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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Foundation Devices, Inc. <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Coinkite, Inc. <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# (c) Copyright 2018 by Coinkite Inc. This file is part of Coldcard <>
# and is covered by GPLv3 license found in COPYING.
# - encoding the ultrasecrets: bip39 seeds and words
# references:
# - <>
# - <>
# - zero values:
# - 'abandon' * 23 + 'art'
# - 'abandon' * 17 + 'agent'
# - 'abandon' * 11 + 'about'
import trezorcrypto, uctypes, gc
from pincodes import SE_SECRET_LEN
def blank_object(item):
# Use/abuse uctypes to blank objects until python. Will likely
# even work on immutable types, so be careful. Also works
# well to kill references to sensitive values (but not copies).
if isinstance(item, (bytearray, bytes, str)):
addr, ln = uctypes.addressof(item), len(item)
buf = uctypes.bytearray_at(addr, ln)
for i in range(ln):
buf[i] = 0
elif isinstance(item, trezorcrypto.bip32.HDNode):
# item.blank() # node.blank() elsewhere
raise TypeError(item)
# Chip can hold 72-bytes as a secret: we need to store either
# a list of seed words (packed), of various lengths, or maybe
# a raw master secret, and so on
class SecretStash:
def encode(seed_bits=None, master_secret=None, xprv=None):
nv = bytearray(SE_SECRET_LEN)
if seed_bits:
# typical: seed bits without checksum bits
vlen = len(seed_bits)
# TODO: Do we support all of these?s
assert vlen in [16, 24, 32]
nv[0] = 0x80 | ((vlen // 8) - 2)
nv[1:1+vlen] = seed_bits
elif master_secret:
# between 128 and 512 bits of master secret for BIP32 key derivation
vlen = len(master_secret)
assert 16 <= vlen <= 64
nv[0] = vlen
nv[1:1+vlen] = master_secret
elif xprv:
# master xprivkey, which could be a subkey of something we don't know
# - we record only the minimum
assert isinstance(xprv, trezorcrypto.bip32.HDNode)
nv[0] = 0x01
nv[1:33] = xprv.chain_code()
nv[33:65] = xprv.private_key()
return nv
def decode(secret, _bip39pw=''):
# expecting 72-bytes of secret payload; decode meaning
# returns:
# type, secrets bytes, HDNode(root)
marker = secret[0]
if marker == 0x01:
# xprv => BIP32 private key values
ch, pk = secret[1:33], secret[33:65]
assert not _bip39pw
return 'xprv', ch+pk, trezorcrypto.bip32.HDNode(chain_code=ch, private_key=pk,
child_num=0, depth=0, fingerprint=0)
if marker & 0x80:
# seed phrase
ll = ((marker & 0x3) + 2) * 8
# note:
# - byte length > number of words
# - not storing checksum
assert ll in [16, 24, 32]
# make master secret, using the memonic words, and passphrase (or empty string)
seed_bits = secret[1:1+ll]
ms = trezorcrypto.bip39.seed(trezorcrypto.bip39.from_data(seed_bits), _bip39pw)
hd = trezorcrypto.bip32.from_seed(ms, 'secp256k1')
return 'words', seed_bits, hd
# variable-length master secret for BIP32
vlen = secret[0]
assert 16 <= vlen <= 64
assert not _bip39pw
ms = secret[1:1+vlen]
hd = trezorcrypto.bip32.from_seed(ms, 'secp256k1')
return 'master', ms, hd
# optional global value: user-supplied passphrase to salt BIP39 seed process
bip39_passphrase = ''
bip39_hash = ''
class SensitiveValues:
# be a context manager, and holder to secrets in-memory
def __init__(self, secret=None, for_backup=False):
from common import system
if secret is None:
# fetch the secret from bootloader/atecc508a
from common import pa
if pa.is_secret_blank():
raise ValueError('no secrets yet')
self.secret = pa.fetch()
self.spots = [ self.secret ]
# sometimes we already know it
# assert set(secret) != {0}
self.secret = secret
self.spots = []
# backup during volatile bip39 encryption: do not use passphrase
self._bip39pw = '' if for_backup else str(bip39_passphrase)
# print('self._bip39pw={}'.format(self._bip39pw))
def __enter__(self):
import chains
self.mode, self.raw, self.node = SecretStash.decode(self.secret, self._bip39pw)
self.chain = chains.current_chain()
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# Clear secrets from memory ... yes, they could have been
# copied elsewhere, but in normal case, at least we blanked them.
for item in self.spots:
if hasattr(self, 'secret'):
# will be blanked from above
del self.secret
if hasattr(self, 'node'):
# specialized blanking code already above
del self.node
# just in case this holds some pointers?
del self.spots
# .. and some GC will help too!
if exc_val:
# An exception happened, but we've done cleanup already now, so
# not a big deal. Cause it be raised again.
return False
return True
def get_xfp(self):
return self.node.my_fingerprint()
def capture_xpub(self):
# track my xpubkey fingerprint & value in settings (not sensitive really)
# - we share these on any USB connection
import common
from common import settings
# # Set the master values if no account selected yet
# if common.active_account:
# # Derive xfp and xpub based on the current active account
# # The BIP39 passphrase is already taken into account by SensitiveValues
# # print('deriving from path: {}'.format(common.active_account.deriv_path))
# if not common.active_account.deriv_path:
# return
# node = self.derive_path(common.active_account.deriv_path)
# xfp = node.my_fingerprint()
# print('capture_xpub(): xfp={}'.format(hex(xfp)))
# xpub = self.chain.serialize_public(node, common.active_account.addr_type)
# print('capture_xpub(): xpub={}'.format(xpub))
# else:
xfp = self.node.my_fingerprint()
# print('capture_xpub(): xfp={}'.format(hex(xfp)))
xpub = self.chain.serialize_public(self.node)
# print('capture_xpub(): xpub={}'.format(xpub))
# Always store these volatile - Takes less than 1 second to recreate, and it will change whenever
# a passphrase is entered, so no need to waste flash cycles on storing it.
settings.set_volatile('xfp', xfp)
settings.set_volatile('xpub', xpub)
settings.set('chain', self.chain.ctype)
settings.set('words', (self.mode == 'words'))
def register(self, item):
# Caller can add his own sensitive (derived?) data to our wiper
# typically would be byte arrays or byte strings, but also
# supports bip32 nodes
def derive_path(self, path, master=None, register=True):
# Given a string path, derive the related subkey
rv = (master or self.node).clone()
if register:
for i in path.split('/'):
if i == 'm': continue
if not i: continue # trailing or duplicated slashes
if i[-1] == "'":
assert len(i) >= 2, i
here = int(i[:-1])
assert 0 <= here < 0x80000000, here
here |= 0x80000000
here = int(i)
assert 0 <= here < 0x80000000, here
return rv