#!/bin/bash # get raspiblitz config source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # show select dialog CHOICES=$(dialog --checklist "Activate/Deactivate Services:" 15 40 5 \ 1 "Channel Autopilot" ${autoPilot} \ 2>&1 >/dev/tty) #CHOICES=$(dialog --checklist "Activate/Deactivate Services:" 15 40 5 \ #1 "Channel Autopilot" ${autoPilot} \ #2 "Seed Torrent Blockchain" ${torrentSeeding} \ #3 "RTL Webinterface" ${rtlWebinterface} \ #4 "Electrum Server" ${electrumServer} \ #2>&1 >/dev/tty) dialogcancel=$? clear # check if user canceled dialog if [ ${dialogcancel} -eq 1 ]; then echo "user canceled" exit 1 fi # AUTOPILOT process choice choice="off"; check=$(echo "${CHOICES}" | grep -c "1") if [ ${check} -eq 1 ]; then choice="on"; fi sudo sed -i "s/^autoPilot=.*/autoPilot=${choice}/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # TORRENTSEED process choice #choice="off"; check=$(echo "${CHOICES}" | grep -c "2") #if [ ${check} -eq 1 ]; then choice="on"; fi #sudo sed -i "s/^torrentSeeding=.*/torrentSeeding=${choice}/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # RTLWEBINTERFACE process choice #choice="off"; check=$(echo "${CHOICES}" | grep -c "3") #if [ ${check} -eq 1 ]; then choice="on"; fi #sudo sed -i "s/^rtlWebinterface=.*/rtlWebinterface=${choice}/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # ELECTRUMSERVER process choice #choice="off"; check=$(echo "${CHOICES}" | grep -c "4") #if [ ${check} -eq 1 ]; then choice="on"; fi #sudo sed -i "s/^electrumServer=.*/electrumServer=${choice}/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # confirm reboot to activate new settings with bootstrap.service dialog --backtitle "Rebooting" --yesno "To activate the settings a reboot is needed." 6 52 if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "Starting Reboot .." sudo shutdown -r now else echo "No Reboot - changes stored, but maybe not active." sleep 3 fi