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73 lines
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echo ""
# *** BITCOIN Torrent ***
# *** LITECOIN Torrent ***
# load network
network=`cat .network`
# settings based on network
if [ "$network" = "litecoin" ]; then
sudo apt-get install lftp -y
echo ""
# check if lftp is running in background
pid=$(pgrep lftp | head -n 1)
echo "${pid}"
if [ ${isRunning} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Starting lftp"
sudo mkdir ${targetDir} 2>/dev/null
sudo lftp -c "torrent -O ${targetDir} /home/admin/assets/${torrent}.torrent; bye"
echo "Reattaching lftp (${pid})"
sudo lftp -c "attach ${pid}"
exit 1
# TODO check success by size
# the path the actual data will be in
#echo "path to downloaded data is ${targetPath}"
# calculate progress and write it to file for LCD to read
#finalSize=$( du -s ${targetDir} 2>/dev/null | head -n1 | awk '{print $1;}' )
#if [ ${#finalSize} -eq 0 ]; then
# finalSize=0
#echo "final size is ${finalSize} of targeted size ${targetSize}"
# check result
#if [ ${finalSize} -lt ${targetSize} ]; then
# Download failed
# sleep 3
# echo -ne '\007'
# dialog --title " WARNING " --yesno "The download failed or is not complete. Maybe try again (later). Do you want keep already downloaded data for next try?" 8 57
# response=$?
# case $response in
# 1) sudo rm -rf ${targetDir} ;;
# esac
# ./
# exit 1;
# # Download worked
# echo "*** Moving Files ***"
# sudo mv ${targetDir}${targetPath} /mnt/hdd/${network}
# echo "OK"
# continue setup
# ./