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7 years ago
# welcome and ask for name of RaspiBlitz
while [ ${#result} -eq 0 ]
l1="Please enter the name of your new RaspiBlitz:\n"
l2="one word, keep characters basic & not too long"
dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Setup" --inputbox "$l1$l2" 11 52 2>$_temp
7 years ago
result=`cat $_temp`
shred $_temp
# set lightning alias
7 years ago
sed -i "7s/.*/alias=$result/" ./assests/lnd.conf
7 years ago
# store hostname for later - to be set right before the next reboot
# work around - because without a reboot the hostname seems not updates in the whole system
echo $result >> /home/admin/.hostname
# show password info dialog
dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Setup" --msgbox "RaspiBlitz uses 4 different passwords.
7 years ago
Referenced as password A, B, C and D.
A) Master User Password
B) Bitcoin RPC Password
C) LND Wallet Password
D) LND Seed Password
Choose now 4 new passwords - all min 8 chars
Write them down & store them in a safe place.
" 14 52
# ask user for new password A
dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Setup"\
7 years ago
--inputbox "Please enter your Master/Admin Password A:\n!!! This is new password to login per SSH !!!" 10 52 2>$_temp
# get user input
result=`cat $_temp`
shred $_temp
# check input (check for more later)
if [ ${#result} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "FAIL - Password cannot be empty"
echo "Please restart with ./"
exit 1
# change user passwords and then change hostname
echo "pi:$result" | sudo chpasswd
echo "root:$result" | sudo chpasswd
echo "bitcoin:$result" | sudo chpasswd
echo "admin:$result" | sudo chpasswd
sleep 1
# sucess info dialog
dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz" --msgbox "OK - password changed to '$result'\nfor all users pi, admin, root & bitcoin" 6 52
# repeat until user input is nit length 0
while [ ${#result} -lt 8 ]
dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Setup"\
7 years ago
--inputbox "Enter your RPC Password B (min 8 chars):" 9 52 2>$_temp
result=`cat $_temp`
shred $_temp
# set Bitcoin RPC Password (for admin bitcoin-cli & template for user bitcoin bitcoind)
7 years ago
sed -i "14s/.*/rpcpassword=$result/" ./assets/bitcoin.conf
7 years ago
sed -i "6s/.*/rpcpassword=$result/" ./.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
# success info dialog
dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - SetUP" --msgbox "OK - RPC password changed to '$result'\n\nNow starting the Setup of your RaspiBlitz." 7 52