#!/bin/sh # RaspiBolt LND Mainnet: systemd unit for getpublicip.sh script # /etc/systemd/system/20-raspibolt-welcome.sh # make executable and copy script to /etc/update-motd.d/ # root must be able to execute bitcoin-cli and lncli # set colors color_red='\033[0;31m' color_green='\033[0;32m' color_yellow='\033[0;33m' color_gray='\033[0;37m' # set datadir bitcoin_dir="/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin" lnd_dir="/home/bitcoin/.lnd" # get uptime & load load=$(w | grep "load average:" | cut -c11-) # get CPU temp cpu=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) temp=$((cpu/1000)) # get memory ram_avail=$(free -m | grep Mem | awk '{ print $7 }') ram=$(printf "%sM / %sM" "${ram_avail}" "$(free -m | grep Mem | awk '{ print $2 }')") if [ ${ram_avail} -lt 100 ]; then color_ram="${color_red}\e[7m" else color_ram=${color_green} fi # get storage sd_free_ratio=$(printf "%d" "$(df -h | grep "/$" | awk '{ print $4/$2*100 }')") 2>/dev/null sd=$(printf "%s (%s%%)" "$(df -h | grep '/$' | awk '{ print $4 }')" "${sd_free_ratio}") if [ ${sd_free_ratio} -lt 10 ]; then color_sd="${color_red}" else color_sd=${color_green} fi hdd_free_ratio=$(printf "%d" "$(df -h | grep '/mnt/hdd$' | awk '{ print $4/$2*100 }')") 2>/dev/null hdd=$(printf "%s (%s%%)" "$(df -h | grep '/mnt/hdd$' | awk '{ print $4 }')" "${hdd_free_ratio}") if [ ${hdd_free_ratio} -lt 10 ]; then color_hdd="${color_red}\e[7m" else color_hdd=${color_green} fi # get network traffic network_rx=$(ifconfig eth0 | grep 'RX packets' | awk '{ print $6$7 }' | sed 's/[()]//g') network_tx=$(ifconfig eth0 | grep 'TX packets' | awk '{ print $6$7 }' | sed 's/[()]//g') # Bitcoin blockchain btc_path=$(command -v bitcoin-cli) if [ -n ${btc_path} ]; then btc_title="Bitcoin" chain="$(bitcoin-cli -datadir=${bitcoin_dir} getblockchaininfo | jq -r '.chain')" if [ -n $chain ]; then btc_title="${btc_title} (${chain}net)" # get sync status block_chain="$(bitcoin-cli -datadir=${bitcoin_dir} getblockcount)" block_verified="$(bitcoin-cli -datadir=${bitcoin_dir} getblockchaininfo | jq -r '.blocks')" block_diff=$(expr ${block_chain} - ${block_verified}) progress="$(bitcoin-cli -datadir=${bitcoin_dir} getblockchaininfo | jq -r '.verificationprogress')" sync_percentage=$(printf "%.2f%%" "$(echo $progress | awk '{print 100 * $1}')") if [ ${block_diff} -eq 0 ]; then # fully synced sync="OK" sync_color="${color_green}" sync_behind=" " elif [ ${block_diff} -eq 1 ]; then # fully synced sync="OK" sync_color="${color_green}" sync_behind="-1 block" elif [ ${block_diff} -le 10 ]; then # <= 2 blocks behind sync="catchup" sync_color="${color_red}" sync_behind="-${block_diff} blocks" else sync="progress" sync_color="${color_red}" sync_behind="${sync_percentage}" fi # get last known block last_block="$(bitcoin-cli -datadir=${bitcoin_dir} getblockcount)" if [ ! -z "${last_block}" ]; then btc_line2="${btc_line2} ${color_gray}(block ${last_block})" fi # get mem pool transactions mempool="$(bitcoin-cli -datadir=${bitcoin_dir} getmempoolinfo | jq -r '.size')" else btc_line2="${color_red}NOT RUNNING\t\t" fi fi # get IP address & port local_ip=$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/') public_ip=$(curl -s ipinfo.io/ip) public_port=$(cat ${bitcoin_dir}/bitcoin.conf 2>/dev/null | grep port= | awk -F"=" '{print $2}') if [ "${public_port}" = "" ]; then if [ $chain = "test" ]; then public_port=18333 else public_port=8333 fi fi public_check=$(curl -s https://bitnodes.earn.com/api/v1/nodes/me-${public_port}/ | jq .success) if [ $public_check = "true" ]; then public="Yes" public_color="${color_green}" else public="Not reachable" public_color="${color_red}" fi public_addr="${public_ip}:${public_port}" # get LND info /usr/local/bin/lncli --macaroonpath=${lnd_dir}/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lnd_dir}/tls.cert getinfo 2>&1 | grep "Please unlock" >/dev/null wallet_unlocked=$? if [ "$wallet_unlocked" -eq 0 ] ; then alias_color="${color_red}" ln_alias="Wallet Locked" else alias_color="${color_grey}" ln_alias="$(/usr/local/bin/lncli --macaroonpath=${lnd_dir}/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lnd_dir}/tls.cert getinfo | jq -r '.alias')" 2>/dev/null ln_walletbalance="$(/usr/local/bin/lncli --macaroonpath=${lnd_dir}/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lnd_dir}/tls.cert walletbalance | jq -r '.confirmed_balance')" 2>/dev/null ln_channelbalance="$(/usr/local/bin/lncli --macaroonpath=${lnd_dir}/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lnd_dir}/tls.cert channelbalance | jq -r '.balance')" 2>/dev/null fi ln_channels_online="$(/usr/local/bin/lncli --macaroonpath=${lnd_dir}/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lnd_dir}/tls.cert getinfo | jq -r '.num_active_channels')" 2>/dev/null ln_channels_total="$(/usr/local/bin/lncli --macaroonpath=${lnd_dir}/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lnd_dir}/tls.cert listchannels | jq '.[] | length')" 2>/dev/null ln_external="$(/usr/local/bin/lncli --macaroonpath=${lnd_dir}/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lnd_dir}/tls.cert getinfo | jq -r '.uris[0]' | tr "@" " " | awk '{ print $2 }')" 2>/dev/null ln_external_ip="$(echo $ln_external | tr ":" " " | awk '{ print $1 }' )" 2>/dev/null if [ "$ln_external_ip" = "$public_ip" ]; then external_color="${color_grey}" else external_color="${color_red}" fi printf " ${color_yellow} ${color_yellow} ${color_yellow} ${color_yellow} ${color_yellow}%s ${color_green} ${ln_alias} ${color_yellow} ${color_gray}Bitcoin Fullnode + Lightning Network ${color_yellow} ${color_yellow}%s ${color_yellow} ,/ ${color_yellow} ${color_yellow} ,'/ ${color_gray}%s, CPU %s°C ${color_yellow} ,' / ${color_gray}Free Mem ${color_ram}${ram} ${color_gray} Free HDD ${color_hdd}%s ${color_yellow} ,' /_____, ${color_gray} ${color_yellow} .'____ ,' ${color_gray}Local ${color_green}${local_ip}${color_gray} ▼ ${network_rx} ▲ ${network_tx} ${color_yellow} / ,' ${color_gray}Public ${public_color}${public_addr} ${public} ${color_yellow} / ,' ${color_gray} ${color_yellow} /,' ${color_gray}Bitcoin ${color_green}v0.16.1 ${chain}net ${color_gray}Sync ${sync_color}${sync} (%s) ${color_yellow} /' ${color_gray}LND ${color_green}v0.4.2 ${color_gray}wallet ${ln_walletbalance} sat ${color_yellow} ${color_gray}${ln_channels_online}/${ln_channels_total} Channels ${ln_channelbalance} sat ${color_yellow} ${ln_external} ${color_yellow} " \ "RaspiBlitz v0.3" \ "-------------------------------------------" \ "${load##up*, }" "${temp}" \ "${hdd}" "${sync_percentage}" echo "$(tput -T xterm sgr0)"