* ARM V7 or V8 processor architecture (32 or 64 bit)
* 1 GB RAM
* \> 300 GB diskspace
* \> 300 GB HDD
* \> 2GB DDR3 RAM
* USB 3.0 or SATA connector
* Compact case with efficient cooling (heatsink / fan)
* HDMI / GPIO screen
Specifications of the tested hardware: [hw_comparison.md](hw_comparison.md)
@ -79,4 +86,8 @@ Tested on:
The HDMI screen tested: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3-5-inch-LCD-HDMI-USB-Touch-Screen-Real-HD-1920x1080-LCD-Display-Py-for-Raspberri/32818537950.html
Detailed instructions for the RaspiBlitz-on-DietPi: [/dietpi/README.md](/dietpi/README.md)
Detailed instructions for the RaspiBlitz-on-DietPi: [/dietpi/README.md](/dietpi/README.md)