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40 lines
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echo ""
# set raspiblitz config file
# load setup config
source /home/admin/
# load version
source /home/admin/
# show info to user
dialog --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Setup" --title " RaspiBlitz Setup is done :) " --msgbox "
After reboot RaspiBlitz
needs to be unlocked and
sync with the network.
Press OK for a final reboot.
" 10 42
# let migration/init script do the rest
# copy logfile to analyse setup
cp $logFile /home/admin/raspiblitz.setup.log
# set the name of the node
echo "Setting the Name/Alias/Hostname .."
sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/ ${hostname}
# mark setup is done
sudo sed -i "s/^setupStep=.*/setupStep=100/g" /home/admin/
echo "Setup done. Rebooting now."
sudo -u bitcoin ${network}-cli stop
sleep 3
sudo shutdown -r now