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1362 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Foundation Devices, Inc. <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Coinkite, Inc. <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# (c) Copyright 2018 by Coinkite Inc. This file is part of Coldcard <>
# and is covered by GPLv3 license found in COPYING.
# - support code for multisig signing and p2sh in general.
import stash, chains, ustruct, ure, uio, sys
import trezorcrypto
import tcc
from ubinascii import hexlify as b2a_hex
from utils import xfp2str, str2xfp, cleanup_deriv_path, keypath_to_str, str_to_keypath
from ux import ux_show_story, ux_confirm, ux_enter_text
from files import CardSlot, CardMissingError
from public_constants import AF_P2SH, AF_P2WSH_P2SH, AF_P2WSH, AFC_SCRIPT, MAX_PATH_DEPTH
from constants import MAX_MULTISIG_NAME_LEN
from menu import MenuSystem, MenuItem
from opcodes import OP_CHECKMULTISIG
from actions import needs_microsd
from exceptions import FatalPSBTIssue
from data_codecs.qr_type import QRType
import common
# Bitcoin limitation: max number of signatures in CHECK_MULTISIG
# - 520 byte redeem script limit <= 15*34 bytes per pubkey == 510 bytes
# - serializations of M/N in redeem scripts assume this range
MAX_SIGNERS = const(15)
# PSBT Xpub trust policies
TRUST_VERIFY = const(0)
TRUST_OFFER = const(1)
TRUST_PSBT = const(2)
class MultisigOutOfSpace(RuntimeError):
def disassemble_multisig_mn(redeem_script):
# pull out just M and N from script. Simple, faster, no memory.
assert MAX_SIGNERS == 15
assert redeem_script[-1] == OP_CHECKMULTISIG, 'need CHECKMULTISIG'
M = redeem_script[0] - 80
N = redeem_script[-2] - 80
return M, N
def disassemble_multisig(redeem_script):
# Take apart a standard multisig's redeem/witness script, and return M/N and public keys
# - only for multisig scripts, not general purpose
# - expect OP_1 (pk1) (pk2) (pk3) OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG for 1 of 3 case
# - returns M, N, (list of pubkeys)
# - for very unlikely/impossible asserts, dont document reason; otherwise do.
from serializations import disassemble
M, N = disassemble_multisig_mn(redeem_script)
assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS, 'M/N range'
assert len(redeem_script) == 1 + (N * 34) + 1 + 1, 'bad len'
# generator function
dis = disassemble(redeem_script)
# expect M value first
ex_M, opcode = next(dis)
assert ex_M == M and opcode == None, 'bad M'
# need N pubkeys
pubkeys = []
for idx in range(N):
data, opcode = next(dis)
assert opcode == None and len(data) == 33, 'data'
assert data[0] == 0x02 or data[0] == 0x03, 'Y val'
assert len(pubkeys) == N
# next is N value
ex_N, opcode = next(dis)
assert ex_N == N and opcode == None
# finally, the opcode: CHECKMULTISIG
data, opcode = next(dis)
assert opcode == OP_CHECKMULTISIG
# must have reached end of script at this point
raise AssertionError("too long")
except StopIteration:
# expected, since we're reading past end
return M, N, pubkeys
def make_redeem_script(M, nodes, subkey_idx):
# take a list of BIP32 nodes, and derive Nth subkey (subkey_idx) and make
# a standard M-of-N redeem script for that. Always applies BIP67 sorting.
N = len(nodes)
assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS
pubkeys = []
for n in nodes:
copy = n.clone()
copy.derive(subkey_idx, True)
# 0x21 = 33 = len(pubkey) = OP_PUSHDATA(33)
pubkeys.append(b'\x21' + copy.public_key())
# serialize redeem script
pubkeys.insert(0, bytes([80 + M]))
pubkeys.append(bytes([80 + N, OP_CHECKMULTISIG]))
return b''.join(pubkeys)
class MultisigWallet:
# Capture the info we need to store long-term in order to participate in a
# multisig wallet as a co-signer.
# - can be saved to nvram
# - can be imported from a simple text file
# - can be displayed to user in a menu (and deleted)
# - required during signing to verify change outputs
# - can reconstruct any redeem script from this
# Challenges:
# - can be big, taking big % of 4k storage in nvram
# - complex object, want to have flexibility going forward
(AF_P2SH, 'p2sh'),
(AF_P2WSH, 'p2wsh'),
(AF_P2WSH_P2SH, 'p2sh-p2wsh'), # new name
(AF_P2WSH_P2SH, 'p2wsh-p2sh'), # old name
def __init__(self, name, m_of_n, xpubs, id, addr_fmt=AF_P2SH, chain_type='BTC', deriv=None):
self.storage_idx = -1
assert len(m_of_n) == 2
self.M, self.N = m_of_n
self.chain_type = chain_type or 'BTC'
assert len(xpubs[0]) == 3
self.xpubs = xpubs # list of (xfp(int), deriv, xpub(str))
| = id # Unique id to associate multisig info with an account
self.addr_fmt = addr_fmt # address format for wallet
self.my_deriv = deriv
# calc useful cache value: numeric xfp+subpath, with lookup
self.xfp_paths = {}
for xfp, deriv, _ in self.xpubs:
self.xfp_paths[xfp] = str_to_keypath(xfp, deriv)
assert len(self.xfp_paths) == self.N, 'dup XFP' # not supported
def render_addr_fmt(cls, addr_fmt):
for k, v in cls.FORMAT_NAMES:
if k == addr_fmt:
return v.upper()
return '?'
def chain(self):
return chains.get_chain(self.chain_type)
def get_trust_policy(cls):
from common import settings
which = settings.get('multisig_policy', None)
if which is None:
which = TRUST_VERIFY if cls.exists() else TRUST_OFFER
return which
def serialize(self):
# return a JSON-able object
from common import noise
from noise_source import NoiseSource
opts = dict()
if self.addr_fmt != AF_P2SH:
opts['ft'] = self.addr_fmt
if self.chain_type != 'BTC':
opts['ch'] = self.chain_type
# Data compression: most legs will all use same derivation.
# put a int(0) in place and set option 'pp' to be derivation
# (used to be common_prefix assumption)
pp = list(sorted(set(d for _,d,_ in self.xpubs)))
if len(pp) == 1:
# generate old-format data, to preserve firmware downgrade path
xp = [(a, c) for a,deriv,c in self.xpubs]
opts['pp'] = pp[0]
# allow for distinct deriv paths on each leg
opts['d'] = pp
xp = [(a, pp.index(deriv),c) for a,deriv,c in self.xpubs]
return (, (self.M, self.N), xp, opts,, self.my_deriv)
def deserialize(cls, vals, idx=-1):
# take json object, make instance.
name, m_of_n, xpubs, opts, id, deriv = vals
# TODO: This looks like CC legacy code - we can probably remove
if len(xpubs[0]) == 2:
# promote from old format to new: assume common prefix is the derivation
# for all of them
# PROBLEM: we don't have enough info if no common prefix can be assumed
common_prefix = opts.get('pp', None)
if not common_prefix:
# TODO: this should raise a warning, not supported anymore
common_prefix = 'm'
xpubs = [(a, common_prefix, b) for a,b in xpubs]
# new format decompression
if 'd' in opts:
derivs = opts.get('d', None)
xpubs = [(a, derivs[b], c) for a,b,c in xpubs]
rv = cls(name, m_of_n, xpubs, id, addr_fmt=opts.get('ft', AF_P2SH),
chain_type=opts.get('ch', 'BTC'), deriv=deriv)
rv.storage_idx = idx
return rv
def iter_wallets(cls, M=None, N=None, not_idx=None, addr_fmt=None):
# yield MS wallets we know about, that match at least right M,N if known.
# - this is only place we should be searching this list, please!!
from common import settings
lst = settings.get('multisig', [])
for idx, rec in enumerate(lst):
if idx == not_idx:
# ignore one by index
if M or N:
# peek at M/N
has_m, has_n = tuple(rec[1])
if M is not None and has_m != M: continue
if N is not None and has_n != N: continue
if addr_fmt is not None:
opts = rec[3]
af = opts.get('ft', AF_P2SH)
if af != addr_fmt: continue
yield cls.deserialize(rec, idx)
def get_xfp_paths(self):
# return list of lists [xfp, *deriv]
return list(self.xfp_paths.values())
def find_match(cls, M, N, xfp_paths, addr_fmt=None):
# Find index of matching wallet
# - xfp_paths is list of lists: [xfp, *path] like in psbt files
# - M and N must be known
# - returns instance, or None if not found
for rv in cls.iter_wallets(M, N, addr_fmt=addr_fmt):
if rv.matching_subpaths(xfp_paths):
return rv
return None
def find_candidates(cls, xfp_paths, addr_fmt=None, M=None):
# Return a list of matching wallets for various M values.
# - xpfs_paths hsould already be sorted
# - returns set of matches, of any M value
# we know N, but not M at this point.
N = len(xfp_paths)
matches = []
for rv in cls.iter_wallets(M=M, addr_fmt=addr_fmt):
if rv.matching_subpaths(xfp_paths):
return matches
def matching_subpaths(self, xfp_paths):
# Does this wallet use same set of xfp values, and
# the same prefix path per-each xfp, as indicated
# xfp_paths (unordered)?
# - could also check non-prefix part is all non-hardened
for x in xfp_paths:
if x[0] not in self.xfp_paths:
return False
prefix = self.xfp_paths[x[0]]
if len(x) < len(prefix):
# PSBT specs a path shorter than wallet's xpub
#print('path len: %d vs %d' % (len(prefix), len(x)))
return False
comm = len(prefix)
if tuple(prefix[:comm]) != tuple(x[:comm]):
# xfp => maps to wrong path
#print('path mismatch:\n%r\n%r\ncomm=%d' % (prefix[:comm], x[:comm], comm))
return False
return True
def assert_matching(self, M, N, xfp_paths):
# compare in-memory wallet with details recovered from PSBT
# - xfp_paths must be sorted already
assert (self.M, self.N) == (M, N), "M/N mismatch"
assert len(xfp_paths) == N, "XFP count"
assert self.matching_subpaths(xfp_paths), "wrong XFP/derivs"
def quick_check(cls, M, N, xfp_xor):
# quicker? USB method.
rv = []
for ms in cls.iter_wallets(M, N):
x = 0
for xfp in ms.xfp_paths.keys():
x ^= xfp
if x != xfp_xor: continue
return True
return False
def get_all(cls):
# return them all, as a generator
return cls.iter_wallets()
def exists(cls):
# are there any wallets defined?
from common import settings
return bool(settings.get('multisig', False))
def get_count(cls):
from common import settings
lst = settings.get('multisig', [])
return len(lst)
def get_by_idx(cls, nth):
# instance from index number (used in menu)
from common import settings
lst = settings.get('multisig', [])
obj = lst[nth]
except IndexError:
return None
return cls.deserialize(obj, nth)
def get_by_id(cls, id):
# instance from unique id
from common import settings
lst = settings.get('multisig', [])
# print('get_by_id(): settings.multisig={}'.format(lst))
for idx, v in enumerate(lst):
if v[4] == id:
return cls.deserialize(v, idx)
return None
def delete_by_id(cls, id):
from utils import to_str
from common import settings
lst = settings.get('multisig', [])
# print('delete_by_id(): BEFORE: settings.multisig={}'.format(to_str(lst)))
for idx, v in enumerate(lst):
if v[4] == id:
del lst[idx]
# print('delete_by_id(): AFTER: settings.multisig={}'.format(to_str(lst)))
settings.set('multisig', lst)
# Assumes caller will call save if it's important to do immediately
# We do this as part of updating 'accounts' too, so we only want one save call.
async def commit(self):
# data to save
# - important that this fails immediately when nvram overflows
from common import settings
from export import auto_backup
obj = self.serialize()
v = settings.get('multisig', [])
orig = v.copy()
if not v or self.storage_idx == -1:
# create
self.storage_idx = len(v)
# update in place
v[self.storage_idx] = obj
settings.set('multisig', v)
# Hacky way to communicate back to the New Account flow
common.new_multisig_wallet = self
# print('new_multisig_wallet={}'.format(self))
# save now, rather than in background, so we can recover
# from out-of-space situation
# back out change; no longer sure of NVRAM state
settings.set('multisig', orig)
# Shouldn't need to do this since we are going back to the previous values
# await auto_backup()
pass # give up on recovery
raise MultisigOutOfSpace
def has_similar(self):
# check if we already have a saved duplicate to this proposed wallet
# - return (name_change, diff_items, count_similar) where:
# - name_change is existing wallet that has exact match, different name
# - diff_items: text list of similarity/differences
# - count_similar: same N, same xfp+paths
lst = self.get_xfp_paths()
c = self.find_match(self.M, self.N, lst, addr_fmt=self.addr_fmt)
if c:
# All details are same: M/N, paths, addr fmt
if self.xpubs != c.xpubs:
return None, ['xpubs'], 0
elif ==
return None, [], 1
return c, ['name'], 0
similar = MultisigWallet.find_candidates(lst)
if not similar:
# no matches, good.
return None, [], 0
# See if the xpubs are changing, which is risky... other differences like
# name are okay.
diffs = set()
name_diff = None
for c in similar:
if c.M != self.M:
diffs.add('M differs')
if c.addr_fmt != self.addr_fmt:
diffs.add('address type')
if !=
if c.xpubs != self.xpubs:
return None, diffs, len(similar)
async def rename(self, new_name):
from common import settings
from export import auto_backup
# safety check
existing = self.find_match(self.M, self.N, self.get_xfp_paths())
assert existing
assert existing.storage_idx == self.storage_idx
new_name = new_name[:MAX_MULTISIG_NAME_LEN]
lst = settings.get('multisig', [])
| = new_name
# Can't modify tuple in place to make it a list, modify, then make a new tuple
w = lst[self.storage_idx]
w = list(w)
w[0] = new_name
w = tuple(w)
lst[self.storage_idx] = w
settings.set('multisig', lst)
await auto_backup()
self.storage_idx = -1
async def delete(self):
# remove saved entry
# - important: not expecting more than one instance of this class in memory
from common import settings
from export import auto_backup
assert self.storage_idx >= 0
# safety check
existing = self.find_match(self.M, self.N, self.get_xfp_paths())
assert existing
assert existing.storage_idx == self.storage_idx
lst = settings.get('multisig', [])
del lst[self.storage_idx]
settings.set('multisig', lst)
await auto_backup()
self.storage_idx = -1
def xpubs_with_xfp(self, xfp):
# return set of indexes of xpubs with indicated xfp
return set(xp_idx for xp_idx, (wxfp, _, _) in enumerate(self.xpubs)
if wxfp == xfp)
def yield_addresses(self, start_idx, count, change_idx=0):
# Assuming a suffix of /0/0 on the defined prefix's, yield
# possible deposit addresses for this wallet. Never show
# user the resulting addresses because we cannot be certain
# they are valid and could be signed. And yet, dont blank too many
# spots or else an attacker could grid out a suitable replacement.
ch = self.chain
assert self.addr_fmt, 'no addr fmt known'
# setup
nodes = []
paths = []
for xfp, deriv, xpub in self.xpubs:
# print('xfp={}'.format(xfp))
# print('deriv={}'.format(deriv))
# print('xpub={}'.format(xpub))
# load bip32 node for each cosigner, derive /0/ based on change idx
node = ch.deserialize_node(xpub, AF_P2SH)
node.derive(change_idx, True)
# indicate path used (for UX)
path = "(m=%s)/%s/%d/{idx}" % (xfp2str(xfp), deriv, change_idx)
idx = start_idx
while count:
# make the redeem script, convert into address
script = make_redeem_script(self.M, nodes, idx) # idx is the address index
addr = ch.p2sh_address(self.addr_fmt, script)
# addr = addr[0:12] + '___' + addr[12+3:]
yield idx, [p.format(idx=idx) for p in paths], addr, script
idx += 1
count -= 1
def validate_script(self, redeem_script, subpaths=None, xfp_paths=None):
# Check we can generate all pubkeys in the redeem script, raise on errors.
# - working from pubkeys in the script, because duplicate XFP can happen
# redeem_script: what we expect and we were given
# subpaths: pubkey => (xfp, *path)
# xfp_paths: (xfp, *path) in same order as pubkeys in redeem script
subpath_help = []
used = set()
ch = self.chain
M, N, pubkeys = disassemble_multisig(redeem_script)
assert M==self.M and N == self.N, 'wrong M/N in script'
for pk_order, pubkey in enumerate(pubkeys):
check_these = []
if subpaths:
# in PSBT, we are given a map from pubkey to xfp/path, use it
# while remembering it's potentially one-2-many
# TODO: this could be simpler now
assert pubkey in subpaths, "unexpected pubkey"
xfp, *path = subpaths[pubkey]
for xp_idx, (wxfp, _, xpub) in enumerate(self.xpubs):
if wxfp != xfp: continue
if xp_idx in used: continue # only allow once
check_these.append((xp_idx, path))
# Without PSBT, USB caller must provide xfp+path
# in same order as they occur inside redeem script.
# Working solely from the redeem script's pubkeys, we
# wouldn't know which xpub to use, nor correct path for it.
xfp, *path = xfp_paths[pk_order]
for xp_idx in self.xpubs_with_xfp(xfp):
if xp_idx in used: continue # only allow once
check_these.append((xp_idx, path))
here = None
too_shallow = False
for xp_idx, path in check_these:
# matched fingerprint, try to make pubkey that needs to match
# print('xpubs={}'.format(self.xpubs))
xpub = self.xpubs[xp_idx][-1]
node = ch.deserialize_node(xpub, AF_P2SH); assert node
dp = node.depth()
#print("%s => deriv=%s dp=%d len(path)=%d path=%s" %
# (xfp2str(xfp), self.xpubs[xp_idx][1], dp, len(path), path))
if not (0 <= dp <= len(path)):
# obscure case: xpub isn't deep enough to represent
# indicated path... not wrong really.
too_shallow = True
for sp in path[dp:]:
assert not (sp & 0x80000000), 'hard deriv'
node.derive(sp, True) # works in-place
found_pk = node.public_key()
# Document path(s) used. Not sure this is useful info to user tho.
# - Do not show what we can't verify: we don't really know the hardeneded
# part of the path from fingerprint to here.
here = '(m=%s)\n' % xfp2str(xfp)
if dp != len(path):
here += 'm' + ('/_'*dp) + keypath_to_str(path[dp:], '/', 0)
if found_pk != pubkey:
# Not a match but not an error by itself, since might be
# another dup xfp to look at still.
#print('pk mismatch: %s => %s != %s' % (
# here, b2a_hex(found_pk), b2a_hex(pubkey)))
msg = 'pk#%d wrong' % (pk_order+1)
if not check_these:
msg += ', unknown XFP'
elif here:
msg += ', tried: ' + here
if too_shallow:
msg += ', too shallow'
raise AssertionError(msg)
if pk_order:
# verify sorted order
assert bytes(pubkey) > bytes(pubkeys[pk_order-1]), 'BIP67 violation'
assert len(used) == self.N, 'not all keys used: %d of %d' % (len(used), self.N)
return subpath_help
def from_file(cls, config, name=None):
# Given a simple text file, parse contents and create instance (unsaved).
# format is: label: value
# where label is:
# name: nameforwallet
# policy: M of N
# format: p2sh (+etc)
# derivation: m/45'/0 (common prefix)
# (8digithex): xpub of cosigner
# quick checks:
# - name: 1-20 ascii chars
# - M of N line (assume N of N if not spec'd)
# - xpub: any bip32 serialization we understand, but be consistent
from common import settings
my_xfp = settings.get('xfp')
deriv = None
xpubs = []
M, N = -1, -1
has_mine = 0
addr_fmt = AF_P2SH
my_deriv = None
expect_chain = chains.current_chain().ctype
lines = config.split('\n')
for ln in lines:
# remove comments
comm = ln.find('#')
if comm == 0:
if ':' in ln: # Could be a derivation path in a comment
# Strip off the comment and let the line get trimmed/parsed below
ln = ln[1:]
elif comm != -1:
if not ln[comm+1:comm+2].isdigit():
ln = ln[0:comm]
ln = ln.strip()
if ':' not in ln:
if 'pub' in ln:
# pointless optimization: allow bare xpub if we can calc xfp
label = '0'*8
value = ln
# complain?
#if ln: print("no colon: " + ln)
label, value = ln.split(':', 1)
label = label.lower()
value = value.strip()
if label == 'name':
name = value
elif label == 'policy':
# accepts: 2 of 3 2/3 2,3 2 3 etc
mat ='(\d+)\D*(\d+)', value)
assert mat
M = int(
N = int(
assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS
raise AssertionError('bad policy line')
elif label == 'derivation':
# reveal the path derivation for following key(s)
assert value, 'blank'
deriv = cleanup_deriv_path(value)
except BaseException as exc:
raise AssertionError('bad derivation line: ' + str(exc))
elif label == 'format':
# pick segwit vs. classic vs. wrapped version
value = value.lower()
for fmt_code, fmt_label in cls.FORMAT_NAMES:
if value == fmt_label:
addr_fmt = fmt_code
raise AssertionError('bad format line')
elif len(label) == 8:
xfp = str2xfp(label)
# complain?
#print("Bad xfp: " + ln)
# deserialize, update list and lots of checks
is_mine = cls.check_xpub(xfp, value, deriv, expect_chain, my_xfp, xpubs)
if is_mine:
# HACK: We need to know which deriv path is for our XPUB when creating a new account
# This is ugly, but avoids
my_deriv = deriv # Use the last-parsed (pattern is Derivation, then XFP: XPUB
has_mine += 1
assert len(xpubs), 'No XPUBS found.'
if M == N == -1:
# default policy: all keys
N = M = len(xpubs)
if not name:
# provide a default name
name = '%d-of-%d' % (M, N)
name = str(name, 'ascii')
raise AssertionError('Name must be ASCII, and 1 to 20 characters long.')
assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS, 'M/N range'
assert N == len(xpubs), 'wrong # of xpubs, expect %d' % N
assert addr_fmt & AFC_SCRIPT, 'script style addr fmt'
# check we're included... do not insert ourselves, even tho we
# have enough info, simply because other signers need to know my xpubkey anyway
assert has_mine != 0, 'File does not include a key owned by this Passport'
assert has_mine == 1 # 'my key included more than once'
from common import noise
from noise_source import NoiseSource
# Hacky way to give the wallet a unique ID and pass it back to the New Account flow for correlation
unique_id = bytearray(8)
noise.random_bytes(unique_id, NoiseSource.MCU)
unique_id = b2a_hex(unique_id).decode('utf-8')
# done. have all the parts
return cls(name, (M, N), xpubs, unique_id, addr_fmt=addr_fmt, chain_type=expect_chain, deriv=my_deriv)
def check_xpub(cls, xfp, xpub, deriv, expect_chain, my_xfp, xpubs):
# Shared code: consider an xpub for inclusion into a wallet, if ok, append
# to list: xpubs with a tuple: (xfp, deriv, xpub)
# return T if it's our own key
# - deriv can be None, and in very limited cases can recover derivation path
# - could enforce all same depth, and/or all depth >= 1, but
# seems like more restrictive than needed, so "m" is allowed
# Note: addr fmt detected here via SLIP-132 isn't useful
node, chain, _ = import_xpub(xpub)
raise AssertionError('unable to parse xpub')
# print('node={}'.format(node))
# print('node.private_key()={}'.format(node.private_key()))
# print('xfp={}'.format(xfp))
# print('xpub={}'.format(xpub))
# print('expect_chain={}'.format(expect_chain))
# print('my_xfp={}'.format(my_xfp))
# print('xpubs={}'.format(xpubs))
# assert node.private_key() == None # 'no privkeys plz'
assert chain.ctype == expect_chain # 'wrong chain'
depth = node.depth()
if depth == 1:
if not xfp:
# allow a shortcut: zero/omit xfp => use observed parent value
xfp = node.fingerprint()
# generally cannot check fingerprint values, but if we can, do so.
assert node.fingerprint() == xfp, 'xfp depth=1 wrong'
assert xfp, 'need fingerprint' # happens if bare xpub given
# In most cases, we cannot verify the derivation path because it's hardened
# and we know none of the private keys involved.
if depth == 1:
# but derivation is implied at depth==1
guess = keypath_to_str([node.child_num()], skip=0)
if deriv:
assert guess == deriv, '%s != %s' % (guess, deriv)
deriv = guess # reachable? doubt it
assert deriv, 'empty deriv' # or force to be 'm'?
assert deriv[0] == 'm'
# path length of derivation given needs to match xpub's depth
p_len = deriv.count('/')
assert p_len == depth, 'deriv %d != %d xpub depth (xfp=%s)' % (
p_len, depth, xfp2str(xfp))
if xfp == my_xfp:
# its supposed to be my key, so I should be able to generate pubkey
# - might indicate collision on xfp value between co-signers,
# and that's not supported
with stash.SensitiveValues() as sv:
chk_node = sv.derive_path(deriv)
assert node.public_key() == chk_node.public_key(), \
"(m=%s)/%s wrong pubkey" % (xfp2str(xfp), deriv[2:])
# serialize xpub w/ BIP32 standard now.
# - this has effect of stripping SLIP-132 confusion away
xpubs.append((xfp, deriv, chain.serialize_public(node, AF_P2SH)))
return (xfp == my_xfp)
def make_fname(self, prefix, suffix='txt'):
rv = '%s-%s.%s' % (prefix,, suffix)
return rv.replace(' ', '_')
async def export_electrum(self):
# Generate and save an Electrum JSON file.
from export import make_json_wallet
def doit():
rv = dict(seed_version=17, use_encryption=False,
wallet_type='%dof%d' % (self.M, self.N))
ch = self.chain
# the important stuff.
for idx, (xfp, deriv, xpub) in enumerate(self.xpubs):
node = None
if self.addr_fmt != AF_P2SH:
# CHALLENGE: we must do slip-132 format [yz]pubs here when not p2sh mode.
node = ch.deserialize_node(xpub, AF_P2SH); assert node
xp = ch.serialize_public(node, self.addr_fmt)
xp = xpub
rv['x%d/' % (idx+1)] = dict(
hw_type='passport', type='hardware',
label='Passport %s' % xfp2str(xfp),
derivation=deriv, xpub=xp)
return rv
await make_json_wallet('Electrum multisig wallet', doit,
fname_pattern=self.make_fname('el', 'json'))
async def export_wallet_file(self, mode="exported from", extra_msg=None):
# create a text file with the details; ready for import to next Coldcard
from common import settings
my_xfp = xfp2str(settings.get('xfp'))
fname_pattern = self.make_fname('export')
with CardSlot() as card:
fname, nice = card.pick_filename(fname_pattern)
# do actual write
with open(fname, 'wt') as fp:
# print("# Passport Multisig setup file (%s %s)\n#" % (mode, my_xfp), file=fp)
msg = '''Passport multisig setup file written:\n\n%s''' % nice
if extra_msg:
msg += extra_msg
await ux_show_story(msg)
except CardMissingError:
await needs_microsd()
except Exception as e:
await ux_show_story('Unable to write!\n\n\n'+str(e))
def render_export(self, fp):
# print("Name: %s\nPolicy: %d of %d" % (, self.M, self.N), file=fp)
if self.addr_fmt != AF_P2SH:
# print("Format: " + self.render_addr_fmt(self.addr_fmt), file=fp)
last_deriv = None
for xfp, deriv, val in self.xpubs:
if last_deriv != deriv:
# print("\nDerivation: %s\n" % deriv, file=fp)
last_deriv = deriv
# print('%s: %s' % (xfp2str(xfp), val), file=fp)
def guess_addr_fmt(cls, npath):
# Assuming the bips are being respected, what address format will be used,
# based on indicated numeric subkey path observed.
# - return None if unsure, no errors
#( "m/45'", 'p2sh', AF_P2SH),
#( "m/48'/{coin}'/0'/1'", 'p2sh_p2wsh', AF_P2WSH_P2SH),
#( "m/48'/{coin}'/0'/2'", 'p2wsh', AF_P2WSH)
top = npath[0] & 0x7fffffff
if top == npath[0]:
# non-hardened top? rare/bad
if top == 45:
return AF_P2SH
if top == 48:
if len(npath) < 4: return
last = npath[3] & 0x7fffffff
if last == 1:
return AF_P2WSH_P2SH
if last == 2:
return AF_P2WSH
def import_from_psbt(cls, M, N, xpubs_list):
# given the raw data fro PSBT global header, offer the user
# the details, and/or bypass that all and just trust the data.
# - xpubs_list is a list of (xfp+path, binary BIP32 xpub)
# - already know not in our records.
from common import settings
trust_mode = cls.get_trust_policy()
# print('import_from_psbt(): trust_mode = {}'.format(trust_mode))
if trust_mode == TRUST_VERIFY:
# already checked for existing import and wasn't found, so fail
raise FatalPSBTIssue("XPUBs in PSBT do not match any existing wallet")
# build up an in-memory version of the wallet.
# - capture address format based on path used for my leg (if standards compliant)
assert N == len(xpubs_list)
assert 1 <= M <= N <= MAX_SIGNERS, 'M/N range'
my_xfp = settings.get('xfp')
expect_chain = chains.current_chain().ctype
xpubs = []
has_mine = 0
for k, v in xpubs_list:
xfp, *path = ustruct.unpack_from('<%dI' % (len(k)//4), k, 0)
xpub = tcc.codecs.b58_encode(v)
is_mine = cls.check_xpub(xfp, xpub, keypath_to_str(path, skip=0),
expect_chain, my_xfp, xpubs)
if is_mine:
has_mine += 1
addr_fmt = cls.guess_addr_fmt(path)
assert has_mine == 1 # 'my key not included'
name = 'PSBT-%d-of-%d' % (M, N)
ms = cls(name, (M, N), xpubs, chain_type=expect_chain, addr_fmt=addr_fmt or AF_P2SH)
# may just keep just in-memory version, no approval required, if we are
# trusting PSBT's today, otherwise caller will need to handle UX w.r.t new wallet
return ms, (trust_mode != TRUST_PSBT)
def validate_psbt_xpubs(self, xpubs_list):
# The xpubs provided in PSBT must be exactly right, compared to our record.
# But we're going to use our own values from setup time anyway.
# Check:
# - chain codes match what we have stored already
# - pubkey vs. path will be checked later
# - xfp+path already checked when selecting this wallet
# - some cases we cannot check, so count those for a warning
# Any issue here is a fraud attempt in some way, not innocent.
# But it would not have tricked us and so the attack targets some other signer.
assert len(xpubs_list) == self.N
for k, v in xpubs_list:
xfp, *path = ustruct.unpack_from('<%dI' % (len(k)//4), k, 0)
xpub = tcc.codecs.b58_encode(v)
# cleanup and normalize xpub
tmp = []
self.check_xpub(xfp, xpub, keypath_to_str(path, skip=0), self.chain_type, 0, tmp)
(_, deriv, xpub_reserialized) = tmp[0]
assert deriv # because given as arg
# find in our records.
for (x_xfp, x_deriv, x_xpub) in self.xpubs:
if x_xfp != xfp: continue
# found matching XFP
assert deriv == x_deriv
assert xpub_reserialized == x_xpub, 'xpub wrong (xfp=%s)' % xfp2str(xfp)
assert False # not reachable, since we picked wallet based on xfps
def get_deriv_paths(self):
# List of unique derivation paths being used. Often length one.
# - also a rendered single-value summary
derivs = sorted(set(d for _,d,_ in self.xpubs))
if len(derivs) == 1:
dsum = derivs[0]
dsum = 'Varies (%d)' % len(derivs)
return derivs, dsum
async def confirm_import(self):
from common import dis
from uasyncio import sleep_ms
# prompt them about a new wallet, let them see details and then commit change.
M, N = self.M, self.N
if M == N == 1:
exp = 'The one signer must approve transactions.'
if M == N:
exp = 'All %d co-signers must approve transactions.' % N
elif M == 1:
exp = 'Any signature from %d co-signers will approve transactions.' % N
exp = '{M} signatures, from {N} possible co-signers, will be required to approve transactions.'.format(M=M, N=N)
# Look for duplicate stuff
name_change, diff_items, num_dups = self.has_similar()
is_dup = False
if name_change:
story = 'Update only the name of existing multisig config?'
if diff_items:
# Concern here is overwrite when similar, but we don't overwrite anymore, so
# more of a warning about funny business.
story = '''\
WARNING: This new wallet is similar to an existing wallet, but will NOT replace it. Consider deleting previous wallet first. Differences: \
''' + ', '.join(diff_items)
is_dup = True
elif num_dups:
story = 'Duplicate wallet. All details are the same as existing.'
is_dup = True
story = 'Create new multisig wallet?'
derivs, dsum = self.get_deriv_paths()
story += '''\n
Wallet Name:
Policy: {M} of {N}
Press 1 to see extended public keys.'''.format(M=M, N=N,, exp=exp, dsum=dsum,
# ux_clear_keys(True)
while 1:
ch = await ux_show_story(story, escape='1')
common.is_new_wallet_a_duplicate = is_dup
# print('self.is_new_wallet_a_duplicate={}'.format(common.is_new_wallet_a_duplicate))
if ch == '1':
await self.show_detail(verbose=False)
if ch == 'y' and not is_dup:
# save to nvram, may raise MultisigOutOfSpace
if name_change:
await name_change.delete()
assert self.storage_idx == -1
await self.commit()
await fullscreen("Saved")
await sleep_ms(1000)
return ch
async def show_detail(self, verbose=True):
# Show the xpubs; might be 2k or more rendered.
msg = uio.StringIO()
if verbose:
Policy: {M} of {N}
Blockchain: {ctype}
{at}\n\n'''.format(M=self.M, N=self.N, ctype=self.chain_type,
# concern: the order of keys here is non-deterministic
for idx, (xfp, deriv, xpub) in enumerate(self.xpubs):
if idx:
msg.write('%s:\n %s\n\n%s\n' % (xfp2str(xfp), deriv, xpub))
if self.addr_fmt != AF_P2SH:
# SLIP-132 format [yz]pubs here when not p2sh mode.
# - has same info as proper bitcoin serialization, but looks much different
node = self.chain.deserialize_node(xpub, AF_P2SH)
xp = self.chain.serialize_public(node, self.addr_fmt)
msg.write('\nSLIP-132 equiv:\n%s\n' % xp)
return await ux_show_story(msg,
async def no_ms_yet(*a):
# action for 'no wallets yet' menu item
await ux_show_story("You don't yet have any multisig accounts.", title='Multisig', center=True, center_vertically=True)
def psbt_xpubs_policy_chooser():
# Chooser for trust policy
ch = [ 'Ask to Import', 'Require Existing', 'Skip Verification']
def set_policy(idx, text):
from common import settings
settings.set('multisig_policy', values[idx])
return values.index(MultisigWallet.get_trust_policy()), ch, set_policy
async def multisig_policy_menu(*a):
# show a story then go into chooser
from menu import start_chooser
start_chooser(psbt_xpubs_policy_chooser, title='Multisig Policy')
class MultisigMenu(MenuSystem):
def construct(cls):
# Dynamic menu with user-defined names of wallets shown
# from menu import MenuSystem, MenuItem
from actions import import_multisig_from_sd, import_multisig_from_qr
if not MultisigWallet.exists():
rv = [MenuItem('(None setup yet)', f=no_ms_yet)]
rv = []
for ms in MultisigWallet.get_all():
rv.append(MenuItem('%d/%d: %s' % (ms.M, ms.N,,
menu=make_ms_wallet_menu, arg=ms.storage_idx))
rv.append(MenuItem('Import from SD', f=import_multisig_from_sd))
rv.append(MenuItem('Import from QR', f=import_multisig_from_qr))
rv.append(MenuItem('Multisig Policy', f=multisig_policy_menu))
return rv
def update_contents(self):
# Reconstruct the list of wallets on this dynamic menu, because
# we added or changed them and are showing that same menu again.
tmp = self.construct()
self.replace_items(tmp, True)
async def make_multisig_menu(menu, label, item):
# list of all multisig wallets, and high-level settings/actions
from common import pa
if pa.is_secret_blank():
await ux_show_story("You must have a wallet seed before creating multisig wallets.")
rv = MultisigMenu.construct()
return MultisigMenu(rv, title=item.arg)
async def make_ms_wallet_menu(menu, label, item):
# details, actions on single multisig wallet
ms = MultisigWallet.get_by_idx(item.arg)
if not ms: return
rv = [
# MenuItem('"%s"' %, f=ms_wallet_detail, arg=ms),
MenuItem('View Details', f=ms_wallet_detail, arg=ms),
MenuItem('Rename', f=ms_wallet_rename, arg=ms),
MenuItem('Delete', f=ms_wallet_delete, arg=ms),
# Not needed
# MenuItem('Passport Export', f=ms_wallet_ckcc_export, arg=ms),
# MenuItem('Electrum Wallet', f=ms_wallet_electrum_export, arg=ms),
return MenuSystem(rv, title='%d/%d: %s' % (ms.M, ms.N,
async def ms_wallet_rename(menu, label, item):
ms = item.arg
# Get new name
new_name = await ux_enter_text('Rename', label="Enter multisig name",,
right_btn='RENAME', max_length=MAX_MULTISIG_NAME_LEN)
if new_name == None:
await ms.rename(new_name)
from ux import the_ux
# pop stack
# m = the_ux.top_of_stack()
# m.update_contents()
async def ms_wallet_delete(menu, label, item):
from uasyncio import sleep_ms
from common import dis
ms = item.arg
# delete
if not await ux_confirm("Delete this multisig wallet (%s)?\n\nFunds may be impacted." %
await ms.delete()
await sleep_ms(1000)
from ux import the_ux
# pop stack
async def ms_wallet_ckcc_export(menu, label, item):
# create a text file with the details; ready for import to next Passport
ms = item.arg
await ms.export_wallet_file()
async def ms_wallet_electrum_export(menu, label, item):
# create a JSON file that Electrum can use. Challenges:
# - file contains derivation paths for each co-signer to use
# - electrum is using BIP43 with purpose=48 (purpose48_derivation) to make paths like:
# m/48'/1'/0'/2'
# - other signers might not be Passports (we don't know)
# solution:
# - when building air-gap, pick address type at that point, and matching path to suit
# - could check path prefix and addr_fmt make sense together, but meh.
ms = item.arg
from actions import electrum_export_story
derivs, dsum = ms.get_deriv_paths()
msg = 'The new wallet will have derivation path:\n %s\n and use %s addresses.\n' % (
dsum, MultisigWallet.render_addr_fmt(ms.addr_fmt) )
if await ux_show_story(electrum_export_story(msg)) != 'y':
await ms.export_electrum()
async def ms_wallet_detail(menu, label, item):
# show details of single multisig wallet
ms = item.arg
return await ms.show_detail()
def import_xpub(ln):
# read an xpub/ypub/etc and return BIP32 node and what chain it's on.
# - can handle any garbage line
# - returns (node, chain, addr_fmt)
# - people are using SLIP132 so we need this
import chains, ure
pat = ure.compile(r'.pub[A-Za-z0-9]+')
found =
if not found:
return None
found =
for ch in chains.AllChains:
for kk in ch.slip132:
if found[0] == ch.slip132[kk].hint:
node = trezorcrypto.bip32.deserialize(found, ch.slip132[kk].pub, ch.slip132[kk].priv)
chain = ch
addr_fmt = kk
return (node, ch, kk)
except ValueError:
# looked like one, but fail.
return None