Working with the ODroid HC1 and this image: Getting started with DietPi: `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` yes> password: `dietpi` `sudo dietpi-update` Ok > Cancel the recovery point Ok > Cancel > Cancel automatic apt update & apt upgrade on first logon and reboots Opt out of survey > Ok > Ok `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ run (can be copies from the terminal output): `ssh-keygen -f "/home/buidl/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "dietpi.IP"` `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` yes > password: `dietpi` Ok > Cancel > Cancel Search `fail2ban` > Space to select > Enter Search `openssh` > Space to select OpenSSH Client > Enter > Install > Ok Opt out of survey > Ok Reboots again if it starts the DietPi-Software GUI again > Exit with CTRL + C run dietpi-update and reinstall fail2ban and openssh after the reboot `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` Should end up here on version v6.20.5 or higher: ![](DietPi/DietPi_v6.20.5.png) now run the SDcard build in this format: wget[GITHUB-USERNAME]/raspiblitz/[BRANCH]/build.sdcard/ && sudo bash [BRANCH] [GITHUB-USERNAME] `wget && sudo bash OdroidHC1Debug openoms` see my output: [sdcard_build_output](DietPi/sdcard_build_output) `ssh admin@[IP-OF-DROIDBLITZ]` password: raspiblitz now the setup continues as described in the RaspiBlitz setup [](