You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
4.3 KiB

6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
echo "please wait ..."
# load raspiblitz config data (with backup from old config)
source /home/admin/
source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
if [ ${#network} -eq 0 ]; then network=`cat .network`; fi
if [ ${#network} -eq 0 ]; then network="bitcoin"; fi
if [ ${#chain} -eq 0 ]; then
chain=$(${network}-cli -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.${network} getblockchaininfo | jq -r '.chain')
6 years ago
# check if user has money in lightning channels - info about close all
openChannels=$(lncli --chain=${network} --network=${chain}net listchannels 2>/dev/null | jq '.[] | length')
if [ ${#openChannels} -eq 0 ]; then
6 years ago
echo "*** IMPORTANT **********************************"
echo "It looks like LND is not responding."
echo "Still starting up, is locked or is not running?"
echo "Try later, try reboot or check ./"
echo "************************************************"
exit 1
if [ ${openChannels} -gt 0 ]; then
dialog --title 'Info' --msgbox 'You still have funds in open Lightning Channels.\nUse CLOSEALL first if you want to cashout all funds.\nNOTICE: Just confirmed on-chain funds can be moved.' 7 58
6 years ago
echo "please wait ..."
6 years ago
# check if money is waiting to get confirmed
unconfirmed=$(lncli --chain=${network} --network=${chain}net walletbalance | grep '"unconfirmed_balance"' | cut -d '"' -f4)
if [ ${unconfirmed} -gt 0 ]; then
dialog --title 'Info' --msgbox "Still waiting confirmation for ${unconfirmed} sat.\nNOTICE: Just confirmed on-chain funds can be moved." 6 58
6 years ago
echo "please wait ..."
6 years ago
# get available amount in on-chain wallet
maxAmount=$(lncli --chain=${network} --network=${chain}net walletbalance | grep '"confirmed_balance"' | cut -d '"' -f4)
6 years ago
if [ ${maxAmount} -eq 0 ]; then
dialog --title 'Info' --msgbox "You have 0 moveable funds available.\nNOTICE: Just confirmed on-chain funds can be moved." 6 58
exit 1
6 years ago
# let user enter the address
l1="Enter on-chain address to send confirmed funds to:"
6 years ago
l2="You will send: ${maxAmount} sat"
l3="Maximal fee: 20000 sat (wil be subtracted)"
6 years ago
dialog --title "Where to send funds?" \
--inputbox "$l1\n$l2\n$l3" 9 75 2>$_temp
if test $? -eq 0
echo "ok pressed"
echo "cancel pressed"
exit 1
6 years ago
address=$(cat $_temp | xargs)
shred $_temp
if [ ${#address} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "FAIL - not a valid address (${address})"
exit 1
# TODO: check address is valid for network and chain
6 years ago
echo "******************************"
6 years ago
echo "Send on-chain Funds"
6 years ago
echo "******************************"
while [ ${tryAgain} -eq 1 ]
6 years ago
sleep 1
6 years ago
fee=$(($count * 1000))
amount=$(($maxAmount - $fee))
echo ""
echo "TRY #${count} ---> with max fee ${fee} sat:"
6 years ago
# execute command
command="lncli --chain=${network} --network=${chain}net sendcoins --addr ${address} --amt ${amount} --conf_target 3"
6 years ago
echo "$command"
result=$($command 2>$_error)
error=`cat ${_error}`
#error="sim error: insufficient funds available to construct transaction"
if [ ${#result} -eq 0 ]; then
# fail - retry on 'insufficient funds available to construct transaction'
6 years ago
echo "FAIL: $error"
tryAgain=$(echo "${error}" | grep -c 'insufficient funds available to construct transaction')
6 years ago
if [ ${tryAgain} -eq 0 ]; then
6 years ago
echo ""
6 years ago
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
echo "FINAL FAIL --> Was not able to send transaction (see error above)"
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
# success
echo "$result"
6 years ago
echo ""
6 years ago
echo "********************************************************************"
echo "OK --> send ${amount} sat to address + ${fee} sat fees max"
echo "********************************************************************"
# abort aftzer 20 tries
6 years ago
count=$(($count + 1))
if [ ${count} -gt 20 ]; then
echo ""
6 years ago
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
echo "FINAL FAIL --> Was not able to send transaction with max 20000 sat"
6 years ago
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
6 years ago
exit 1
6 years ago
echo ""