgrade_txn and self.is_complete():
# write out the ready-to-transmit txn
# - means we are also a PSBT combiner in this case
# - hard tho, due to variable length data.
# - XXX probably a bad idea, so disabled for now
out_fd.write(b'\x01\x00') # keylength=1, key=b'', PSBT_GLOBAL_UNSIGNED_TX
with SizerFile() as fd:
txn_len = fd.tell()
# provide original txn (unchanged)
if self.xpubs:
for v, k in self.xpubs:
if self.unknown:
for k in self.unknown:
wr(k[0], self.unknown[k], k[1:])
# import micropython
# print('======================================')
# micropython.mem_info(1)
# print('======================================')
# sep between globals and inputs
for idx, inp in enumerate(self.inputs):
# print('Input {}: free mem={}'.format(idx, gc.mem_free()))
inp.serialize(out_fd, idx)
gc.collect() # Give collector a chance to run to help avoid fragmentation
for idx, outp in enumerate(self.outputs):
# print('Output {}: free mem={}'.format(idx, gc.mem_free()))
outp.serialize(out_fd, idx)
gc.collect() # Give collector a chance to run to help avoid fragmentation
# print('After serialize(): free mem={}'.format(gc.mem_free()))
# print('======================================')
# micropython.mem_info(1)
# print('======================================')
def sign_it(self):
# txn is approved. sign all inputs we can sign. add signatures
# - hash the txn first
# - sign all inputs we have the key for
# - inputs might be p2sh, p2pkh and/or segwit style
# - save partial inputs somewhere (append?)
# - update our state with new partial sigs
from common import dis
with stash.SensitiveValues() as sv:
# Double check the change outputs are right. This is slow, but critical because
# it detects bad actors, not bugs or mistakes.
# - equivilent check already done for p2sh outputs when we re-built the redeem script
change_outs = [n for n,o in enumerate(self.outputs) if o.is_change]
if change_outs:
dis.fullscreen('Change Check...')
for count, out_idx in enumerate(change_outs):
# only expecting single case, but be general
system.progress_bar(int(count / len(change_outs))* 100)
oup = self.outputs[out_idx]
good = 0
for pubkey, subpath in oup.subpaths.items():
if subpath[0] != self.my_xfp and subpath[0] != swab32(self.my_xfp):
# for multisig, will be N paths, and exactly one will
# be our key. For single-signer, should always be my XFP
# derive actual pubkey from private
skp = keypath_to_str(subpath)
node = sv.derive_path(skp)
# check the pubkey of this BIP32 node
if pubkey == node.public_key():
good += 1
if not good:
raise FraudulentChangeOutput(out_idx,
"Deception regarding change output. "
"BIP32 path doesn't match actual address.")
# progress
# Sign individual inputs
sigs = 0
success = set()
for in_idx, txi in self.input_iter():
system.progress_bar(int(in_idx * 100 / self.num_inputs))
inp = self.inputs[in_idx]
if not inp.has_utxo():
# maybe they didn't provide the UTXO
if not inp.required_key:
# we don't know the key for this input
if inp.fully_signed:
# for multisig, it's possible I need to add another sig
# but in other cases, no more signatures are possible
txi.scriptSig = inp.scriptSig
assert txi.scriptSig, "no scriptsig?"
if not inp.is_segwit:
# Hash by serializing/blanking various subparts of the transaction
digest = self.make_txn_sighash(in_idx, txi, inp.sighash)
# Hash the inputs and such in totally new ways, based on BIP-143
digest = self.make_txn_segwit_sighash(in_idx, txi,
inp.amount, inp.scriptCode, inp.sighash)
if inp.is_multisig:
# need to consider a set of possible keys, since xfp may not be unique
for which_key in inp.required_key:
# get node required
skp = keypath_to_str(inp.subpaths[which_key])
node = sv.derive_path(skp, register=False)
# expensive test, but works... and important
pu = node.public_key()
if pu == which_key:
raise AssertionError("Input #%d needs pubkey I dont have" % in_idx)
# single pubkey <=> single key
which_key = inp.required_key
assert not inp.added_sig, "already done??"
assert which_key in inp.subpaths, 'unk key'
if inp.subpaths[which_key][0] != self.my_xfp and inp.subpaths[which_key][0] != swab32(self.my_xfp):
# we don't have the key for this subkey
# (redundant, required_key wouldn't be set)
# get node required
skp = keypath_to_str(inp.subpaths[which_key])
node = sv.derive_path(skp, register=False)
# expensive test, but works... and important
pu = node.public_key()
assert pu == which_key, "Path (%s) led to wrong pubkey for input #%d"%(skp, in_idx)
# The precious private key we need
pk = node.private_key()
#print("privkey %s" % b2a_hex(pk).decode('ascii'))
#print(" pubkey %s" % b2a_hex(which_key).decode('ascii'))
#print(" digest %s" % b2a_hex(digest).decode('ascii'))
# Do the ACTUAL signature ... finally!!!
result = trezorcrypto.secp256k1.sign(pk, digest)
# private key no longer required
del pk, node, pu, skp
#print("result %s" % b2a_hex(result).decode('ascii'))
# convert signature to DER format
assert len(result) == 65
r = result[1:33]
s = result[33:65]
inp.added_sig = (which_key, ser_sig_der(r, s, inp.sighash))
# memory cleanup
del result, r, s
# done.
def make_txn_sighash(self, replace_idx, replacement, sighash_type):
# calculate the hash value for one input of current transaction
# - blank all script inputs
# - except one single tx in, which is provided
# - serialize that without witness data
# - append SIGHASH_ALL=1 value (LE32)
# - sha256 over that
fd = self.fd
old_pos = fd.tell()
rv = trezorcrypto.sha256()
# version number
rv.update(pack('<i', self.txn_version)) # nVersion
# inputs
for in_idx, txi in self.input_iter():
if in_idx == replace_idx:
assert not self.inputs[in_idx].witness_utxo
assert not self.inputs[in_idx].is_segwit
assert replacement.scriptSig
txi.scriptSig = b''
# outputs
for out_idx, txo in self.output_iter():
# locktime
rv.update(pack('<I', self.lock_time))
assert sighash_type == SIGHASH_ALL # "only SIGHASH_ALL supported"
# SIGHASH_ALL==1 value
# double SHA256
return trezorcrypto.sha256(rv.digest()).digest()
def make_txn_segwit_sighash(self, replace_idx, replacement, amount, scriptCode, sighash_type):
# Implement BIP 143 hashing algo for signature of segwit programs.
# see <>
fd = self.fd
old_pos = fd.tell()
assert sighash_type == SIGHASH_ALL # add support for others here
if self.hashPrevouts is None:
# First time thru, we'll need to hash up this stuff.
po = trezorcrypto.sha256()
sq = trezorcrypto.sha256()
# input side
for in_idx, txi in self.input_iter():
sq.update(pack("<I", txi.nSequence))
self.hashPrevouts = trezorcrypto.sha256(po.digest()).digest()
self.hashSequence = trezorcrypto.sha256(sq.digest()).digest()
del po, sq, txi
# output side
ho = trezorcrypto.sha256()
for out_idx, txo in self.output_iter():
self.hashOutputs = trezorcrypto.sha256(ho.digest()).digest()
del ho, txo
#print('hPrev: %s' % str(b2a_hex(self.hashPrevouts), 'ascii'))
#print('hSeq : %s' % str(b2a_hex(self.hashSequence), 'ascii'))
#print('hOuts: %s' % str(b2a_hex(self.hashOutputs), 'ascii'))
rv = trezorcrypto.sha256()
# version number
rv.update(pack('<i', self.txn_version)) # nVersion
# the "scriptCode" ... not well understood
assert scriptCode, 'need scriptCode here'
rv.update(pack("<q", amount))
rv.update(pack("<I", replacement.nSequence))
# locktime, hashType
rv.update(pack('<II', self.lock_time, sighash_type))
# double SHA256
return trezorcrypto.sha256(rv.digest()).digest()
def is_complete(self):
# Are all the inputs (now) signed?
# some might have been given as signed
signed = len(self.presigned_inputs)
# plus we added some signatures
for inp in self.inputs:
if inp.is_multisig:
# but we can't combine/finalize multisig stuff, so will never't be 'final'
return False
if inp.added_sig:
signed += 1
return signed == self.num_inputs
def finalize(self, fd):
# Stream out the finalized transaction, with signatures applied
# - assumption is it's complete already.
# - returns the TXID of resulting transaction
# - but in segwit case, needs to re-read to calculate it
# - fd must be read/write and seekable to support txid calc
fd.write(pack('<i', self.txn_version)) # nVersion
# does this txn require witness data to be included?
# - yes, if the original txn had some
# - yes, if we did a segwit signature on any input
needs_witness = self.had_witness or any(i.is_segwit for i in self.inputs if i)
if needs_witness:
# zero marker, and flags=0x01
body_start = fd.tell()
# inputs
for in_idx, txi in self.input_iter():
inp = self.inputs[in_idx]
if inp.is_segwit:
if inp.is_p2sh:
# multisig (p2sh) segwit still requires the script here.
txi.scriptSig = ser_string(inp.scriptSig)
# major win for segwit (p2pkh): no redeem script bloat anymore
txi.scriptSig = b''
# Actual signature will be in witness data area
elif inp.added_sig:
# insert the new signature(s)
assert not inp.is_multisig, 'Multisig PSBT combine not supported'
pubkey, der_sig = inp.added_sig
s = b''
s += ser_push_data(der_sig)
s += ser_push_data(pubkey)
txi.scriptSig = s
# outputs
for out_idx, txo in self.output_iter():
# print('self.outputs[{}].is_change: {} self.outputs[{}].witness_script: {}'.format(
# out_idx, self.outputs[out_idx].is_change, out_idx, self.outputs[out_idx].witness_script))
# capture change output amounts (if segwit)
if self.outputs[out_idx].is_change and self.outputs[out_idx].witness_script:
history.add_segwit_utxos(out_idx, txo.nValue)
body_end = fd.tell()
if needs_witness:
# witness values
# - preserve any given ones, add ours
for in_idx, wit in self.input_witness_iter():
inp = self.inputs[in_idx]
if inp.is_segwit and inp.added_sig:
# put in new sig: wit is a CTxInWitness
assert not wit.scriptWitness.stack, 'replacing non-empty?'
assert not inp.is_multisig, 'Multisig PSBT combine not supported'
pubkey, der_sig = inp.added_sig
assert pubkey[0] in {0x02, 0x03} and len(pubkey) == 33, "bad v0 pubkey"
wit.scriptWitness.stack = [der_sig, pubkey]
# locktime
fd.write(pack('<I', self.lock_time))
# calc transaction ID
if not needs_witness:
# easy w/o witness data
txid = trezorcrypto.sha256(fd.checksum.digest()).digest()
# legacy cost here for segwit: re-read what we just wrote
txid = calc_txid(fd, (0, fd.tell()), (body_start, body_end-body_start))
# print('Calling add_segwit_utxos_finalize for txid:\n {}'.format(txid))
return B2A(bytes(reversed(txid)))