@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ If you run a version earlier then 0.98 you basically need to setup a new RaspiBl
## Why do I need to re-burn my SD card for an update?
I know it would be nicer to run just an update script and you are ready to go. But then the scripts would need to be written in a much more complex way to be able to work with any versions of LND and Bitcoind (they are already complex enough with all the edge cases) and testing would become even more time consuming than it is now already. That's nothing a single developer can deliver.
I know it would be nicer to run just an update script and you are ready to go. But then the scripts would need to be written in a much more complex way to be able to work with any versions of LND and Bitcoind (they are already complex enough with all the edge cases) and testing would become even more time consuming than it is now already. That's nothing a single developer can deliver.
For some, it might be a pain point to make an update by re-burning a new sd card - especially if you added your own scripts or made changes to the system - but thats by design. It's a way to enforce a "clean state" with every update - the same state that I tested and developed the scripts with. The reason for that pain: I simply cannot write and support scripts that run on every modified system forever - that's simply too much work.
@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ The torrent and FTP download use a prepared blockchain to kick start the RaspiBl
Copying a already synced blockchain from another computer (for example your Laptop) can be a quick way to get the RaspiBlitz started or replacing a corrupted blockchain with a fresh one. Also that way you synced and verified the blockchain yourself and not trusting the RaspiBlitz FTP/Torrent downloads (dont trust, verify).
One requirement is that the blockchain is from another bitcoin-core client with version greater or equal to 0.17.1 with transaction index switched on (`txindex=1` in the `bitcoin.conf`).
One requirement is that the blockchain is from another bitcoin-core client with version greater or equal to 0.17.1 with transaction index switched on (`txindex=1` in the `bitcoin.conf`).
But we dont copy the data via USB to the device, because the HDD needs to be formatted in EXT4 and that is usually not read/writeable by Windows or Mac computers. So I will explain a way to copy the data through your local network. This should work from Windows, Mac, Linux and even from another already synced RaspiBlitz.
Both computers (your RaspberryPi and the other computer with the full blockchain on) need to be connected to the same local network. Make sure that bitcoin is stoped on the computer containing the blockchain. If your blockchain source is another RaspiBlitz run on the terminal `sudo systemctl stop bitcoind` and then go to the directory where the blockchain data is with `cd /mnt/hdd/bitcoin` - when copy/transfer is done later reboot a RaspiBlitz source with `sudo shutdown -r now`.
If everything of the above is prepared, start the setup of the new RaspiBlitz with a fresh SD card (like explained in the README) - its OK that there is no blockchain data on your HDD yet - just follow the setup. When you get to the setup-point `Getting the Blockchain` choose the COPY option. Starting from version 1.0 of the RaspiBlitz this will give you further detailed instructions how to transfer the blockchain data onto your RaspiBlitz. In short: On your computer with the blockchain data source you will execute SCP commands, that will copy the data over your Local Network to your RaspiBlitz.
If everything of the above is prepared, start the setup of the new RaspiBlitz with a fresh SD card (like explained in the README) - its OK that there is no blockchain data on your HDD yet - just follow the setup. When you get to the setup-point `Getting the Blockchain` choose the COPY option. Starting from version 1.0 of the RaspiBlitz this will give you further detailed instructions how to transfer the blockchain data onto your RaspiBlitz. In short: On your computer with the blockchain data source you will execute SCP commands, that will copy the data over your Local Network to your RaspiBlitz.
Once you finished all the transferes the Raspiblitz will make a quick-check on the data - but that will not guarantee that everything in detail was OK with the transfer. Check further FAQ answeres if you get stuck or see a final sync with a value below 90%.
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Recovering the coins that you have in an active channel is a bit more complicate
To really have a reliable backup, such feature needs to be part of the LND software. Almost every other solution would not be perfect. Thats why RaspiBlitz is not trying to provide a backup feature at the moment.
But you can try to backup at your own risk. All your Lightning Node data is within the `/mnt/hdd/lnd` directory. Just run a backup of that data when the lnd service is stopped -> `sudo systemctl stop lnd` Then on your laptop you go with the terminal into the directory you want to store the backup in and use the following SCP command to download:
But you can try to backup at your own risk. All your Lightning Node data is within the `/mnt/hdd/lnd` directory. Just run a backup of that data when the lnd service is stopped -> `sudo systemctl stop lnd` Then on your laptop you go with the terminal into the directory you want to store the backup in and use the following SCP command to download:
`scp -r bitcoin@[LOCAL-IP-OF-RASPIBLITZ]:/mnt/hdd/lnd/ ./` use your password A
@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ And if you want to put a LND backup state back. Make a fresh RaspiBlitz (new sd
`scp -r ./lnd/* bitcoin@[LOCAL-IP-OF-RASPIBLITZ]:/mnt/hdd/lnd/` use password A
No run a reboot with: `sudo shutdown -r now` ... LND may need some longer rescan after reboot, but then you should see your old channels and balances.
No run a reboot with: `sudo shutdown -r now` ... LND may need some longer rescan after reboot, but then you should see your old channels and balances.
**Be aware that if backup is some hours/days old, channels could have been closed by the other party and it may take some time until you see funds back on-chain. If backup is somewhat older also the channel counter parties may have used your offline time to cheat you with an old state. And if your backup was not the latest state and LND is closing channels it could also been happening that you are posting an old channel state (seen as cheating) and funds of that channel get lost as punishment. So again .. this backup method can be risky, use with caution.**
## What is this mnemonic seed word list?
With the 24 word list given you by LND on wallet creation you can recover your private key (BIP 39). You should write it down and store it at a save place.
With the 24 word list given you by LND on wallet creation you can recover your private key (BIP 39). You should write it down and store it at a save place.
For more background on mnemonic seeds see this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWCIQFNf_8g
## How do I shrink the QR code for connecting my Shango/Zap mobile phone?
## How do I shrink the QR code for connecting my Shango/Zap/Zeus mobile phone?
Make the fonts smaller until the QR code fits into your (fullscreen) terminal. In OSX use `CMD` + `-` key. In LINUX use `CTRL`+ `-` key. On WINDOWS Putty go into the settings and change the font size: https://globedrill.com/change-font-size-putty
@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ The node address is red, when the RaspiBlitz detects that it cannot reach the po
## Why is my node address on the display yellow (not green)?
Yellow is OK. The RaspiBlitz can detect, that it can reach a service on the port 9735 of your public IP - this is in most cases the LND of your RaspiBlitz. But the RaspiBlitz cannot 100% for sure detect that this is its own LND service on that port - thats why its just yellow, not green.
Yellow is OK. The RaspiBlitz can detect, that it can reach a service on the port 9735 of your public IP - this is in most cases the LND of your RaspiBlitz. But the RaspiBlitz cannot 100% for sure detect that this is its own LND service on that port - thats why its just yellow, not green.
## Can I run the RaspiBlitz as Backend for BTCPayServer?
BTCPay Server is a solution to be your own payment processor to accept Lightning Payments for your online store: https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver
BTCPay Server is a solution to be your own payment processor to accept Lightning Payments for your online store: https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver
You can find setup instructions for a experimental setup here: https://goo.gl/KnTzLu
@ -256,12 +256,12 @@ You dont need a LAN port on your laptop as long as you can connect over WLAN to
## Is it possible to connect the Blitz over Wifi instead of using a LAN cable?
A LAN cable is recommended because it reduces a possible source of error on the network connection side. But how to setup WLAN when you dont have a LAN-Router/Switch available see here:
A LAN cable is recommended because it reduces a possible source of error on the network connection side. But how to setup WLAN when you dont have a LAN-Router/Switch available see here:
## Can I directly connect the RaspiBlitz with my laptop?
## Can I directly connect the RaspiBlitz with my laptop?
If you have a LAN port on your laptop - or you have a USB-LAN adapter, you can connect the RaspiBlitz directly (without a router/switch) to your laptop and share the WIFI internet connection. You can follow this [guide for OSX](https://medium.com/@tzhenghao/how-to-ssh-into-your-raspberry-pi-with-a-mac-and-ethernet-cable-636a197d055).
If you have a LAN port on your laptop - or you have a USB-LAN adapter, you can connect the RaspiBlitz directly (without a router/switch) to your laptop and share the WIFI internet connection. You can follow this [guide for OSX](https://medium.com/@tzhenghao/how-to-ssh-into-your-raspberry-pi-with-a-mac-and-ethernet-cable-636a197d055).
In short for OSX:
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ In short for OSX:
* Settings > Network > Ethernet-Adapter > set to DHCP
* in terminal > `ifconfig` there you should the the IP of the bridge100
* in terminal > `arp -a` and check for an IP of a client to the bridge
* in terminal > ssh admin@[clientIP]
* in terminal > ssh admin@[clientIP]
If anyone has expirence on doing this in Linux/Win, please share.
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ But if cannot login with SSH and you need to power off at least remove the LAN c
## How can I build an SD card other then the master branch?
There might be a new not released features in development that are not yet in the master branch - but you want to try them out.
There might be a new not released features in development that are not yet in the master branch - but you want to try them out.
To build a sd card image from another branch than master you follow the [Build the SD Card Image](README.md#build-the-sd-card-image) from the README, but execute the build script from the other branch and add the name of that branch as a parameter to the build script.
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ Also there are first free 3D open source files in this repo in the directory `ca
## Are those "Under-Voltage detected" warnings a problem?
When your USB power adapter for the RaspiBlitz delivers too low power those messages with "Under-Voltage detected" (undervoltage) are shortly seen on the display. This can lead to data loss/corruption on the HDD. If you see those just one or two times that's not OK, but can be in a tolerant window. Nevertheless it make sure your USB power adapter can deliver at least 3A (big and stable is good). If you still see those warnings maybe get a second USB Power adapter just for the HDD and power the HDD through a Y-Cable - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-cable#USB or put a USB Hub with extra power between the raspberry and the HDD.
When your USB power adapter for the RaspiBlitz delivers too low power those messages with "Under-Voltage detected" (undervoltage) are shortly seen on the display. This can lead to data loss/corruption on the HDD. If you see those just one or two times that's not OK, but can be in a tolerant window. Nevertheless it make sure your USB power adapter can deliver at least 3A (big and stable is good). If you still see those warnings maybe get a second USB Power adapter just for the HDD and power the HDD through a Y-Cable - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-cable#USB or put a USB Hub with extra power between the raspberry and the HDD.
## Why do we need to download the blockchain and not syncing it?
@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ The RaspiBlitz is powered by the RaspberryPi. The processing power of this Singl
Using pre-built software almost always shifts trust to the one who made the binary. But at least you can check with the SHA checksum after download if the image downloaded is really the one offered by the GitHub Repo. To do so make a quick check if your browser is really in the correct GiutHub page and that your HTTPS of the GitHub page is signed by 'DigiCert'. Then compare the SHA-256 string (always next to the download link of the image on the README) with the result of the command `shasum -a 256 [DOWNLOADED-FILE-TO-CHECK]` (Mac/Linux). Still this is not optimal and if at least some people from the community request it, I will consider signing the download as an author for the future.
The best way would be to build the sd card yourself. You use the script `build_sdcard.sh` for it. Take some minutes to check if you see anything suspicious in that build script and then follow the [README](README.md#build-the-sd-card-image) on this.
## Is downloading the blockchain from a third party secure?
To download a blockchain from a third party (torrent/ftp) is not optimal and for the future with more cheap & powerfull SingleBoardComputers we could get rid of this 'patch'.
To download a blockchain from a third party (torrent/ftp) is not optimal and for the future with more cheap & powerfull SingleBoardComputers we could get rid of this 'patch'.
The downloaded blockchain is pre-indexed and pre-validated. That should be practically secure enough, because if the user gets a "manipulated" blockchain it would not work after setup. The beginning of the downloaded blockchain needs to fit the genesis block (in bitcoind software) and the end of the downloaded blockchain needs not match with the rest of the bitcoin network state - hashes of new block distrubuted within the peer-2-peer network need to match the downloaded blockchain head. So if you downloaded a manipulated blockchain it simply wouldn't work in practice. As long as you are not in a totally hostile environment where someone would be able to fake a whole network of peers and miners around you - this is secure enough for running a small funded full node to try out the lightning network.
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ To create the Update Torrent file, follow the following step ...
Have a almost 100% synced bitcoind MAINNET with txindex=1 on a RaspiBlitz
(remove all funds from this node - because blockchain get messed with)
Stop bitcoind with:
Stop bitcoind with:
sudo systemctl stop bitcoind
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ Work Nodes for the process of producing a new sd card image release:
* Remove `Ubuntu LIVE` USB stick and replace with `Ubuntu AIRGAP`
* PowerOn Build Laptop (press F12 for boot menu)
* Cut Power of RaspiBlitz, remove sd card and connect with sd card reader to build laptop
* Connect and open in Filemenager NTFS - context on white scace -> open terminal
* Connect and open in Filemenager NTFS - context on white scace -> open terminal
* Delete all IMG files from NTFS (just keep zips/gzs)
@ -484,8 +484,8 @@ Work Nodes for the process of producing a new sd card image release:
* Connect NTFS USB stick to MacOS (its just readonly)
* Check if file can be unzipped on OSX
* Run tests with new image
* Upload new image to Download Server
* Copy SHA256-String into GutHub README and update downloadlink
* Upload new image to Download Server
* Copy SHA256-String into GutHub README and update downloadlink
## Can I run RaspiBlitz on other computers than RaspberryPi?
@ -498,11 +498,11 @@ look for the line `dtoverlay=tft35a:rotate=270` towards the end. To flip the scr
## How to setup fresh/clean/reset and not getting into recovery mode?
When you put in a sd card with a new/clean RaspiBlitz image the RaspiBlitz will get into recovery mode because it detects the old data on your HDD and assumes you just want to continue to work with this data.
When you put in a sd card with a new/clean RaspiBlitz image the RaspiBlitz will get into recovery mode because it detects the old data on your HDD and assumes you just want to continue to work with this data.
But there might be cases where you want to start a totally fresh/clean RaspiBlitz from the beginning. To do so you need to delete the old data from the HDD. You can do so by formating it on another computer (for example with FAT and name it "NEW"). Or when you can run the script "/home/admin/XXcleanHD.sh -all" on the terminal.
When the HDD is clean, then flash a new RaspiBlitz sd card and your setup should start fresh.
When the HDD is clean, then flash a new RaspiBlitz sd card and your setup should start fresh.
## My blockchain data is corrupted - what can I do?
As an parallel alternative to the SSH menu there is also the RTL WebUI available (LND API Coverage at 57%):
As an parallel alternative to the SSH menu there is also the RTL WebUI available (LND API Coverage at 57%):

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ See more details in the [Feature Documentation](#feature-documentation) & of cou
The RaspiBlitz is optimized for being setup during a workshop at a hackday or conference. When it comes ready assembled together with a up-to-date synced blockchain its possible to have it ready in about 2 to 3 hours - most is waiting time.
If you start at home ordering the parts from Amazon (see shopping list below) then its a weekend project with a lot of download and syncing time where you can do other stuff while checking on the progress from time to time.
If you start at home ordering the parts from Amazon (see shopping list below) then its a weekend project with a lot of download and syncing time where you can do other stuff while checking on the progress from time to time.
## Hardware Needed
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Connect the HDD to one of the USB ports. In the end your RaspiBlitz should look
## Installing the Software
Your SD-card needs to contain the RaspiBlitz software. You can take the long road by [building the SD-card image yourself](#build-the-sd-card-image) or use the already prepared SD-Card image:
Your SD-card needs to contain the RaspiBlitz software. You can take the long road by [building the SD-card image yourself](#build-the-sd-card-image) or use the already prepared SD-Card image:
1. Download SD-Card image - **Version 1.0**:
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ This is the default way to download the blockchain data for the RaspiBlitz. If y
*This can take a while - normally it should be done if you keep it running over night, but some users reported that it took up to 3 days. If it takes longer than that or you cannot see any progress (downloading starting) for over an hour after you started thsi option consider to cancel the download and choose the FTP download option.*
It is safe to close the terminal window (shutdown your laptop) while the RaspiBlitz is doing the torrent download. To check on progress and to continue the setup you need to ssh back in again.
It is safe to close the terminal window (shutdown your laptop) while the RaspiBlitz is doing the torrent download. To check on progress and to continue the setup you need to ssh back in again.
You can cancel the torrent download by keeping the key `x` pressed. Then the download will stop and you will be asked if you want to keep the progress so far. This makes sense if you need to shutdown the RaspiBlitz and you want to continue later or when you want to try another download option but want to keep the option to continue on torrent if the other option is slower or not working.
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ You should try the FTP download if the torrent option is not working for you. Pl

It is safe to close the terminal window (shutdown your laptop) while the RaspiBlitz is doing the FTP download. To check on progress and to continue the setup you need to ssh back in again.
It is safe to close the terminal window (shutdown your laptop) while the RaspiBlitz is doing the FTP download. To check on progress and to continue the setup you need to ssh back in again.
You can cancel the FTP download by keeping the key `x` pressed. Then the download will stop and you will be asked if you want to keep the progress so far. This makes sense if you need to shutdown the RaspiBlitz and you want to continue later or when you want to try another download option but want to keep the option to continue on FTP download if the other option is slower or not working.
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ More details: [I have the full blockchain on another computer. How do I copy it
#### 5. Cloning from a 2nd HDD
If is a backup way to transfere a blockchain from another computer if copying over the network is not working. More details on the setup can be found [here](FAQ.md#how-do-i-clone-the-blockchain-from-a-2nd-hdd).
If is a backup way to transfere a blockchain from another computer if copying over the network is not working. More details on the setup can be found [here](FAQ.md#how-do-i-clone-the-blockchain-from-a-2nd-hdd).
#### 6. Sync from Bitcoin-Network
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ The RaspiBlitz calling the LND wallet creation command for you:

First it will ask you to set your wallet unlock password - use your choosen PASSWORD C here and confirm it by inputting it a second time.
First it will ask you to set your wallet unlock password - use your choosen PASSWORD C here and confirm it by inputting it a second time.
Second it will ask you if you have an existing "cipher seed mnemonic" - if this is your first RaspiBlitz/LND just ansere `n`.
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ The basic setup is done - hooray ... but still prepare for some long waiting tim
### First Start: Syncing & Scanning
After the reboot is done it takes a while for all services to start up - wait until you see on the LCD/display that LND wallet needs to get unlocked. Then SSH in again with the same command like in the beginning (check LCD/display) but this time (and every following login) use your PASSWORD A.
After the reboot is done it takes a while for all services to start up - wait until you see on the LCD/display that LND wallet needs to get unlocked. Then SSH in again with the same command like in the beginning (check LCD/display) but this time (and every following login) use your PASSWORD A.
After terminal login LND will ask you (like on every start/reboot) to unlock the wallet again - use PASSWORD C:
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ If you now login by SSH in your RaspiBlitz (or you are still logged in) you will

And if you scroll down .. you see even more options. All options of the main menu will be explained below in the feature documentation.
And if you scroll down .. you see even more options. All options of the main menu will be explained below in the feature documentation.
*OK .. so from here on your RaspiBlitz is ready to play with.*
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ Before you can open channels with other nodes you need to put some coins onto yo
#### CONNECT: Connect to a Peer
Before you can open a channel with another node on the network you need to connect this node as a peer to your node.
Before you can open a channel with another node on the network you need to connect this node as a peer to your node.
Opening a channel with a peer is just optional. Having another node a peer helps your node to receive information about the network thru the gossip protocol. It will help your node to find better routes thru the network.
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ Opening a channel with a peer is just optional. Having another node a peer helps
To open a payment channel with another node you can use this option.
Find interessting nodes to open channels with on online directories like [1ML.com](https://1ml.com/).
Find interessting nodes to open channels with on online directories like [1ML.com](https://1ml.com/).
*This is just a very basic shell script. For more usability try the RTL Webinterface (under Services) or connect a (mobile) wallet with your RaspiBlitz.*
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ To do so you can register at an DynamicDomain service like freedns.afraid.org an
* 8333 (Bitcoin/mainnet)
* 9735 (LND Node)
* 10009 (LND RPC)
* 10009 (LND RPC)
... from your internet router to the local IP of your RaspiBlitz and then activate unter "Services" the "DynamicDNS" option.
@ -432,11 +432,12 @@ This feature should support you in connecting your RaspiBlitz to a mobile wallet
At the moment [ZAP (iOS)](https://github.com/LN-Zap/zap-iOS) and [Shango (iOS/Android)](https://github.com/neogeno/shango-lightning-wallet) are available.
At the moment [ZAP (iOS)](https://github.com/LN-Zap/zap-iOS), [Shango (iOS/Android)](https://github.com/neogeno/shango-lightning-wallet),
and [Zeus (iOS/Android)](https://github.com/ZeusLN/zeus) are available.
Please keep in mind that if you also want to connect to your smartphone also from the outside (thru LTE, 3G, ..) with your RaspiBlitz you might need to open/forward ports on your router and should look into the DynamicDNS features to handle changeing IP of our Home-DSL.
* [How do I shrink the QR code for connecting my Shango/Zap mobile phone?](FAQ.md#how-do-i-shrink-the-qr-code-for-connecting-my-shangozap-mobile-phone)
* [How do I shrink the QR code for connecting my Shango/Zap/Zeus mobile phone?](FAQ.md#how-do-i-shrink-the-qr-code-for-connecting-my-shangozap-mobile-phone)
#### EXPORT: Macaroons and TLS.cert
@ -496,11 +497,11 @@ Use if the want to remove all funds from the RaspiBlitz.
#### OFF: PowerOff RaspiBlitz
A safe way to shutdown the RaspiBlitz. If then a reboot/restart is needed - un/replug the power.
A safe way to shutdown the RaspiBlitz. If then a reboot/restart is needed - un/replug the power.
#### X: Console Terminal
Closes the SSH main menu and exits to the terminal - where the user can make use of the CLI clients `bitcoin-cli`&`lncli` directly to make use of the Bitcoin- and Lightningnode.
Closes the SSH main menu and exits to the terminal - where the user can make use of the CLI clients `bitcoin-cli`&`lncli` directly to make use of the Bitcoin- and Lightningnode.
With the command `raspiblitz` it's possible to return to the main menu.
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ If done successfully, simply put the SD card into the RaspiBlitz and power on ag
A ready to use SD card image of the RaspiBlitz for your RaspberryPi is provided as download by us to get everybody started quickly (see above). But if you want to build that image yourself - here is a quick guide:
* Get a fresh Rasbian RASPBIAN STRETCH WITH DESKTOP card image: [DOWNLOAD](https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/)
* Write image to a SD card: [TUTORIAL](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md)
* Write image to a SD card: [TUTORIAL](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md)
* Add a file called `ssh` to the root of the SD card when mounted to enable SSH login
* Start card in Raspi and login per SSH with `ssh pi@[IP-OF-YOUR-RASPI]` password is `raspberry`
@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ Now you are ready to start the SD card build script - copy the following command
As you can see from the URL you find the build script in this Git repo under `build_sdcard.sh` - there you can check what gets installed and configured in detail. Feel free to post improvements as pull requests.
The whole build process takes a while. At the end the LCD drivers get installed and a reboot is needed. A user `admin` is created during the process. Remember the default password is now `raspiblitz`. You can login per SSH again - this time use admin: `ssh admin@[IP-OF-YOUR-RASPI]`. An installer of the SD card image should automatically launch. If you do not want to continue with the installation at this moment and use this sd card as a template for setting up multiple RaspiBlitze, click `Cancel` and run `/home/admin/XXprepareRelease.sh`. Once you see the LCD going white and the activity LED of the pi starts going dark, you can unplug power and remove the SD card. You have now built your own RaspiBlitz SD card image.
The whole build process takes a while. At the end the LCD drivers get installed and a reboot is needed. A user `admin` is created during the process. Remember the default password is now `raspiblitz`. You can login per SSH again - this time use admin: `ssh admin@[IP-OF-YOUR-RASPI]`. An installer of the SD card image should automatically launch. If you do not want to continue with the installation at this moment and use this sd card as a template for setting up multiple RaspiBlitze, click `Cancel` and run `/home/admin/XXprepareRelease.sh`. Once you see the LCD going white and the activity LED of the pi starts going dark, you can unplug power and remove the SD card. You have now built your own RaspiBlitz SD card image.
*Note: If you plan to use your self build sd card as a MASTER copy to backup image and distribute it. Use a smaller 8GB card for that. This way its ensured that it will fit on every 16 GB card recommended for RaspiBlitz later on.*