#!/bin/bash source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # command info if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "# script to scan the state of the system after setup" exit 1 fi # measure time of scan startTime=$(date +%s) # macke sure temp folder on HDD is available and fro all usable sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd/temp 2>/dev/null sudo chmod 777 -R /mnt/hdd/temp 2>/dev/null # localIP localip=$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/') echo "localIP='${localip}'" # is bitcoind running bitcoinRunning=$(systemctl status ${network}d.service 2>/dev/null | grep -c running) echo "bitcoinActive=${bitcoinRunning}" if [ ${bitcoinRunning} -eq 1 ]; then # get blockchain info blockchaininfo=$(sudo -u bitcoin ${network}-cli -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.${network} getblockchaininfo 2>/mnt/hdd/temp/.bitcoind.error) # check if error on request bitcoinError=$(cat /mnt/hdd/temp/.bitcoind.error 2>/dev/null | tr "'" '"' | tr '"' '\"' ) rm /mnt/hdd/temp/.bitcoind.error 2>/dev/null if [ ${#bitcoinError} -gt 0 ]; then echo "bitcoinError='${bitcoinError}'" else ############################## # Get data from blockchaininfo ############################## # get total number of blocks total=$(echo ${blockchaininfo} | jq -r '.blocks') echo "blockchainHeight=${total}" # is initial sync of blockchain initialSync=$(echo ${blockchaininfo} | jq -r '.initialblockdownload' | grep -c 'true') echo "initialSync=${initialSync}" # get blockchain sync progress syncProgress="$(echo ${blockchaininfo} | jq -r '.verificationprogress')" syncProgress=$(echo $syncProgress | awk '{printf( "%.2f%", 100 * $1)}') echo "syncProgress=${syncProgress}" fi fi # is LND running lndRunning=$(systemctl status lnd.service 2>/dev/null | grep -c running) # TODO: check how long running ... try to find out if problem on starting echo "lndActive=${lndRunning}" if [ ${lndRunning} -eq 1 ]; then # get LND info lndinfo=$(sudo -u bitcoin lncli getinfo 2>/mnt/hdd/temp/.lnd.error) # check if error on request lndError=$(cat /mnt/hdd/temp/.lnd.error 2>/dev/null | tr "'" '"' | tr '"' '\"' ) rm /mnt/hdd/temp/.lnd.error 2>/dev/null if [ ${#lndError} -gt 0 ]; then echo "lndError='${lndError}'" else # synced to chain syncedToChain=$(echo ${lndinfo} | jq -r '.synced_to_chain' | grep -c 'true') echo "syncedToChain=${syncedToChain}" # lnd scan progress scanTimestamp=$(echo ${lndinfo} | jq -r '.best_header_timestamp') echo "scanTimestamp=${scanTimestamp}" scanDate=$(date -d @${scanTimestamp}) echo "scanDate=${scanDate}" # calculate LND scan progress by seconds since Genesisblock genesisTimestamp=1230940800 nowTimestamp=$(date +%s) totalSeconds=$(echo "${nowTimestamp}-${genesisTimestamp}" | bc) scannedSeconds=$(echo "${scanTimestamp}-${genesisTimestamp}" | bc) scanProgress=$(echo "scale=2; $scannedSeconds*100/$totalSeconds" | bc) echo "scanProgress=${scanProgress}" fi fi # check if online if problem with other stuff # info on scan run time endTime=$(date +%s) runTime=$(echo "${endTime}-${startTime}" | bc) echo "scriptRuntime=${runTime}"