@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ do |
testNetAdd="/testnet3" |
fi |
sudo cat /mnt/hdd/${network}${testNetAdd}/debug.log 2>/dev/null | grep "tor" | tail -n 10 |
onionAddress=$(${network}-cli getnetworkinfo | grep '"address"' | cut -d '"' -f4) |
onionAddress=$(sudo -u bitcoin ${network}-cli getnetworkinfo | grep '"address"' | cut -d '"' -f4) |
echo "Can take up to 10min - if this takes longer --> CTRL+c, reboot and check manually" |
sleep 5 |
done |
onionPort=$(${network}-cli getnetworkinfo | grep '"port"' | tr -dc '0-9') |
onionPort=$(sudo -u bitcoin ${network}-cli getnetworkinfo | grep '"port"' | tr -dc '0-9') |
echo "Your Chain Network Onion Address is: ${onionAddress}:${onionPort}" |
echo "" |