@ -73,16 +73,34 @@ The setup continues as described in the RaspiBlitz setup [README.md](/README.md#
## Example of setting up a RaspiBlitz HDD to be copied to the ODroid:
![copy the blockchain from a HDD of a Raspiblitz ](pictures/copy_hdd.png )
![c# opy the blockchain from a HDD of a Raspiblitz ](pictures/copy_hdd.png )
![example setup ](pictures/HDD_copy_example.jpg )
Useful commands for debugging:
`sudo tail -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/debug.log` - continuous monitoring
`sudo tail -n 100 /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/debug.log` - shows the last 100 lines
`sudo systemctl status lnd`
`sudo journalctl -f -u lnd`
`./home/admin/XXdebugLogs.sh` - on the raspiblitz
`lsblk` see the partitions
`tail -n1000 -f raspiblitz.log` - debug logs of bootstrap.sh
Samsple dietpi.txt: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/blob/master/dietpi.txt
### Useful commands for debugging:
`tail -n1000 -f/var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-automation_custom_script.log` follow startup setup script log
`lsblk` see the partitions
`tail -n1000 -f raspiblitz.log` - debug logs of bootstrap.sh
`sudo tail -f /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/debug.log` - continuous monitoring
`sudo tail -n100 /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/debug.log` - shows the last 100 lines
`sudo systemctl status lnd`
`sudo journalctl -f -u lnd`
`./home/admin/XXdebugLogs.sh` - debug log collection on the raspiblitz
### Automate installation with the dietpi.txt
Need to copy to SDcard /boot/dietpi.txt after burning the image with Etcher.
- Modifications to /boot/dietpi.txt will not be preserved on reboot.
- Please ensure you edit from the DietPi-RAMdisk location: /DietPi/dietpi.txt
NB: This is intended for advanced users, unless you know what you are doing, do not edit this file. ease use the DietPi programs instead.
NB: Do not remove uncommented lines, as the items are scraped by DietPi programs, on demand.
DietPi-Automation settings, applied on the 1st boot of DietPi, ONCE
### Custom Script (post-networking and post-DietPi install)
Runs after DietPi installation is completed
Allows you to automatically execute a custom script at the end of DietPi installation.
Option 1 = Copy your script to /boot/Automation_Custom_Script.sh and it will be executed automatically.
Option 2 = Host your script online, then use AUTO_SETUP_CUSTOM_SCRIPT_EXEC=http://myweb.com/myscript.sh, it will be downloaded and executed automatically. | 0=disabled
NB: Executed script log /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-automation_custom_script.log