#!/bin/bash # get raspiblitz config source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf justLocal=1 # if dynDomain is set connect from outside is possible (no notice) if [ ${#dynDomain} -gt 0 ]; then justLocal=0 fi # if sshtunnel to 10009/8080 then outside reach is possible (no notice) isForwarded=$(echo ${sshtunnel} | grep -c "10009<") if [ ${isForwarded} -gt 0 ]; then justLocal=0 fi isForwarded=$(echo ${sshtunnel} | grep -c "8080<") if [ ${isForwarded} -gt 0 ]; then justLocal=0 fi # check if dynamic domain is set if [ ${justLocal} -eq 1 ]; then dialog --title " Just Local Network? " --yesno "If you want to connect with your RaspiBlitz also from outside your local network you need to activate 'Services' -> 'DynamicDNS' FIRST. Or use SSH tunnel forwarding for port 10009. For more details see chapter in GitHub README on the service 'DynamicDNS' https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz Do you JUST want to connect with your mobile when your are on the same LOCAL NETWORK? " 15 54 response=$? case $response in 1) exit ;; esac fi # Basic Options OPTIONS=(ZAP "Zap Wallet (iOS)" \ SHANGO "Shango Wallet (iOS/Android)") CHOICE=$(dialog --clear --title "Choose Mobile Wallet" --menu "" 10 40 6 "${OPTIONS[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear case $CHOICE in CLOSE) exit 1; ;; SHANGO) ./97addMobileWalletShango.sh exit 1; ;; ZAP) ./97addMobileWalletZap.sh exit 1; ;; esac