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49 lines
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echo ""
# load raspiblitz config data
source /home/admin/
source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
# Basic Options
OPTIONS=(TORRENT "Redownload Prepared Torrent (DEFAULT)" \
COPY "Copy from another Computer (SKILLED)" \
RESYNC "Resync thru Peer2Peer Network (TRUSTLESS)" \
BACKUP "Run Backup LND data first (optional)"
CHOICE=$(dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Repair Script" --clear --title "Repair Blockchain Data" --menu "Choose a repair/recovery option:" 11 60 6 "${OPTIONS[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty)
if [ "${CHOICE}" = "TORRENT" ]; then
echo "Starting TORRENT ..."
sudo sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=retorrent/g" /home/admin/
sudo sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=na/g" /home/admin/
elif [ "${CHOICE}" = "COPY" ]; then
echo "Starting COPY ..."
sudo sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=recopy/g" /home/admin/
sudo sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=na/g" /home/admin/
elif [ "${CHOICE}" = "RESYNC" ]; then
echo "Starting RESYNC ..."
6 years ago
dialog --pause "OK. System will reboot to activate changes." 8 58 8
echo "rebooting .. (please wait)"
sudo shutdown -r now
elif [ "${CHOICE}" = "REINDEX" ]; then
echo "Starting REINDEX ..."
sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/
elif [ "${CHOICE}" = "BACKUP" ]; then
sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/ backup
echo "PRESS ENTER to continue."
read key
echo "CANCEL"