# The ODroid HC1 on DietPi is made to be a lightning node ⚡️
## Setting up the DietPi OS
Download this image:
and burn it to the SD with https://www.balena.io/etcher/
Getting started with DietPi: https://dietpi.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=8& t=9#p9
## On the desktop Linux terminal
`ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]`
password: `dietpi`
>Ok > Cancel the recovery point
Ok > Cancel > Cancel
automatic apt update & apt upgrade on first logon and reboots
Opt out of survey > Ok > Ok
`ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]`
run (can be copied from the terminal output):
`ssh-keygen -f "/home/[your-linux-username]/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "dietpi.IP"`
`ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]`
yes >
password: `dietpi`
>Ok > Cancel > Cancel
Search `fail2ban` > Space to select > Enter
Search `openssh` > Space to select OpenSSH Client > Enter
> Install > Ok
Opt out of survey > Ok
Reboots again
Looks like this:
(if it would start the DietPi-Software GUI again >
Exit with CTRL + C
`run dietpi-update`
and reinstall fail2ban and openssh after the reboot)
`ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]`
Should end up here on version v6.20.5 or higher:
run the SDcard build script in this format: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/[GITHUB-USERNAME]/raspiblitz/[BRANCH]/build.sdcard/raspbianStretchDesktop.sh & & sudo bash raspbianStretchDesktop.sh [BRANCH] [GITHUB-USERNAME]
`wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openoms/HardwareNode/raspiblitz-dev/build.sdcard/raspbianStretchDesktop.sh && sudo bash raspbianStretchDesktop.sh raspiblitz-dev openoms`
See my example output: [sdcard_build_output ](DietPi/sdcard_build_output )
`ssh admin@[IP-OF-DROIDBLITZ]`
password: raspiblitz
The setup continues as described in the RaspiBlitz setup [README.md ](README.md#documentation )
## Example of setting up a RaspiBlitz HDD to be copied to the ODroid:
![copy the blockchain from a HDD of a Raspiblitz ](DietPi/copy_hdd.png )
![example setup ](DietPi/HDD_copy_example.jpg )