#!/bin/bash source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "# small rescue script to to backup or restore LND data" echo "# -> backup all LND data in a tar.gz file for download:" echo "# lnd.rescue.sh backup [?no-download]" echo "# -> upload a LND data tar.gz file to replace LND data:" echo "# lnd.rescue.sh restore" echo "# -> download the LND channel.backup file from SD card:" echo "# lnd.rescue.sh scb-down" echo "# -> upload the LND channel.backup to recover wallet:" echo "# lnd.rescue.sh scb-up" exit 1 fi localip=$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/') mode="$1" if [ ${mode} = "backup" ]; then ################################ # BACKUP ################################ echo "*** LND.RESCUE --> BACKUP" # stop LND echo "Stopping lnd..." sudo systemctl stop lnd sleep 5 echo "OK" echo # zip it sudo tar -zcvf /home/admin/lnd-rescue.tar.gz /mnt/hdd/lnd sudo chown admin:admin /home/admin/lnd-rescue.tar.gz # delete old backups rm /home/admin/lnd-rescue-*.tar.gz 2>/dev/null # name with md5 checksum md5checksum=$(md5sum /home/admin/lnd-rescue.tar.gz | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f1) mv /home/admin/lnd-rescue.tar.gz /home/admin/lnd-rescue-${md5checksum}.tar.gz # stop here in case of 'no-download' option if [ "${2}" == "no-download" ]; then echo "No download of LND data requested." exit 0 fi # offer SCP for download clear echo echo "****************************" echo "* DOWNLOAD THE BACKUP FILE *" echo "****************************" echo echo "RUN THE FOLLOWING COMMAND ON YOUR LAPTOP IN NEW TERMINAL:" echo "scp -r admin@${localip}:/home/admin/lnd-rescue-*.tar.gz ./" echo "" echo "Use password A to authenticate file transfere." echo echo "BEWARE: Your Lightning node is now stopped. So its safe to backup the data and restore it" echo "later on - for example on a fresh RaspiBlitz. But once this Lightning node gets started" echo "again by 'sudo systemctl start lnd' or a reboot its not adviced to restore the backup file" echo "anymore because it cointains outdated channel data and can lead to loss of channel funds." elif [ ${mode} = "restore" ]; then ################################ # RESTORE ################################ echo "# LND.RESCUE --> RESTORE" echo "" # delete old backups rm /home/admin/lnd-rescue-*.tar.gz filename="" while [ ${#filename} -eq 0 ] do countZips=$(sudo ls /home/admin/lnd-rescue-*.tar.gz 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'lnd-rescue') if [ ${countZips} -lt 1 ]; then echo "**************************" echo "* UPLOAD THE BACKUP FILE *" echo "**************************" echo "If you have a lnd-rescue backup file on your laptop you can now" echo "upload it and restore the your latest LND state." echo echo "CAUTION: Dont restore old LND states - risk of loosing funds!" echo echo "To make upload open a new terminal on your laptop," echo "change into the directory where your lnd-rescue file is and" echo "COPY, PASTE AND EXECUTE THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:" echo "scp -r ./lnd-rescue-*.tar.gz admin@${localip}:/home/admin/" echo "" echo "Use password A to authenticate file transfere." echo "PRESS ENTER when upload is done. Enter x & ENTER to cancel." fi if [ ${countZips} -gt 1 ]; then echo "!! WARNING !!" echo "There are multiple lnd-rescue files in directory /home/admin." echo "Make sure you upload only one tar.gz-file and start again." echo echo "PRESS ENTER to continue." read key exit 1 fi if [ ${countZips} -eq 1 ]; then clear echo echo "**************************" echo "* RESTORING BACKUP FILE *" echo "**************************" echo filename=$(sudo ls /home/admin/lnd-rescue-*.tar.gz) echo "OK -> found file to restore: ${filename}" md5checksum=$(md5sum ${filename} | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f1) isCorrect=$(echo ${filename} | grep -c ${md5checksum}) if [ ${isCorrect} -eq 1 ]; then echo "OK -> checksum looks good: ${md5checksum}" else echo "!!! FAIL -> Checksum not correct." echo "Maybe transfere failed? Continue on your own risk!" echo "Recommend to abort and upload again!" fi oldWalletExists=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net/wallet.db 2>/dev/null | grep -c "wallet.db") if [ ${oldWalletExists} -gt 0 ]; then echo echo "WARNING: This will delete/overwrite the LND state/funds of this RaspiBlitz." fi echo echo "PRESS ENTER to start restore. Enter x & ENTER to cancel." fi read key if [ "${key}" == "x" ]; then exit 1 fi done # stop LND echo "Stopping lnd..." sudo systemctl stop lnd sleep 5 echo "OK" echo # clean DIR echo "Cleaning LND data ..." sudo rm -r /mnt/hdd/lnd/* echo "OK" echo # unpack zip echo "Restoring LND data from ${filename} ..." sudo tar -xf ${filename} -C / sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/lnd echo "OK" echo # start LND echo "Starting lnd..." sudo systemctl start lnd echo "OK" echo echo "DONE - please check if LND starts up correctly with restored state and funds." echo "Keep in mind that some channels maybe forced closed in the meanwhile." echo elif [ ${mode} = "scb-down" ]; then echo echo "****************************" echo "* DOWNLOAD THE BACKUP FILE *" echo "****************************" echo echo "RUN THE FOLLOWING COMMAND ON YOUR LAPTOP IN NEW TERMINAL:" echo "scp -r admin@${localip}:/home/admin/.lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net/channel.backup ./" echo "" echo "Use password A to authenticate file transfere." echo echo "NOTE: Use this file when setting up a fresh RaspiBlitz by choosing" echo "option OLD WALLET and then SCB+SEED -> Seed & channel.backup file" echo "Will just recover on-chain & channel-funds, but closing all channels" elif [ ${mode} = "scb-up" ]; then gotFile=-1 while [ ${gotFile} -lt 1 ] do # show info clear sleep 1 echo "**********************************" echo "* UPLOAD THE channel.backup FILE *" echo "**********************************" echo if [ ${gotFile} -eq -1 ]; then echo "If you have the channel.backup file on your laptop or on" echo "another server you can now upload it to the RaspiBlitz." elif [ ${gotFile} -eq 0 ]; then echo "NO channel.backup FOUND IN /home/admin" echo "Please try upload again." fi echo echo "To make upload open a new terminal and change," echo "into the directory where your lnd-rescue file is and" echo "COPY, PASTE AND EXECUTE THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:" echo "scp ./channel.backup admin@${localip}:/home/admin/" echo "" echo "Use password A to authenticate file transfere." echo "PRESS ENTER when upload is done. Enter x & ENTER to cancel." # wait user interaction echo "Please upload file. Press ENTER to try again or (x & ENTER) to cancel." read key if [ "${key}" == "x" ]; then # EXIT with CODE 1 --> USER CANCEL echo "# CANCEL upload" exit 1 fi # test upload gotFile=$(ls /home/admin/channel.backup | grep -c 'channel.backup') done # EXIT with CODE 1 --> FILE UPLOADED echo "# OK channel.backup uploaded" exit 0 else echo "unknown parameter '${mode}' - exit" fi