const constants = require("./constants"); const assert = require("assert"); const { describe, it } = require("mocha"); const helpers = require("../helpers"); const clients = require("../helpers/clients"); const { network, peer, customPeers, testPhrase, address, addresses, changeAddresses, scriptHashes, scriptHashData, expectedResponses } = constants; /* This ensures the response object resembles the following: { error: false, data: {} | "" } */ const isResponseObject = (response = {}) => { assert.strictEqual(typeof response, "object"); assert("data" in response); assert("error" in response); assert(typeof === "string" || typeof === "object" || typeof === "number") assert.strictEqual(typeof response.error, "boolean"); assert.strictEqual(response.error, false); } /* This test should successfully ping the currently connected electrum server. */ const pingTest = ({ network = "bitcoinTestnet" } = {}) => { it("Should successfully ping server.", async () => { const expectedResponse = { //id: 0.9297508168964492, error: false, method: 'pingServer', data: { jsonrpc: '2.0', result: null, id: 1 }, network }; const pingResponse = await helpers.pingServer(); if (!("error" in pingResponse) || pingResponse.error) console.log("Ping Response:", pingResponse); assert("id" in pingResponse); delete; assert.deepStrictEqual(pingResponse, expectedResponse); }); }; /* This test should successfully connect to a random electrum server. */ const startRandomPeerTest = () => { describe("helpers.start: Connect to random peer.", () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Should return a connect response object.", async () => { response = await helpers.start({ network }); //console.log("Random Peer Start Response:", response); isResponseObject(response); }); it("Should return connected peer info.", () => { assert(Number( > 0); assert.strictEqual(typeof, "string"); assert.deepStrictEqual(, { port: clients.peer[network].port, host: clients.peer[network].host } ) }); it("Peer info should match.", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(, { port: clients.peer[network].port, host: clients.peer[network].host } ) }); pingTest({ network }); }); }; /* This test should successfully disconnect from the current electrum server. */ const disconnectTest = () => { describe("helpers.stop: Disconnect from peer.", () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Should disconnect from specified network peer.", async () => { response = await helpers.stop({ network }); //console.log("Disconnect Response:", disconnectResponse); isResponseObject(response); }); }); } /* This test expects to successfully connect to a custom/pre-specified peer. */ const startCustomPeerTest = () => { describe("helpers.start: Connect to custom/pre-defined peer", () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Return a connect response object.", async () => { response = await helpers.start({ network, customPeers }); //console.log("Custom Peer Start Response:", connectResponse); isResponseObject(response); }); it("Should return connected peer info.", () => { const expectedResponse = { error: false, data: { port: peer.port, host: }, //id: 0.29098913884072286, method: 'connectToPeer', customPeers: [peer], network } assert("id" in response); delete; assert.deepStrictEqual(response, expectedResponse); }); it("Peer info should match.", () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(peer, clients.peer[network]); }); pingTest({ network }); }); } /* This test ensures that getAddressScriptHashBalance returns the balance of a specified address scriptHash. */ const getAddressScriptHashBalanceTest = ({ network = "bitcoinTestnet", scriptHash = "", description = "", expectedResponse = {} } = {}) => { describe(`helpers.getAddressScriptHashBalance: ${description}`, () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Should receive response.", async () => { response = await helpers.getAddressScriptHashBalance({ network, scriptHash }); if (!("error" in response) || response.error) console.log("getAddressScriptHashBalance Response:", response); isResponseObject(response); }); it("Response should match.", async () => { assert("id" in response); delete; assert.deepStrictEqual(response, expectedResponse); }); }); } /* This test ensures that getAddressScriptHashBalances returns the balance of specified address scriptHashes. */ const getAddressScriptHashBalancesTest = ({ network = "bitcoinTestnet", scriptHashes = [], description = "", expectedResponse = {} } = {}) => { describe(`helpers.getAddressScriptHashBalances: ${description}`, () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Should receive response.", async () => { response = await helpers.getAddressScriptHashBalances({ network, scriptHashes: scriptHashData }); if (!("error" in response) || response.error) console.log("getAddressScriptHashBalances Response:", response); isResponseObject(response); }); it("Response should match.", async () => { assert("id" in response); delete; assert.deepStrictEqual(response, expectedResponse); }); }); } /* This test should return an array of peer from the currently connect electrum server. */ const getPeersTest = () => { describe(`helpers.getPeers: Get peers from connected client.`, () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Should receive response.", async () => { response = await helpers.getPeers({ network }); if (!("error" in response) || response.error) console.log("getPeers Response:", response); isResponseObject(response); }); it("Response should successfully return an array of peers.", async () => { assert.strictEqual(response.error, false); assert(Array.isArray(; }); }); } /* This test only ensures that subscribeHeader doesn't fail. It can't determine if onReceive is successfully fired when a new block is found. */ const subscribeHeaderTest = () => { describe(`helpers.subscribeHeader: Subscribe to new blocks.`, () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Should successfully subscribe to headers.", async () => { response = await helpers.subscribeHeader({ network, onReceive: (data) => { console.log("Received a new block!"); console.log(data); } }); if (!("error" in response) || response.error) console.log("subscribeHeader Response:", response); isResponseObject(response) }); }); } /* This test only ensures that subscribeAddress doesn't fail. It can't determine if onReceive is successfully fired when the specified address receives funds. */ const subscribeAddressTest = () => { describe(`helpers.subscribeAddress: Subscribe to address.`, () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Should successfully subscribe to address.", async () => { response = await helpers.subscribeAddress({ scriptHash: address.scriptHash, network, onReceive: (data) => { console.log("Received BTC."); console.log(data); } }); if (!("error" in response) || response.error) console.log("subscribeAddress Response:", response); isResponseObject(response) }); }); } /* This test should return a fee estimate based on blocks willing to wait. */ const getFeeEstimateTest = () => { describe(`helpers.getFeeEstimate: Get fee estimate base on blocks willing to wait.`, () => { let response = { error: true, data: "" }; it("Should return a success response.", async () => { response = await helpers.getFeeEstimate({ blocksWillingToWait: 30, network }); if (!("error" in response) || response.error) console.log("getFeeEstimate Response:", response); isResponseObject(response); }); it("Response should return a number.", () => { assert.strictEqual(typeof, "number") }); }); } describe("electrum-client-helpers", () => { startRandomPeerTest(); disconnectTest(); startCustomPeerTest(); getAddressScriptHashBalanceTest({ network, scriptHash: addresses[network][0].scriptHash, description: "Attempt to get address scripthash balance.", expectedResponse: expectedResponses.getAddressScriptHashBalanceTest }); getAddressScriptHashBalancesTest({ network, scriptHash: scriptHashes, description: "Attempt to get address scripthash balance.", expectedResponse: expectedResponses.getAddressScriptHashBalancesTest }); getPeersTest(); subscribeHeaderTest(); subscribeAddressTest(); getFeeEstimateTest(); });