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FAQ on why is takin Final Sync so long?

rootzoll 6 years ago
  1. 12


@ -40,9 +40,17 @@ One requirement is that the blockchain is from another bitcoin-core client with
But we dont copy the data via USB to the device, because the HDD needs to be formatted in EXT4 and that is usually not read/writeable by Windows or Mac computers. So I will explain a way to copy the data thru your local network. This should work from Windows, Mac, Linux and even from another already synced RaspiBlitz.
Both computers (your RaspberryPi and the other computer with the full blockchain on) need to be connected to the same local network. Start the setup of the RaspiBlitz with a fresh SD card like explained in the README - its OK that there is no blockchain data on your HDD. At the point of the Setup about `Getting the Blockchain` choose the COPY option. Starting from version 1.0 of the RaspiBlitz this will give you further detailed instructions how to transfere the blockchain data onto your RaspiBlitz. In short: On your computer with the blockchain data you will execute SCP commands, that will copy the data over to your RaspiBlitz.
Both computers (your RaspberryPi and the other computer with the full blockchain on) need to be connected to the same local network. Make sure that bitcoin is stoped on the computer containing the blockchain. If your blockchain source is another RaspiBlitz run on the terminal `sudo systemctl stop bitcoind` - when copy/transfer is done later reboot a RaspiBlitz source with `sudo shutdown -r now`.
Once you finsihed the transfere the Raspiblitz will make a quick check - but beware that if there is an error during transfere it can result that yo
If everything of the above is prepared, start the setup of the new RaspiBlitz with a fresh SD card (like explained in the README) - its OK that there is no blockchain data on your HDD yet - just follow the setup. When you get to the setup-point `Getting the Blockchain` choose the COPY option. Starting from version 1.0 of the RaspiBlitz this will give you further detailed instructions how to transfere the blockchain data onto your RaspiBlitz. In short: On your computer with the blockchain data source you will execute SCP commands, that will copy the data over your Local Network to your RaspiBlitz.
Once you finished all the transferes the Raspiblitz will make a quick-check on the data - but that will not guarantee that everything in detail was OK with the transfere. Check further FAQ answeres if you get stuck or see a final sync with a value below 90%.
## Why is my "final sync" taking so long?
First of all if you see a final sync over 90% and you can see from time to time small increase - you should be OK ... this can take some looong time to catch up with the network. Only in the case that you activly choose the `SYNC` option in the `Getting the Blockchain` a final sync under 90% is OK. If you did a torrent, a FTP or a copy from another computer and seeing under 90% somthing went wrong and the setup process is ignoring your prepared Blockchain and doing a full sync - which can almost take forever on a raspberryPi.
So if something is wrong (like mentioned above) then try again from the beginning. You need to reset your HDD for a fresh start: SSH in as admin user. Abort the final sync info with CTRL+c to get to the terminal. There run `sudo /home/admin/ -all` and follow the script to delete all data in HDD. When finsihed power down with `sudo shutdown now`. Then make a fresh SD card from image and this time try another option to get the blockchain. If you run into trouble the second time, please report an issue on GitHub.
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