#!/bin/bash ######################################################################### # Build your SD card image based on: # RASPBIAN STRETCH WITH DESKTOP (2018-11-13) # https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ # SHA256: a121652937ccde1c2583fe77d1caec407f2cd248327df2901e4716649ac9bc97 # # or download the image for your ARM based SBC on https://DietPi.com ########################################################################## # setup fresh SD card with image above - login per SSH and run this script: ########################################################################## echo "" echo "*****************************************" echo "* RASPIBLITZ SD CARD IMAGE SETUP v1.00 *" echo "*****************************************" echo "" # 1st optional parameter is the BRANCH to get code from when # provisioning sd card with raspiblitz assets/scripts later on echo "*** CHECK INPUT PARAMETERS ***" wantedBranch="$1" if [ ${#wantedBranch} -eq 0 ]; then wantedBranch="master" fi echo "will use code from branch --> '${wantedBranch}'" # 2nd optional parameter is the GITHUB-USERNAME to get code from when # provisioning sd card with raspiblitz assets/scripts later on # if 2nd parameter is used - 1st is mandatory echo "*** CHECK INPUT PARAMETERS ***" githubUser="$2" if [ ${#githubUser} -eq 0 ]; then githubUser="rootzoll" fi echo "will use code from user --> '${githubUser}'" sleep 3 echo "" echo "*** CHECK BASE IMAGE ***" # armv7=32Bit , armv8=64Bit echo "Check if Linux ARM based ..." isARM=$(uname -m | grep -c 'arm') if [ ${isARM} -eq 0 ]; then echo "!!! FAIL !!!" echo "Can just build on ARM Linux, not on:" uname -m exit 1 fi echo "OK running on Linux ARM architecture." # keep in mind that DietPi for Raspberry is also a stripped down Raspbian echo "Detect Base Image ..." baseImage="?" isDietPi=$(uname -n | grep -c 'DietPi') isRaspbian=$(cat /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'Raspbian') if [ ${isRaspbian} -gt 0 ]; then baseImage="raspbian" fi if [ ${isDietPi} -gt 0 ]; then baseImage="dietpi" fi if [ "${baseImage}" = "?" ]; then cat /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null echo "!!! FAIL !!!" echo "Base Image cannot be detected or is not supported." exit 1 else echo "OK running ${baseImage}" fi # fixing locales for build # https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/138 # https://daker.me/2014/10/how-to-fix-perl-warning-setting-locale-failed-in-raspbian.html # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38188762/generate-all-locales-in-a-docker-image echo "" echo "*** FIXING LOCALES FOR BUILD ***" sudo sed -i "s/^# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8.*/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/g" /etc/locale.gen sudo sed -i "s/^# en_US ISO-8859-1.*/en_US ISO-8859-1/g" /etc/locale.gen sudo locale-gen export LANGUAGE=en_GB.UTF-8 export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 # update debian echo "" echo "*** UPDATE DEBIAN ***" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -f -y --allow-change-held-packages # special prepare when DietPi if [ "${baseImage}" = "dietpi" ]; then echo "" echo "*** PREPARE DietPi ***" echo "renaming dietpi user to pi" sudo usermod -l pi dietpi echo "install pip" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get remove -y fail2ban sudo apt-get install -y build-essential sudo apt-get install -y python-pip # rsync is needed to copy from HDD sudo apt install -y rsync # install ifconfig sudo apt install -y net-tools #to display hex codes sudo apt install -y xxd # setuptools needed for Nyx sudo pip install setuptools # netcat for 00infoBlitz.sh sudo apt install -y netcat # install OpenSSH client + server sudo apt install -y openssh-client sudo apt install -y openssh-sftp-server fi # special prepare when Raspbian if [ "${baseImage}" = "raspbian" ]; then echo "" echo "*** PREPARE Raspbian ***" # do memory split (16MB) sudo raspi-config nonint do_memory_split 16 # set to wait until network is available on boot (0 seems to yes) sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_wait 0 # set WIFI country so boot does not block sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country US # extra: remove some big packages not needed sudo apt-get remove -y --purge libreoffice* oracle-java* chromium-browser nuscratch scratch sonic-pi minecraft-pi python-pygame sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get -y autoremove fi echo "" echo "*** CONFIG ***" # based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_20_pi.md#raspi-config # set new default passwort for root user echo "root:raspiblitz" | sudo chpasswd echo "pi:raspiblitz" | sudo chpasswd # set Raspi to boot up automatically with user pi (for the LCD) # https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=21632 sudo raspi-config nonint do_boot_behaviour B2 sudo bash -c "echo '[Service]' >> /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf" sudo bash -c "echo 'ExecStart=' >> /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf" sudo bash -c "echo 'ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin pi --noclear %I 38400 linux' >> /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf" echo "" echo "*** SOFTWARE UPDATE ***" # based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_20_pi.md#software-update # installs like on RaspiBolt sudo apt-get install -y htop git curl bash-completion jq dphys-swapfile # installs bandwidth monitoring for future statistics sudo apt-get install -y vnstat echo "" echo "*** ADDING MAIN USER admin ***" # based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_20_pi.md#adding-main-user-admin # using the default password 'raspiblitz' sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" admin echo "admin:raspiblitz" | sudo chpasswd sudo adduser admin sudo sudo chsh admin -s /bin/bash # configure sudo for usage without password entry echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' | sudo EDITOR='tee -a' visudo echo "*** ADDING SERVICE USER bitcoin" # based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_20_pi.md#adding-the-service-user-bitcoin # create user and set default password for user sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" bitcoin echo "bitcoin:raspiblitz" | sudo chpasswd echo "" echo "*** SWAP FILE ***" # based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_20_pi.md#moving-the-swap-file # but just deactivating and deleting old (will be created alter when user adds HDD) sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall echo "" echo "*** INCREASE OPEN FILE LIMIT ***" # based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_20_pi.md#increase-your-open-files-limit sudo sed --in-place -i "56s/.*/* soft nofile 128000/" /etc/security/limits.conf sudo bash -c "echo '* hard nofile 128000' >> /etc/security/limits.conf" sudo bash -c "echo 'root soft nofile 128000' >> /etc/security/limits.conf" sudo bash -c "echo 'root hard nofile 128000' >> /etc/security/limits.conf" sudo bash -c "echo '# End of file' >> /etc/security/limits.conf" sudo sed --in-place -i "23s/.*/session required pam_limits.so/" /etc/pam.d/common-session sudo sed --in-place -i "25s/.*/session required pam_limits.so/" /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive sudo bash -c "echo '# end of pam-auth-update config' >> /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive" echo "" echo "*** BITCOIN ***" # based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_30_bitcoin.md#installation # set version (change if update is available) bitcoinVersion="" # needed to make sure download is not changed # calulate with sha256sum and also check with SHA256SUMS.asc bitcoinSHA256="1b9cdf29a9eada239e26bf4471c432389c2f2784362fc8ef0267ba7f48602292" # needed to check code signing laanwjPGP="01EA5486DE18A882D4C2684590C8019E36C2E964" # prepare directories sudo -u admin mkdir /home/admin/download cd /home/admin/download # download resources binaryName="bitcoin-${bitcoinVersion}-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz" sudo -u admin wget https://bitcoin.org/bin/bitcoin-core-${bitcoinVersion}/${binaryName} if [ ! -f "./${binaryName}" ] then echo "!!! FAIL !!! Download BITCOIN BINARY not success." exit 1 fi # check binary is was not manipulated (checksum test) binaryChecksum=$(sha256sum ${binaryName} | cut -d " " -f1) if [ "${binaryChecksum}" != "${bitcoinSHA256}" ]; then echo "!!! FAIL !!! Downloaded BITCOIN BINARY not matching SHA256 checksum: ${bitcoinSHA256}" exit 1 fi # check gpg finger print sudo -u admin wget https://bitcoin.org/laanwj-releases.asc if [ ! -f "./laanwj-releases.asc" ] then echo "!!! FAIL !!! Download laanwj-releases.asc not success." exit 1 fi fingerprint=$(gpg ./laanwj-releases.asc 2>/dev/null | grep "${laanwjPGP}" -c) if [ ${fingerprint} -lt 1 ]; then echo "" echo "!!! BUILD FAILED --> Bitcoin download PGP author not OK" exit 1 fi gpg --import ./laanwj-releases.asc sudo -u admin wget https://bitcoin.org/bin/bitcoin-core-${bitcoinVersion}/SHA256SUMS.asc verifyResult=$(gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc 2>&1) goodSignature=$(echo ${verifyResult} | grep 'Good signature' -c) echo "goodSignature(${goodSignature})" correctKey=$(echo ${verifyResult} | grep "using RSA key ${laanwjPGP: -16}" -c) echo "correctKey(${correctKey})" if [ ${correctKey} -lt 1 ] || [ ${goodSignature} -lt 1 ]; then echo "" echo "!!! BUILD FAILED --> LND PGP Verify not OK / signatute(${goodSignature}) verify(${correctKey})" exit 1 fi # correct versions for install if needed if [ "${bitcoinVersion}" = "" ]; then bitcoinVersion="0.17.0" fi # install sudo -u admin tar -xvf ${binaryName} sudo install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin/ bitcoin-${bitcoinVersion}/bin/* sleep 3 installed=$(sudo -u admin bitcoind --version | grep "${bitcoinVersion}" -c) if [ ${installed} -lt 1 ]; then echo "" echo "!!! BUILD FAILED --> Was not able to install bitcoind version(${bitcoinVersion})" exit 1 fi echo "" echo "*** LITECOIN ***" # based on https://medium.com/@jason.hcwong/litecoin-lightning-with-raspberry-pi-3-c3b931a82347 # set version (change if update is available) litecoinVersion="0.16.3" litecoinSHA256="fc6897265594985c1d09978b377d51a01cc13ee144820ddc59fbb7078f122f99" cd /home/admin/download # download binaryName="litecoin-${litecoinVersion}-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz" sudo -u admin wget https://download.litecoin.org/litecoin-${litecoinVersion}/linux/${binaryName} # check download binaryChecksum=$(sha256sum ${binaryName} | cut -d " " -f1) if [ "${binaryChecksum}" != "${litecoinSHA256}" ]; then echo "!!! FAIL !!! Downloaded LITECOIN BINARY not matching SHA256 checksum: ${litecoinSHA256}" exit 1 fi # install sudo -u admin tar -xvf ${binaryName} sudo install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin litecoin-${litecoinVersion}/bin/* installed=$(sudo -u admin litecoind --version | grep "${litecoinVersion}" -c) if [ ${installed} -lt 1 ]; then echo "" echo "!!! BUILD FAILED --> Was not able to install litecoind version(${litecoinVersion})" exit 1 fi echo "" echo "*** LND ***" ## based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_40_lnd.md#lightning-lnd lndVersion="0.5.1-beta" lndSHA256="c8be77708fe95d5076fa6988229100598c14ae6c54e92a56d5f09f3e17732244" olaoluwaPGP="BD599672C804AF2770869A048B80CD2BB8BD8132" # get LND resources cd /home/admin/download binaryName="lnd-linux-armv7-v${lndVersion}.tar.gz" sudo -u admin wget https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/releases/download/v${lndVersion}/${binaryName} sudo -u admin wget https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/releases/download/v${lndVersion}/manifest-v${lndVersion}.txt sudo -u admin wget https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/releases/download/v${lndVersion}/manifest-v${lndVersion}.txt.sig sudo -u admin wget https://keybase.io/roasbeef/pgp_keys.asc # check binary is was not manipulated (checksum test) binaryChecksum=$(sha256sum ${binaryName} | cut -d " " -f1) if [ "${binaryChecksum}" != "${lndSHA256}" ]; then echo "!!! FAIL !!! Downloaded LND BINARY not matching SHA256 checksum: ${lndSHA256}" exit 1 fi # check gpg finger print fingerprint=$(gpg ./pgp_keys.asc 2>/dev/null | grep "${olaoluwaPGP}" -c) if [ ${fingerprint} -lt 1 ]; then echo "" echo "!!! BUILD FAILED --> LND download author PGP not OK" exit 1 fi gpg --import ./pgp_keys.asc sleep 3 verifyResult=$(gpg --verify manifest-v${lndVersion}.txt.sig 2>&1) goodSignature=$(echo ${verifyResult} | grep 'Good signature' -c) echo "goodSignature(${goodSignature})" correctKey=$(echo ${verifyResult} | tr -d " \t\n\r" | grep "${olaoluwaPGP}" -c) echo "correctKey(${correctKey})" if [ ${correctKey} -lt 1 ] || [ ${goodSignature} -lt 1 ]; then echo "" echo "!!! BUILD FAILED --> LND PGP Verify not OK / signatute(${goodSignature}) verify(${correctKey})" exit 1 fi # install sudo -u admin tar -xzf ${binaryName} sudo install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin lnd-linux-armv7-v${lndVersion}/* sleep 3 installed=$(sudo -u admin lnd --version) if [ ${#installed} -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "!!! BUILD FAILED --> Was not able to install LND" exit 1 fi # Go is needed for ZAP connect later echo "*** Installing Go ***" wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.11.linux-armv6l.tar.gz if [ ! -f "./go1.11.linux-armv6l.tar.gz" ] then echo "!!! FAIL !!! Download not success." exit 1 fi sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.11.linux-armv6l.tar.gz sudo rm *.gz sudo mkdir /usr/local/gocode sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/gocode export GOROOT=/usr/local/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin export GOPATH=/usr/local/gocode export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin echo "" ##### Build from Source ## To quickly catch up get latest patches if needed #repo="github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd" #commit="3f57f65bf0cb710159b0182391d1d75e9e3005bc" ## BUILDING LND FROM SOURCE #echo "*** Installing Go ***" #wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.11.linux-armv6l.tar.gz #if [ ! -f "./go1.11.linux-armv6l.tar.gz" ] #then # echo "!!! FAIL !!! Download not success." # exit 1 #fi #sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.11.linux-armv6l.tar.gz #sudo rm *.gz #sudo mkdir /usr/local/gocode #sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/gocode #export GOROOT=/usr/local/go #export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin #export GOPATH=/usr/local/gocode #export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin #echo "" #echo "*** Build LND from Source ***" #go get -d $repo ## make sure to always have the same code (commit) to build ## TODO: To update lnd -> change to latest commit #cd $GOPATH/src/$repo #sudo git checkout $commit #make && make install #sudo chmod 555 /usr/local/gocode/bin/lncli #sudo chmod 555 /usr/local/gocode/bin/lnd #sudo bash -c "echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gocode/bin/' >> /home/admin/.bashrc" #sudo bash -c "echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gocode/bin/' >> /home/pi/.bashrc" #sudo bash -c "echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/gocode/bin/' >> /home/bitcoin/.bashrc" #lndVersionCheck=$(lncli --version) #echo "LND VERSION: ${lndVersionCheck}" #if [ ${#lndVersionCheck} -eq 0 ]; then # echo "FAIL - Something went wrong with building LND from source." # echo "Sometimes it may just be a connection issue. Reset to fresh Rasbian and try again?" # exit 1 #fi #echo "" #echo "** Link to /usr/local/bin ***" #sudo ln -s /usr/local/gocode/bin/lncli /usr/local/bin/lncli #sudo ln -s /usr/local/gocode/bin/lnd /usr/local/bin/lnd echo "" echo "*** RASPIBLITZ EXTRAS ***" # for setup schell scripts sudo apt-get -y install dialog bc # enable copy of blockchain from 2nd HDD formatted with exFAT sudo apt-get -y install exfat-fuse # for blockchain torrent download sudo apt-get -y install transmission-cli sudo apt-get -y install rtorrent # for background downloading sudo apt-get -y install screen # optimization for torrent download sudo bash -c "echo 'net.core.rmem_max = 4194304' >> /etc/sysctl.conf" sudo bash -c "echo 'net.core.wmem_max = 1048576' >> /etc/sysctl.conf" # *** SHELL SCRIPTS AND ASSETS # move files from gitclone cd /home/admin/ sudo -u admin git clone -b ${wantedBranch} https://github.com/${githubUser}/raspiblitz.git sudo -u admin cp /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/*.* /home/admin sudo -u admin chmod +x *.sh sudo -u admin cp -r /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/assets /home/admin/ sudo -u admin cp -r /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/config.scripts /home/admin/ sudo -u admin chmod +x /home/admin/config.scripts/*.sh # add /sbin to path for all sudo bash -c "echo 'PATH=\$PATH:/sbin' >> /etc/profile" # profile path for admin sudo bash -c "echo '' >> /home/admin/.profile" sudo bash -c "echo 'GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> /home/admin/.profile" sudo bash -c "echo 'PATH=\$PATH:\$GOROOT/bin' >> /home/admin/.profile" sudo bash -c "echo 'GOPATH=/usr/local/gocode' >> /home/admin/.profile" sudo bash -c "echo 'PATH=\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin' >> /home/admin/.profile" # bash autostart for admin sudo bash -c "echo '# shortcut commands' >> /home/admin/.bashrc" sudo bash -c "echo 'source /home/admin/_commands.sh' >> /home/admin/.bashrc" sudo bash -c "echo '# automatically start main menu for admin' >> /home/admin/.bashrc" sudo bash -c "echo './00mainMenu.sh' >> /home/admin/.bashrc" # bash autostart for pi # run as exec to dont allow easy physical access by keyboard # see https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/54 sudo bash -c 'echo "# automatic start the LCD info loop" >> /home/pi/.bashrc' sudo bash -c 'echo "SCRIPT=/home/admin/00infoLCD.sh" >> /home/pi/.bashrc' sudo bash -c 'echo "# replace shell with script => logout when exiting script" >> /home/pi/.bashrc' sudo bash -c 'echo "exec \$SCRIPT" >> /home/pi/.bashrc' # create /home/admin/setup.sh - which will get executed after reboot by autologin pi user cat > /home/admin/setup.sh < LCD DEFAULT" cd /home/admin/ sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-bootloader git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git sudo chmod -R 755 LCD-show sudo chown -R admin:admin LCD-show cd LCD-show/ sudo ./LCD35-show else # Download and install the driver # based on http://www.raspberrypiwiki.com/index.php/3.5_inch_TFT_800x480@60fps echo "--> LCD ALTERNATIVE" cd /boot sudo wget http://www.raspberrypiwiki.com/download/RPI-HD-35-INCH-TFT/dt-blob-For-3B-plus.bin sudo mv dt-blob-For-3B-plus.bin dt-blob.bin cat <> config.txt dtparam=spi=off dtparam=i2c_arm=off # Set screen size and any overscan required overscan_left=0 overscan_right=0 overscan_top=0 overscan_bottom=0 framebuffer_width=800 framebuffer_height=480 enable_dpi_lcd=1 display_default_lcd=1 dpi_group=2 dpi_mode=87 dpi_output_format=0x6f015 # set up the size to 800x480 hdmi_timings=480 0 16 16 24 800 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 60 0 32000000 6 #rotate screen display_rotate=3 dtoverlay=i2c-gpio,i2c_gpio_scl=24,i2c_gpio_sda=23 fi EOF init 6 fi fi