@ -709,6 +709,10 @@ You have still more questions? Check the [RaspiBlitz-FAQ-Archive](FAQ.md).
Everybody is welcome to join, improve and extend the RaspiBlitz - its a work in progress. [Check the issues](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues) if you wanna help out or add new ideas. You find the scripts used for RaspiBlitz interactions on the device at `/home/admin` or in this git repo in the subfolder `home.admin`.
To start your Deep Dive into the RaspiBlitz project, the following YouTube video from the London Bitcoin Dev Meetup (July 2019) is recommended: [https://youtu.be/R_ggGj7Hk1w](https://youtu.be/R_ggGj7Hk1w)
Also get inspired for a deep-dive with the original "[RaspiBolt](https://stadicus.github.io/RaspiBolt/)" tutorial on how to build a lightning node on the RaspberryPi which was the base work the RaspiBlitz was developed on - so much thx to Stadicus :)
Join me on twitter [@rootzoll](https://twitter.com/rootzoll), visit us at a upcomming [#lightninghackday](https://twitter.com/hashtag/LightningHackday?src=hash) or check by on of our bitcoin meetups in Berlin ... every 1st Thursday evening a month at the room77 bar - feel free to buy me a beer with lightning there :)