#!/bin/bash # load network network=`cat .network` # get chain chain="test" isMainChain=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf 2>/dev/null | grep "#testnet=1" -c) if [ ${isMainChain} -gt 0 ];then chain="main" fi # make sure qrcode-encoder in installed clear echo "*** Setup ***" sudo apt-get install qrencode -y # get local IP myip=$(ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p') clear echo "******************************" echo "Connect Shango Mobile Wallet" echo "******************************" echo "" echo "GETTING THE APP" echo "At the moment this app is in public beta testing:" echo "iOS: Read https://testflight.apple.com/join/WwCjFnS8 (open on device)" echo "Android: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.shango (open on device)" echo "" echo "*** STEP 1 ***" echo "Once you have the app is running make sure you are on the same local network (WLAN same as LAN)." echo "Then go to --> 'Connect to your LND Server'" echo "There you see three 3 form fields to fill out. Skip those and go right to the buttons below." echo "" echo "Click on the 'Scan OR' button" echo "Make the this terminal as big as possible - fullscreen would be best." echo "Then PRESS ENTER here in the terminal to generare the QR code and scan it with the app." read key clear echo "*** STEP 2 : SCAN MACAROON (make whole QR code fill camera) ***" echo -e "${myip}:10009,\n$(xxd -p -c2000 ./.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon)," > qr.txt && cat ./.lnd/tls.cert >>qr.txt && qrencode -t ANSIUTF8 < qr.txt echo "(To shrink QR code: OSX->CMD- / LINUX-> CTRL-) Press ENTER when finished." read key clear echo "Now press 'Connect' within the Shango Wallet." echo "If its not working - check issues on GitHub:" echo "https://github.com/neogeno/shango-lightning-wallet/issues" echo ""