#!/bin/sh echo "" # load network network=`cat .network` # CHECK WHAT IS ALREADY WORKING # check list from top down - so ./10setupBlitz.sh # and re-enters the setup process at the correct spot # in case it got interrupted # check if lightning is running lndRunning=$(systemctl status lnd.service | grep -c running) if [ ${lndRunning} -eq 1 ]; then chain=$(${network}-cli -datadir=/home/${network}/.${network} getblockchaininfo | jq -r '.chain') locked=$(sudo tail -n 1 /mnt/hdd/lnd/logs/${network}/${chain}net/lnd.log | grep -c unlock) lndSyncing=$(sudo -u bitcoin lncli getinfo | jq -r '.synced_to_chain' | grep -c false) if [ ${locked} -gt 0 ]; then # LND wallet is locked ./AAunlockLND.sh ./10setupBlitz.sh elif [ ${lndSyncing} -gt 0 ]; then ./70initLND.sh else ./90finishSetup.sh fi exit 1 fi # check if bitcoin is running bitcoinRunning=$(sudo -u bitcoin ${network}-cli getblockchaininfo | grep -c blocks) if [ ${bitcoinRunning} -eq 1 ]; then echo "OK - ${network}d is running" echo "Next step run Lightning" ./70initLND.sh exit 1 fi # check if HDD is mounted mountOK=$( df | grep -c /mnt/hdd ) if [ ${mountOK} -eq 1 ]; then # are there any signs of blockchain data if [ -d "/mnt/hdd/${network}" ]; then echo "UNKOWN STATE" echo "It seems that something went wrong during sync/download/copy of the blockchain." echo "Maybe try --> ./60finishHDD.sh" exit 1 fi # HDD is empty - ask how to get Blockchain #Bitcoin if [ ${network} = "bitcoin" ]; then echo "Bitcoin Options" menuitem=$(dialog --clear --beep --backtitle "RaspiBlitz" --title "Getting the Blockchain" \ --menu "You need a copy of the Bitcoin Blockchain - you have 3 options:" 13 75 4 \ T "TORRENT --> TESTNET + MAINNET thru Torrent (DEFAULT)" \ D "DOWNLOAD --> TESTNET + MAINNET per FTP (FALLBACK)" \ C "COPY --> TESTNET + MAINNET from another HDD (TRICKY+FAST)" \ S "SYNC --> JUST TESTNET thru Bitoin Network (FALLBACK+SLOW)" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) # Litecoin elif [ ${network} = "litecoin" ]; then echo "Litecoin Options" menuitem=$(dialog --clear --beep --backtitle "RaspiBlitz" --title "Getting the Blockchain" \ --menu "You need a copy of the Litecoin Blockchain - you have 3 options:" 13 75 4 \ T "TORRENT --> MAINNET thru Torrent (DEFAULT)" \ D "DOWNLOAD --> MAINNET per FTP (FALLBACK)" \ C "COPY --> MAINNET from another HDD (TRICKY+FAST)" \ S "SYNC --> MAINNET thru Litecoin Network (FALLBACK+SLOW)" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) # error else echo "FAIL Unkown network(${network})" exit 1 fi clear case $menuitem in T) ./50torrentHDD.sh ;; C) ./50copyHDD.sh ;; S) ./50syncHDD.sh ;; D) ./50downloadHDD.sh ;; esac exit 1 fi # the HDD is not mounted --> very early stage of setup # if the script is called for the first time if [ ! -f "home/admin/.setup" ]; then # run initial user dialog ./20initDialog.sh # set SetupState to 10 echo "20" > /home/admin/.setup # update system echo "" echo "*** Update System ***" sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-bootloader sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -f -y --force-yes echo "OK - System is now up to date" fi # the HDD is already ext4 formated and called blockchain formatExt4OK=$(lsblk -o UUID,NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,LABEL,MODEL | grep BLOCKCHAIN | grep -c ext4) if [ ${formatExt4OK} -eq 1 ]; then echo "HDD was already inited or prepared" echo "Now needs to be mounted" ./40addHDD.sh exit 1 fi # the HDD had no init yet echo "HDD needs init" ./30initHDD.sh exit 1