12 changed files with 222 additions and 111 deletions
@ -1,105 +1,67 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
echo "" |
# *** BITCOIN Torrent *** |
bitcoinTorrent="raspiblitz-hdd-2018-07-16" |
bitcoinTorrentsize=231230512 |
# *** BITCOIN *** |
bitcoinList="" # url to list with other sources |
bitcoinUrl="ftp://anonymous:anonymous@tll9xsfkjht8j26z.myfritz.net/raspiblitz-hdd-2018-07-16" |
bitcoinSize=100 |
# *** LITECOIN Torrent *** |
litecoinTorrent="raspiblitz-litecoin-2018-07-28" |
litecoinTorrentsize=100 |
# *** LITECOIN *** |
litecoinList="" # url to list with other sources |
litecoinUrl="ftp://anonymous:anonymous@ftp.rotzoll.de/pub/raspiblitz-litecoin-2018-07-29" |
litecoinSize=19184980 |
# load network |
network=`cat .network` |
# set torrent based on network |
torrent=$bitcoinTorrent |
torrentsize=$bitcoinTorrentsize |
# settings based on network |
list=$bitcoinList |
url=$bitcoinUrl |
size=$bitcoinSize |
if [ "$network" = "litecoin" ]; then |
torrent=$litecoinTorrent |
torrentsize=$litecoinTorrentsize |
list=$litecoinList |
url=$litecoinUrl |
size=$litecoinSize |
fi |
echo "" |
echo "*** Checking HDD ***" |
mountOK=$(df | grep -c /mnt/hdd) |
if [ ${mountOK} -eq 1 ]; then |
# HDD is mounted |
if [ -d "/mnt/hdd/${network}" ]; then |
# HDD has already content |
echo "It seems that HDD has already content. Try to continue with ./finishHDD.sh" |
else |
# HDD is empty - download HDD content |
echo "OK - HDD is ready." |
echo "" |
downloading=1 |
retry=0 |
while [ $downloading -eq 1 ] |
do |
echo "*** Downloading HDD ***" |
echo "torrentFile: ${torrent}" |
tmpfile=$(mktemp) |
chmod a+x $tmpfile |
echo "killall transmission-cli" > $tmpfile |
sudo transmission-cli ./assets/$torrent.torrent -D -et -w /mnt/hdd -f $tmpfile |
echo "" |
echo "*** Checking Download ***" |
echo "wait a moment" |
sleep 5 |
downloadsize=$(sudo du -s /mnt/hdd/$torrent/ | awk '{print $1}' | tr -dc '0-9') |
if [ ${#downloadsize} -eq 0 ]; then |
downloadsize=0 |
fi |
# add some tolerance for checking |
torrentsize="$(($torrentsize-1024000))" |
echo "download size is(${downloadsize})" |
if [ ${downloadsize} -lt ${torrentsize} ]; then |
echo "" |
echo "FAIL - download is not ${torrentsize}" |
retry=$(($retry+1)) |
if [ ${retry} -gt 2 ]; then |
echo "All Retry FAILED" |
downloading=0 |
else |
echo "--> RETRY(${retry}) in 10 secs" |
sleep 10 |
echo "" |
fi |
else |
echo "OK - Download is complete" |
downloading=0 |
fi |
done |
if [ ${downloadsize} -lt ${torrentsize} ]; then |
sleep 3 |
dialog --title " WARNING " --yesno "The download failed or is not complete. Do you want to clean all download data before you continue?" 6 57 |
response=$? |
case $response in |
0) sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/$torrent ; sudo rm -rf /root/.config/transmission ;; |
esac |
# |
./00mainMenu.sh |
exit 1; |
fi |
echo "" |
# the path wget will download to |
targetPath=$(echo ${url} | cut -d '@' -f2) |
echo "*** Moving Files ***" |
echo "moving files ..." |
sudo mv /mnt/hdd/$torrent /mnt/hdd/${network} |
echo "" |
echo "network($network)" |
echo "list($list)" |
echo "url($url)" |
echo "size($size)" |
echo "targetPath($targetPath)" |
# set SetupState |
echo "50" > /home/admin/.setup |
echo "*** Next Step ***" |
echo "You can now use this HDD as a source to copy the Blockchain during the setup of another RaspiBlitz." |
sleep 4 |
exit 1 |
# continue setup |
./60finishHDD.sh |
echo "*** Downloading HDD / FTP ***" |
sudo wget -r -P /mnt/hdd/ -q --show-progress ${url} |
echo "OK" |
echo "" |
fi |
else |
# HDD is not available yet |
echo "*** Mount HDD on /mnt/hdd first ***" |
echo "*** Checking Download ***" |
downloadsize=$(sudo du -s /mnt/hdd/${targetPath} | awk '{print $1}' | tr -dc '0-9') |
if [ ${#downloadsize} -eq 0 ]; then |
downloadsize=0 |
fi |
echo "download size is(${downloadsize}) needs to be minimum(${size}})" |
if [ ${downloadsize} -lt ${size} ]; then |
sleep 3 |
echo -ne '\007' |
dialog --title " WARNING " --yesno "The download failed or is not complete. Do you want keep already downloaded data?" 6 57 |
response=$? |
case $response in |
1) sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/${targetPath} ;; |
esac |
./00mainMenu.sh |
exit 1; |
fi |
echo "" |
echo "*** Moving Files ***" |
sudo mv /mnt/hdd/${targetPath} /mnt/hdd/litecoin |
echo "OK" |
# continue setup |
./60finishHDD.sh |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
# *** BITCOIN Torrent *** |
bitcoinTorrent="raspiblitz-hdd-2018-07-16" |
bitcoinTorrentsize=231230512 |
# *** LITECOIN Torrent *** |
litecoinTorrent="raspiblitz-litecoin-2018-07-28" |
litecoinTorrentsize=100 |
# load network |
network=`cat .network` |
# settings based on network |
torrent=$bitcoinTorrent |
torrentsize=$bitcoinTorrentsize |
if [ "$network" = "litecoin" ]; then |
torrent=$litecoinTorrent |
torrentsize=$litecoinTorrentsize |
if |
echo "*** Downloading TORRENT ***" |
echo "torrentFile: ${torrent}" |
tmpfile=$(mktemp) |
chmod a+x $tmpfile |
echo "killall transmission-cli" > $tmpfile |
sudo transmission-cli ./assets/$torrent.torrent -D -et -w /mnt/hdd -f $tmpfile |
echo "OK - Download is complete" |
echo "" |
echo "*** Checking TORRENT ***" |
echo "wait a moment" |
sleep 5 |
downloadsize=$(sudo du -s /mnt/hdd/$torrent/ | awk '{print $1}' | tr -dc '0-9') |
if [ ${#downloadsize} -eq 0 ]; then |
downloadsize=0 |
fi |
# add some tolerance for checking |
size="$(($size-1024000))" |
echo "download size is(${downloadsize}) needs to be minimum(${size}})" |
if [ ${downloadsize} -lt ${size} ]; then |
sleep 3 |
echo -ne '\007' |
dialog --title " WARNING " --yesno "The download failed or is not complete. Do you want keep already downloaded data?" 6 57 |
response=$? |
case $response in |
1) sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/$torrent ; sudo rm -rf /root/.config/transmission ;; |
esac |
./00mainMenu.sh |
exit 1; |
fi |
echo "*** Moving Files ***" |
echo "moving files ..." |
sudo mv /mnt/hdd/$torrent /mnt/hdd/${network} |
echo "" |
# set SetupState |
echo "50" > /home/admin/.setup |
# continue setup |
./60finishHDD.sh |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
# RaspiBlitz: systemd unit for bitcoind |
[Unit] |
Description=Bitcoin daemon |
Wants=getpublicip.service |
After=getpublicip.service |
# for use with sendmail alert (coming soon) |
#OnFailure=systemd-sendmail@%n |
[Service] |
User=bitcoin |
Group=bitcoin |
Type=forking |
PIDFile=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoind.pid |
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/bitcoind -daemon -conf=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf -pid=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoind.pid |
KillMode=process |
Restart=always |
TimeoutSec=120 |
RestartSec=30 |
[Install] |
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
[Unit] |
Description=Bitcoin daemon |
Wants=getpublicip.service |
After=getpublicip.service |
# for use with sendmail alert (coming soon) |
#OnFailure=systemd-sendmail@%n |
[Service] |
User=bitcoin |
Group=bitcoin |
Type=simple |
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/litecoind -daemon -conf=/home/bitcoin/.litecoin/litecoin.conf |
KillMode=process |
Restart=always |
TimeoutSec=120 |
RestartSec=30 |
[Install] |
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
# RaspiBlitz: systemd unit for lnd |
[Unit] |
Description=LND Lightning Daemon |
Wants=bitcoind.service |
After=bitcoind.service |
# for use with sendmail alert |
#OnFailure=systemd-sendmail@%n |
[Service] |
# get var PUBIP from file |
EnvironmentFile=/run/publicip |
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/lnd --externalip=${PUBLICIP} |
PIDFile=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/lnd.pid |
User=bitcoin |
Group=bitcoin |
LimitNOFILE=128000 |
Type=simple |
KillMode=process |
TimeoutSec=180 |
Restart=always |
RestartSec=60 |
[Install] |
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
Reference in new issue