committed by
8 changed files with 365 additions and 10 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# command info |
if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then |
echo "# Turns the RaspiBlitz into HDD CopyStation Mode" |
echo "# lightning is deactivated during CopyStationMode" |
echo "# reboot RaspiBlitz to set back to normal mode" |
exit 1 |
fi |
####### CONFIG ############# |
# where to find the BITCOIN data directory (no trailing /) |
pathBitcoinBlockchain="/mnt/hdd/bitcoin" |
# where to find the LITECOIN data directory (no trailing /) |
pathLitecoinBlockchain="/mnt/hdd/litecoin" |
# where to find the RaspiBlitz HDD template directory (no trailing /) |
pathTemplateHDD="/mnt/hdd/templateHDD" |
# 0 = ask before formatting/init new HDD |
# 1 = auto-formatting every new HDD that needs init |
nointeraction=1 |
# override values if XXcopyStation.conf files exists |
# use when you run this outside RaspiBlitz |
# - clean Ubuntu install |
# - install bitcoind as systemd service |
# - disable automount: |
# - clone the github to get script (or download) |
# - set your pathes bitcoin/template in conf file |
source ./XXcopyStation.conf 2>/dev/null |
# -- start script with parameter "-foreground" |
####### SCRIPT ############# |
# check sudo |
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then |
echo "Please run as root (with sudo)" |
exit 1 |
fi |
# make sure that its running in screen |
# call with '-foreground' to prevent running in screen |
if [ "$1" != "-foreground" ]; then |
screenPID=$(screen -ls | grep "copystation" | cut -d "." -f1 | xargs) |
if [ ${#screenPID} -eq 0 ]; then |
# start copystation in sreen |
echo "starting copystation screen session" |
screen -S copystation -dm /home/admin/ -foreground |
screen -d -r |
exit 0 |
else |
echo "changing into running copystation screen session" |
screen -d -r |
exit 0 |
fi |
fi |
clear |
echo "******************************" |
echo "******************************" |
echo |
echo "*** CHECKING CONFIG" |
# check that path information is valid |
if [ -d "$pathBitcoinBlockchain" ]; then |
echo "OK found $pathBitcoinBlockchain" |
else |
echo "FAIL path of 'pathBitcoinBlockchain' does not exists: ${pathBitcoinBlockchain}" |
exit 1 |
fi |
# check that path information is valid |
if [ -d "$pathTemplateHDD" ]; then |
echo "OK found $pathTemplateHDD" |
else |
echo "Creating: ${pathTemplateHDD}" |
mkdir ${pathTemplateHDD} |
chmod 777 ${pathTemplateHDD} |
fi |
# make sure that lnd is stopped (if runnning) |
systemctl stop lnd 2>/dev/null |
systemctl stop background 2>/dev/null |
if [ "${nointeraction}" == "1" ]; then |
echo "setting RaspiBlitz LCD info" |
sudo sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=copystation/g" /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null |
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Disconnect target HDDs!'/g" /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null |
echo "Disconnect target HDDs! .. 30ses until continue." |
sleep 30 |
else |
echo |
echo "*** INIT HDD SCAN" |
echo "Please make sure that no HDDs that you want to sync later to are not connected now." |
echo "PRESS ENTER when ready." |
read key |
fi |
# finding system drives (the drives that should not be synced to) |
systemDrives=$(lsblk -o NAME | grep "^sd") |
echo "OK - the following drives detected as system drives:" |
echo "$systemDrives" |
echo |
if [ "${nointeraction}" == "1" ]; then |
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Connect now target HDDs ..'/g" /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null |
sleep 5 |
fi |
# 1. get fresh data from bitcoind --> template data |
# 2. detect HDDs |
# 3. sync HDDs with template data |
# repeat |
echo |
echo "*** RUNNING ***" |
lastBlockchainUpdateTimestamp=1 |
while : |
do |
################################################ |
# 1. get fresh data from bitcoind for template data |
# only execute every 30min |
nowTimestamp=$(date +%s) |
secondsDiff=$(echo "${nowTimestamp}-${lastBlockchainUpdateTimestamp}" | bc) |
echo "seconds since last update from bitcoind: ${secondsDiff}" |
echo |
if [ ${secondsDiff} -gt 3000 ]; then |
echo "******************************" |
echo "Bitcoin Blockchain Update" |
echo "******************************" |
# stop blockchains |
echo "Stopping Blockchain ..." |
systemctl stop bitcoind 2>/dev/null |
systemctl stop litecoind 2>/dev/null |
sleep 10 |
# sync bitcoin |
echo "Syncing Bitcoin ..." |
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Updating Template: Bitcoin'/g" /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null |
# make sure the bitcoin directory in template folder exists |
if [ ! -d "$pathTemplateHDD/bitcoin" ]; then |
echo "creating the bitcoin subfolder in the template folder" |
mkdir ${pathTemplateHDD}/bitcoin |
chmod 777 ${pathTemplateHDD}/bitcoin |
fi |
rsync -a --info=progress2 ${pathBitcoinBlockchain}/chainstate ${pathBitcoinBlockchain}/indexes ${pathBitcoinBlockchain}/blocks ${pathBitcoinBlockchain}/testnet3 ${pathTemplateHDD}/bitcoin |
if [ -d "${pathLitecoinBlockchain}" ]; then |
# sync litecoin |
echo "Syncing Litecoin ..." |
echo "creating the litecoin subfolder in the template folder" |
mkdir ${pathTemplateHDD}/litecoin 2>/dev/null |
chmod 777 ${pathTemplateHDD}/litecoin 2>/dev/null |
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Updating Template: Litecoin'/g" /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null |
rsync -a --info=progress2 ${pathLitecoinBlockchain}/chainstate ${pathLitecoinBlockchain}/indexes ${pathLitecoinBlockchain}/blocks ${pathTemplateHDD}/litecoin |
fi |
# restart bitcoind (to let further setup while syncing HDDs) |
echo "Restarting Blockchain ..." |
systemctl start bitcoind 2>/dev/null |
systemctl start litecoind 2>/dev/null |
# update timer |
lastBlockchainUpdateTimestamp=$(date +%s) |
fi |
################################################ |
# 2. detect connected HDDs and loop thru them |
sleep 4 |
echo "" > ./.syncinfo.tmp |
lsblk -o NAME | grep "^sd" | while read -r detectedDrive ; do |
isSystemDrive=$(echo "${systemDrives}" | grep -c "${detectedDrive}") |
if [ ${isSystemDrive} -eq 0 ]; then |
# check if drives 1st partition is named BLOCKCHAIN & in EXT4 format |
isNamedBlockchain=$(lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL | grep "${detectedDrive}" | grep -c "BLOCKCHAIN") |
isFormatExt4=$(lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL | grep "${detectedDrive}" | grep -c "ext4") |
# init a fresh device |
if [ ${isNamedBlockchain} -eq 0 ] || [ ${isFormatExt4} -eq 0 ]; then |
echo "*** NEW EMPTY HDD FOUND ***" |
echo "Device: ${detectedDrive}" |
echo "isNamedBlockchain: ${isNamedBlockchain}" |
echo "isFormatExt4:" ${isFormatExt4} |
# check if size is OK |
size=$(lsblk -o NAME,SIZE -b | grep "^${detectedDrive}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2) |
echo "size: ${size}" |
if [ ${size} -lt 250000000000 ]; then |
read key |
whiptail --title "FAIL" --msgbox " |
Please remove device and PRESS ENTER |
" 9 46 |
else |
# find biggest partition |
biggestSize=0 |
lsblk -o NAME,SIZE -b | grep "─${detectedDrive}" | while read -r partitionLine ; do |
partition=$(echo "${partitionLine}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | tr -cd "[:alnum:]") |
size=$(echo "${partitionLine}" | tr -cd "[0-9]") |
if [ ${size} -gt ${biggestSize} ]; then |
formatPartition="${partition}" |
biggestSize=$size |
fi |
echo "${formatPartition}" > .formatPartition.tmp |
done |
formatPartition=$(cat .formatPartition.tmp) |
rm .formatPartition.tmp |
if [ ${#formatPartition} -eq 0 ]; then |
whiptail --title "FAIL" --msgbox " |
Format on external computer with FAT32 first. |
Please remove device now. |
" 10 46 |
else |
# if config value "nointeraction=1" default to format |
if [ "${nointeraction}" != "1" ]; then |
whiptail --title "Format HDD" --yes-button "Format" --no-button "Cancel" --yesno " |
Found new HDD. Do you want to FORMAT now? |
Please temp lable device with: ${formatPartition} |
" 10 54 |
choice=$? |
else |
choice=0 |
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Formatting new HDD: ${formatPartition}'/g" /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null |
fi |
# on cancel |
if [ "${choice}" != "0" ]; then |
whiptail --title "Format HDD" --msgbox " |
OK NO FORMAT - Please remove decive now. |
" 8 46 |
exit 1 |
fi |
# format the HDD |
echo "Starting Formatting of device ..." |
sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/${formatPartition} -F -L BLOCKCHAIN |
fi |
fi |
fi # end init new HDD |
################################################ |
# 3. sync HDD with template data |
partition=$(lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,LABEL | grep "${detectedDrive}" | grep "BLOCKCHAIN" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | tr -cd "[:alnum:]") |
if [ ${#partition} -gt 0 ]; then |
# temp mount device |
echo "mounting: ${partition}" |
mkdir /mnt/hdd2 2>/dev/null |
sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/${partition} /mnt/hdd2 |
# rsync device |
mountOK=$(lsblk -o NAME,MOUNTPOINT | grep "${detectedDrive}" | grep -c "/mnt/hdd2") |
if [ ${mountOK} -eq 1 ]; then |
if [ "${nointeraction}" == "1" ]; then |
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Syncing from Template: ${partition}'/g" /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null |
fi |
rsync -a --info=progress2 ${pathTemplateHDD}/* /mnt/hdd2 |
chmod -r 777 /mnt/hdd2 |
rm -r /mnt/hdd2/lost+found 2>/dev/null |
echo "${partition} " >> ./.syncinfo.tmp |
else |
echo "FAIL: was not able to mount --> ${partition}" |
fi |
# unmount device |
sudo umount -l /mnt/hdd2 |
fi |
fi |
done |
clear |
echo "**** SYNC LOOP DONE ****" |
synced=$(cat ./.syncinfo.tmp | tr '\r\n' ' ') |
echo "HDDs ready synced: ${synced}" |
echo "*************************" |
echo "Its safe to disconnect/remove HDDs now." |
echo "To stop copystation script: CTRL+c" |
echo "" |
sudo sed -i "s/^message=.*/message='Ready HDDs: ${synced}'/g" /home/admin/ 2>/dev/null |
sleep 25 |
clear |
echo "starting new sync loop" |
sleep 5 |
done |
Reference in new issue