# ⚡️ RaspiBlitz-on-DietPi ⚡️ # For the Odroid HC1 / HC2 / XU3 / XU4 ![](pictures/DroidBlitz.jpg) ## There are 3 options provided: * a trusted fully prebuilt SDcard image * building your own SDcard from an updated DietPi image. * Build your own SDcard from the image downloaded from [Dietpi.com](dietpi.com#download) --- ### Download the fully prebuilt RaspiBlitz-on-DietPi SDcard image * [torrent](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/raw/dev/dietpi/RaspiBlitz1.0_OdroidHC1_DietPi6.21.1.torrent) * [mega.nz link](https://mega.nz/#F!EVNAAQiB!ZyLHP2dJMRSVjZOTCQMIYA) sha256sum RaspiBlitz1.0_OdroidHC1_DietPi6.21.1.img: 96ee8700f52a12fb5b13fab3fffcdcf5d364c6dd16c580d969e421cef2cd7cc2 Steps to run: - download the .img file, - burn to a 16 GB SD with [Etcher](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) - extend the rootFS partition with a partition manager (disks, Gparted, etc.) - boot the Odroid with the SDcard - login with `ssh admin@at.your.raspiblitz.ip` password: `raspiblitz` Using this image you can skip the rest of this guide as it is mostly about how this image was built. The setup continues with the [RaspiBlitz Setup Process](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/blob/master/README.md#setup-process-detailed-documentation) --- ### Download the updated DietPi image For the Odroid HC1 / HC2 / XU3 / XU4 a v6.20.6 DietPi image with fail2ban installed is uploaded [here]( https://mega.nz/#!AcdVBAbR!O-W3jP5LUgw7lMY8S9XcBWcKX3IhRNAAFmaYzDXIUC0). sha256sum DietPi_v6.20.6_OdroidXU4-ARMv7-Stretch.img: 1459b91f66b9db98f3437c31231e44497b7b7dcd9146d2cc41a3da653f9a9215 * Burn the image to the SDCard with [Etcher](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) and extend the rootfs partition to the size of your card with a partition manager (disks, Gparted, etc). * Insert the SDcard into the Odroid. * Power up and continue with [running the RaspiBlitz build_sdcard.sh script](#Run-the-RaspiBlitz-build_sdcard.sh-script) --- ### Build your own DietPi image: Watch out this is an ardous process. Updating from a v6.14 DietPi image is causing a bootloop under some circumstances. Will be sorted once the current, >6.2 version is uploaded for the Odroids. * For the Odroid HC1 / HC2 / XU3 / XU4 the start is this image: https://dietpi.com/downloads/images/DietPi_OdroidXU4-ARMv7-Stretch.7z * Burn it to the SD with [Etcher](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) * Insert the SD card, connect the HDD, the network cable and power supply to boot up the Odroid: * In the desktop terminal on Linux / MacOS or Putty on Windows: `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` password: `dietpi` Getting started with DietPi: https://dietpi.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=9#p9 * Ok > Cancel > Cancel automatic apt update & apt upgrade and asks to reboot ![](pictures/dietpi_1st_reboot.png) * Log back in: `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` password: `dietpi` * after the update the ssh keys might change: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ run (can be copied from the terminal output): `ssh-keygen -f "/home/[your-linux-username]/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "dietpi.IP"` `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` yes > password: `dietpi` * At this point if the DietPi OS was not updated from 6.14 it does not manage to save settings going forward. Exit the software installer (press Tab to jump to Exit) ![](pictures/dietpi-software_exit.png) * in the bash prompt run: `dietpi-update` Ok > Cancel the recovery point update > Opt out of survey > Ok Reboots * Log back in: `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` password: `dietpi` * In the DietPi software menu install fail2ban and make OpenSSH server the default SSH server. Ok > Cancel > Cancel Search `fail2ban` > Space to select > Enter SSH server > switch from Dropbear to the OpenSSH-server Install > Ok Opt out of survey > Ok Reboots again * Log back in: `ssh root@[IP-OF-DIETPI]` password: `dietpi` Changing the SSH server will change the SSH keys again. To clear: `ssh-keygen -f "/home/[your-linux-username]/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "dietpi.IP"` ### Run the RaspiBlitz build_sdcard.sh script * Format of the command to build the SDcard: `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/[GITHUB-USERNAME]/raspiblitz/[BRANCH]/build_sdcard.sh && sudo bash build_sdcard.sh [BRANCH] [GITHUB-USERNAME]` If you are working from a forked repo be aware of that the fork needs to be called `raspiblitz` for the git downloads to work. * Example: run from the dev branch @rootzoll: `wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/dev/build_sdcard.sh && sudo bash build_sdcard.sh dev rootzoll` This will take a couple minutes depending on your internet ceonnection and the processing power of the SBC. * Restart when done and log back in now as `admin`: `ssh admin@[IP-OF-DROIDBLITZ]` password: `raspiblitz` * From here he setup continues with the [RaspiBlitz Setup Process](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/blob/master/README.md#setup-process-detailed-documentation) --- ### Examples of copying the blockchain data from a HDD using a powered USB to SATA adapter ![example setup](pictures/HDD_copy_example.jpg) ![](pictures/adapterHDD_HC1.jpg)