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139 lines
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139 lines
4.9 KiB
## get basic info
source /home/admin/
# get local ip
localip=$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/')
# additional prep if this is used to replace corrupted blockchain
if [ "${setupStep}" = "100" ]; then
# warn user
echo "!! Press ENTER to delete the old blockchain .. CTRL+C to CANCEL"
read key
# make sure services are not running
echo "stopping servcies ..."
sudo systemctl stop lnd
sudo systemctl stop bitcoind
# create bitcoin base directory and link with bitcoin user
echo "delete and create new blockchain directory ..."
sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/bitcoin 2>/dev/null
sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin 2>/dev/null
sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
sudo chown bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
sudo ln -s /mnt/hdd/bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
# check setup
echo "checking setup ..."
sudo touch /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/test.txt
createdCorerct=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/test.txt | grep -c 'test.txt')
sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/test.txt
if [ ${createdCorerct} -eq 0 ]; then
sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
echo "FAILED: sudo ln -s /mnt/hdd/bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin"
echo "Press ENTER to get back to menu ..."
read key
exit 1
echo "************************************************************************************"
echo "Instructions to COPY/TRANSFER SYNCED BLOCKCHAIN from another computer"
echo "************************************************************************************"
echo ""
echo "You can use the blockchain from another bitcoin-core client with version greater or equal"
echo "to 0.17.1 with transaction index switched on (txindex=1 in the bitcoin.conf)."
echo ""
echo "Both computers (your RaspberryPi and the other computer with the full blockchain on) need"
echo "to be connected to the same local network."
echo ""
echo "Open a terminal on the source computer and change into the directory that contains the"
echo "blockchain data. You should see directories 'blocks', 'chainstate' & 'indexes'".
echo "Make sure the bitcoin client on that computer is stopped."
echo ""
echo "COPY, PASTE & EXECUTE the following command on the blockchain source computer:"
echo "sudo scp -r ./chainstate ./indexes ./testnet3 ./blocks bitcoin@${localip}:/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin"
echo ""
echo "This command may ask you first about the admin password of the other computer (because sudo)."
echo "Then it will ask for your SSH PASSWORD A from this RaspiBlitz."
echo "It can take multiple hours until transfer is complete - be patient."
echo "************************************************************************************"
echo "PRESS ENTER if transfers is done OR if you want to choose another another option."
sleep 2
read key
# unlink bitcoin user (will created later in setup again)
sudo unlink /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
# make quick check if data is there
count=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/blocks 2>/dev/null | grep -c '.dat')
if [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Found data in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/blocks"
if [ ${count} -lt 3000 ]; then
echo "FAIL: transfere seems invalid - less then 3000 .dat files (${count})"
count=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/chainstate 2>/dev/null | grep -c '.ldb')
if [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Found data in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/chainstate"
if [ ${count} -lt 1400 ]; then
echo "FAIL: transfere seems invalid - less then 1400 .ldb files (${count})"
count=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/indexes/txindex 2>/dev/null | grep -c '.ldb')
if [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Found data in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/indexes/txindex"
if [ ${count} -lt 1500 ]; then
echo "FAIL: less then 1500 .ldb files (${count}) in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/indexes/txindex (transfere seems invalid)"
# just if any data transferred ..
if [ ${anyDataAtAll} -eq 1 ]; then
# data was invalid - ask user to keep?
if [ ${quickCheckOK} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "*********************************************"
echo "There seems to be an invalid transfer."
echo "Wait 5 secs ..."
sleep 5
dialog --title " INVALID TRANSFER - DELETE DATA?" --yesno "Quickcheck shows the data you transferred is invalid/incomplete. This can lead further RaspiBlitz setup to get stuck in error state.\nDo you want to reset/delete data data?" 8 60
echo "response(${response})"
case $response in
1) quickCheckOK=1 ;;
if [ ${quickCheckOK} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Deleting invalid Data ..."
sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
sleep 2
echo "back to menu ..."
# when no data transferred - just delete bitcoin base dir again
sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/bitcoin
sleep 2
if [ ${setupStep} -lt 100 ]; then
# setup script will decide the next logical step