# IMPORTANT: # - Modifications to /boot/dietpi.txt will not be preserved on reboot. # - Please ensure you edit from the DietPi-RAMdisk location: /DietPi/dietpi.txt # NB: This is intended for advanced users, unless you know what you are doing, do not edit this file. Please use the DietPi programs instead. # NB: Do not remove uncommented lines, as the items are scraped by DietPi programs, on demand. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # D I E T - P I # DietPi-Automation settings, applied on the 1st boot of DietPi, ONCE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##### Networking Options ##### # If both Ethernet and Wifi are enabled, Wifi will take priority and Ethernet will be disabled. # 1=enabled AUTO_SETUP_NET_ETHERNET_ENABLED=1 AUTO_SETUP_NET_WIFI_ENABLED=0 # If using WiFi, please edit the following to pre-enter creds /boot/dietpi-wifi.txt # Enter your Static Network details below, if applicable. AUTO_SETUP_NET_USESTATIC=0 AUTO_SETUP_NET_STATIC_IP= AUTO_SETUP_NET_STATIC_MASK= AUTO_SETUP_NET_STATIC_GATEWAY= AUTO_SETUP_NET_STATIC_DNS= # Hostname AUTO_SETUP_NET_HOSTNAME=DietPi # Force ethernet speeds # NB: This is mainly aimed at Pine A64's which may have an HW issue that causes unstable 1Gbit link. # 0=automatic speed | 10 = 10mbit, 100 = 100mbit etc AUTO_SETUP_NET_ETH_FORCE_SPEED=0 ##### Misc Options ##### # Size of swapfile to generate (MB) # 0=Disabled | 1=auto (2GB-RAM = size) | 2+=manual AUTO_SETUP_SWAPFILE_SIZE=1 # Optional swapfile location AUTO_SETUP_SWAPFILE_LOCATION=/var/swap # Unmask (enable) systemd-logind service, which is masked by default on DietPi AUTO_UNMASK_LOGIND=0 ##### Software Automation Options ##### # Fully automate the installation # 1=Automated installation with no user inputs. # It is HIGHLY recommended to also set CONFIG_BOOT_WAIT_FOR_NETWORK=2, to force infinite wait for network connection during boot, preventing no connection errors due to timeout. AUTO_SETUP_AUTOMATED=1 # Global Password to be applied for the system # Requires AUTO_SETUP_AUTOMATED=1 # Affects user "root" and "dietpi" login passwords, and, all software installed by dietpi-software, that requires a password # eg: MySQL, Transmission, Deluge etc. # WARN: Passwords with the any of the following characters are not supported: \"$ # WARN: Do NOT change this entry after 1st run setup of DietPi has been completed. It is always scraped by dietpi-software. AUTO_SETUP_GLOBAL_PASSWORD=dietpi # DietPi-Software to automatically install. | requires AUTO_SETUP_AUTOMATED=1 # For a list of software index's (ID's), run '/DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-software list' # No limit on number entries, add as many as you need and uncomment the line. # DietPi will automatically install all pre-reqs (eg: ALSA/XSERVER for desktops etc) # - Examples: #AUTO_SETUP_INSTALL_SOFTWARE_ID=23 #will install Desktop LXDE #AUTO_SETUP_INSTALL_SOFTWARE_ID=74 #will install LAMP webserver stack #AUTO_SETUP_INSTALL_SOFTWARE_ID=44 #will install Bittorrent transmission # install fail2ban AUTO_SETUP_INSTALL_SOFTWARE_ID=73 # AUTO_SETUP_INSTALL_SOFTWARE_ID=0 # install OpenSSH Client # AUTO_SETUP_INSTALL_SOFTWARE_ID=105 # install OpenSSH Server # DietPi-Software Choice System # SSH Server Selection: # 0=none # -1=dropbear # -2=opensshserver AUTO_SETUP_SSH_SERVER_INDEX=-2 # File Server Selection: # 0=none/manual # -1=proftp # -2=samba AUTO_SETUP_FILE_SERVER_INDEX=0 # Logging Mode Selection: # 0=none/manual # -1=ramlog 1h clear # -2=ramlog 1h save clear # -3=logrotate + rsyslog AUTO_SETUP_LOGGING_INDEX=-1 # RAMlog max tmpfs size (MB). 50MB should be fine for single use. 200MB+ for heavy webserver and access log use etc. AUTO_SETUP_RAMLOG_MAXSIZE=50 # Webserver Preference Selection: # NB: This will get ignored, if you have manually selected any WEBSERVER_Stack. # 0=Apache2 # -1=Nginx # -2=Lighttpd AUTO_SETUP_WEB_SERVER_INDEX=-2 # DietPi-Autostart | Requires AUTO_SETUP_AUTOMATED=1 # After installation is completed, which program should the system boot to? # 0=Console 7=Console+auto root login | 1=Kodi 2=Desktops (LXDE/MATE etc) 5=DietPi-Cloudshell 6=Uae4ARM (Fastboot) 8=Uae4ARM (standard boot) 9=dxx-rebirth AUTO_SETUP_AUTOSTART_TARGET_INDEX=0 # Language/Regional settings | Requires AUTO_SETUP_AUTOMATED=1 # Timezone eg: Europe/London America/New_York | Full list (TZ*): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones AUTO_SETUP_TIMEZONE=Europe/London # Locale eg: en_GB.UTF-8 / en_US.UTF-8 etc. One entry ONLY. AUTO_SETUP_LOCALE=en_GB.UTF-8 # Keyboard Layout eg: gb us de fr AUTO_SETUP_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT=gb # Custom Script (pre-networking and pre-DietPi install) | Runs before DietPi installation and networking # Allows you to automatically execute a custom script before networking and DietPi installation is started # Option 1 = Copy your script to /boot/Automation_Custom_PreScript.sh and it will be executed automatically. # NB: Executed script log /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-automation_custom_prescript.log # Custom Script (post-networking and post-DietPi install) | Runs after DietPi installation is completed # Allows you to automatically execute a custom script at the end of DietPi installation. # Option 1 = Copy your script to /boot/Automation_Custom_Script.sh and it will be executed automatically. # Option 2 = Host your script online, then use AUTO_SETUP_CUSTOM_SCRIPT_EXEC=http://myweb.com/myscript.sh , it will be downloaded and executed automatically. | 0=disabled # NB: Executed script log /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-automation_custom_script.log AUTO_SETUP_CUSTOM_SCRIPT_EXEC=1 #Disable HDMI (and GPU/VPU where supported) output for supported devices: # RPi | Odroid C1 | Odroid C2 AUTO_SETUP_HEADLESS=0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # D I E T - P I # DietPi-Config settings #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Cpu Governor | ondemand | powersave | performance | conservative CONFIG_CPU_GOVERNOR=ondemand CONFIG_CPU_USAGE_THROTTLE_UP=50 #CPU Frequency Limits # NB: Intel CPU's use a percentage value (%) from 0-100 (eg: 55) # NB: All other devices must use a specific MHz value (eg: 1600) # Limit the MAX CPU frequency for all cores | Disabled=disabled CONFIG_CPU_MAX_FREQ=Disabled # Limit the MIN CPU frequency for all cores | Disabled=disabled CONFIG_CPU_MIN_FREQ=Disabled # Disable Intel-based turbo/boost stepping. This flag should not be required, setting <100% MAX frequency should disable Turbo on Intel CPU's. CONFIG_CPU_DISABLE_TURBO=0 #Min value 10000 microseconds (10ms) CONFIG_CPU_ONDEMAND_SAMPLE_RATE=25000 #sampling rate * down factor / 1000 = Milliseconds (40 = 1000ms when sampling rate is 25000) CONFIG_CPU_ONDEMAND_SAMPLE_DOWNFACTOR=80 #Proxy settings | System-wide proxy settings. Use dietpi-config > networking options to apply. # NB: Do not modify, you must use dietpi-config to configure/set options CONFIG_PROXY_ENABLED=0 CONFIG_PROXY_ADDRESS=MyProxyServer.com CONFIG_PROXY_PORT=8080 CONFIG_PROXY_USERNAME= CONFIG_PROXY_PASSWORD= #Delay boot until network is established: 0=disabled | 1=10 second wait max (default) | 2=infinite wait CONFIG_BOOT_WAIT_FOR_NETWORK=2 #DietPi checks for updates (allows dietpi to check for updates on a daily basis and boot using a <1kb file download.) CONFIG_CHECK_DIETPI_UPDATES=1 # Optional: Automatically update DietPi when updates are available. | requires CONFIG_CHECK_DIETPI_UPDATES=1 CONFIG_AUTO_DIETPI_UPDATES=1 #NTPD Update Mode: 0=disabled | 1=boot only | 2=boot + daily | 3=boot + hourly | 4=Daemon + Drift CONFIG_NTP_MODE=2 #WiFi country code. 2 character value (eg GB US DE JP): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 CONFIG_WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE=GB #Serial Console: Set to 0 if you do not require serial console. CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE_ENABLE=1 #Soundcard CONFIG_SOUNDCARD=none #LCD Panel addon # NB: Do not modify, you must use dietpi-config to configure/set options CONFIG_LCDPANEL=none #IPv6 CONFIG_ENABLE_IPV6=1 #Prefer IPv4 with APT and wget, NB: This has no effect if IPv6 is disabled anyway! CONFIG_PREFER_IPV4=1 #APT mirrors which are applied to /etc/apt/sources.list | Values here will also be applied during 1st run setup # Raspbian = https://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianMirrors # Debian = https://www.debian.org/mirror/official#list CONFIG_APT_RASPBIAN_MIRROR=http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian CONFIG_APT_DEBIAN_MIRROR=https://deb.debian.org/debian/ #NTPD mirror, applied to /etc/ntp.conf # For a full list, please see http://www.pool.ntp.org # Please remove the initial integer and full stop from the value (removing 0.). eg: debian.pool.ntp.org CONFIG_NTP_MIRROR=debian.pool.ntp.org #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # D I E T - P I # DietPi-Software settings #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Enter your EmonCMS.org write API key here. It will be applied automatically during EmonPi/Hub installation. # eg: SOFTWARE_EMONHUB_APIKEY=b4dfmk2o203mmxx93a SOFTWARE_EMONHUB_APIKEY= #VNC Server Options SOFTWARE_VNCSERVER_WIDTH=1280 SOFTWARE_VNCSERVER_HEIGHT=720 SOFTWARE_VNCSERVER_DEPTH=16 SOFTWARE_VNCSERVER_DISPLAY_INDEX=1 SOFTWARE_VNCSERVER_SHARE_DESKTOP=0 #Optional username for ownCloud/Nextcloud admin account, the default is 'admin'. Applied during installation. SOFTWARE_OWNCLOUD_NEXTCLOUD_USERNAME=admin #Optional data directory for ownCloud, default is '/mnt/dietpi_userdata/owncloud_data'. Applied during installation. # This option is for advanced users. For full compatibility, please keep this options defaults, and, use dietpi-drive_manager to move the DietPi user data location. SOFTWARE_OWNCLOUD_DATADIR=/mnt/dietpi_userdata/owncloud_data #Optional data directory for Nextcloud, default is '/mnt/dietpi_userdata/nextcloud_data'. Applied during installation. # This option is for advanced users. For full compatibility, please keep this options defaults, and, use dietpi-drive_manager to move the DietPi user data location. SOFTWARE_NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR=/mnt/dietpi_userdata/nextcloud_data #Wifi Hotspot SOFTWARE_WIFI_HOTSPOT_SSID=DietPi-HotSpot # minimum of 8 characters SOFTWARE_WIFI_HOTSPOT_KEY=dietpihotspot SOFTWARE_WIFI_HOTSPOT_CHANNEL=3 #Xorg options # DPI 96(default) 120(+25%) 144(+50%) 168(+75%) 192(+100%) SOFTWARE_XORG_DPI=96 #Chromium Options SOFTWARE_CHROMIUM_RES_X=1280 SOFTWARE_CHROMIUM_RES_Y=720 SOFTWARE_CHROMIUM_AUTOSTART_URL=https://google.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # D I E T - P I # Dev settings #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEV_GITBRANCH=master DEV_GITOWNER=Fourdee #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # D I E T - P I # Settings, automatically added by dietpi-update #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------